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Does "must pass through intervening space" give "safe blind" teleport for free?



Hey Steve,


I am running a Dark Champions game where one of my players bought a mega-scale teleport super skill named "I'll be there in 5 mins" based on the super skill from 5th ed. DC.


Now he bought it with -1/4 limitation "Must pass through intervening space" which indeed makes sense. It simulates him being able to get accross the city using cars, bikes, subways, rooftops what have you. Now I was wondering because he can't perceive his actual destination he is actually making a teleport that is unsafe. Does he need to buy the advantage +1/4 "safe blind teleport"? Or does he get a "safe" teleport because of the special effect of his teleport power?


Now he is not actually teleporting so he wouldn't materialise into anything like a more traditional teleport but I could rule that without the advantage he could hurt himself getting accross town. Racing accross town in 5 mins is pretty dangerous.





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Re: Does "must pass through intervening space" give "safe blind" teleport for free?


Good question!


The Limitation Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-¼) does not grant a character the Advantage Safe Blind Teleport (+¼) “for free.” All standard rules apply to such forms of Teleportation, and if a character wants to have Safe Blind Teleport for it he has to pay for it (or any other Advantage) just like usual. As you observe, it’s easy to think of a “special effect” for how someone might hurt himself moving through the intervening space — he could run into something, trip and fall, or what have you. ;)

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