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The fractured mind of the Chessman


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This is a multiform character with a summons, so 5 character sheets. Oddly enough, the man behind all of this isn't among them, instead he remains insane and babbling on the ever expanding chessboard in his mind.



Peter inherited a goodly sum of money from his parents, had managed to pay off his student loans, gotten married, and had two daughters. Peter had it made – or so he thought - he was in fact severely disconnected from reality. He had far less in common with his wife then he realized until he discovered his wife’s drug use and membership in a witch’s coven. The recreational use of pot was no great leap for him to accept, but she used hallucinogens with some rituals. The faith was a far greater shock – they had both been agnostic when they married, and now she was fully involved with a religion he knew nothing about. In truth, she had always been a witch and used drugs, she'd just hidden these from him so he would marry her. She had wanted him for his money.

Attempting to salvage the relationship, being completely unaware of her true position, he offered to try witchcraft and see if he could adapt, develop faith, or at least learn to respect it. She accepted – she needed time for the lawyers to arrange for a divorce, so she introduced him to the circle and began the invocation. Out of spiteful humor, his wife slipped him several tabs of acid in order to make him see ‘magic’. He did see things that no one else could, his mind opened to a higher existence for the first time, driving him mad and letting true magic flood the circle.

The coven was shocked, horrified, and mystified. The event changed them – now their magic wasn’t just spiritual, but physical too. Peter was taken to an asylum, his mind blown, his personality fractured. No divorce needed, his wife filtered the money out of the accounts and gained full custody of their daughters. She had won – she had everything and he was gone. Her connection to her husband had focused on her more then the others, making her the most powerful witch, and now coven leader. After a few years, though, the magic started to fade away.

Desperate to regain her power, she got her husband out of the asylum and tried duplicating the earlier circle, including more acid. Just like last time, magic flooded the circle, but Peter fractured personality solidified, changing him into what would become the chessman. The others were flooded with power again, but surge after surge left the group dangerously manic. The shrieked, danced, shattered windows, and burned the rug; the ecstatic celebration demolished the house. Peter fled with his daughters just before the police arrived. A combination of the drugs and violence got the whole coven arrested. The tables turned, Peter was unaware that his wife had betrayed him. He bailed her out, she bailed out the coven, and they gathered at the house.

Peter was still himself – partially. He had all of his memories, but he compartmentalized himself into 5 separate personas, the four chess pieces, with the real Peter locked away. Not realizing that the witches had no power before he attended, he was confused by their response to his refusal to join. His wife offered to act as a real wife, that she was capable of loving him now, and that she would share the stolen wealth. What she didn’t realize was that Peter hadn’t known these things, and instead of enticing him to stay, made him feel betrayed. He filed for the divorce instead of her. With his wife’s recent arrest, he lucked out and got custody of his daughters.

Over the following year, the coven consolidated its power and hounded Peter, trying to force him to at least attend the circle. Emboldened by their new found powers, they began committing crimes to increase their resources, only to get caught by the Crusaders and jailed once again. Peter’s personalities continued to separate, evolving into completely different forms. In half a year more, he had evolved into the chessmen. This high level of strangeness in the house, confusion as to his identity(s), and from the efforts of the witches, he lost custody of his daughters – they were placed in a foster home, away from both parents. Peter’s life was a mess.

The Chessman’s psych forged a central link, leaving each persona as a separate entity, with Peter being the subconscious that joins them together. Shortly thereafter, the Chessmen began to act as super heroes, hoping that heroic service would regain him his daughters. Child service’s bureaucracy instead decided that a hero’s life is dangerous, and instead of custody, he merely gained visitation rights. Even offering to quit heroic service, the decision had been made. With little choice, the Chessman has made sure to stay in their lives – and makes sure his wife didn’t gain access to them.


What’s in my head?

Peter visualizes himself arranging tiles on an infinite chessboard, with the current form’s analog adjacent to him. He speaks to that piece, though the chess piece only hears his voice in the back of their mind. The pieces see Peter, but are unable to directly talk to him. They perceive him as a gibbering madman that they are glad to see trapped. They hope he regains his sanity, and rejoins them, but Peter is worse now then when he was sent to the asylum. While all the same creature, the pieces have a hard time considering each other as anything less then individuals who are the caretakers of their creator/father. Telepaths tend to find Peter confusing, at best. Peter’s soul is fractured and his recovery is unlikely.


His enemies

The wife & coven hunted mixes family problems with the occult. They hope to brainwash or enslave him, as he is the catalyst that bestowed their powers. They have an easy time tracking him as he shares a resonance with them, allowing the attacks to be done at will. They suffer that same limitation with him; he can track them just as easily. The attacks have succeeded in far more property damage then they have gotten to achieve their goals. Currently they have a cold war, with occasional melees.

The Black Circle is straight forward – their whole goal is to consolidate their powers and eliminate or suborn magical competition. Both the Chessman and the coven represent possible challenges, so they are both subject to scrutiny and occasional attacks. Their attacks are oblique enough that neither is sure who or why they are attacked – the attackers are almost always summoned or mercenary forces.


His daughters

They live with the Jamisons, a foster family with 2 children of their own. While he is desperate to regain custody of them, the Rook has pointed out (to all of his form’s annoyance), that the family is far more stable for his daughters then what he could provide. Given his limited time, he lets nothing get in the way of the hours he does get. The daughters are almost as screwed up as Peter is – their father is 5 people, his mom is a witch, and now she lives with strangers. Therapy lies in their uncertain future.


His life

The Chessmen live in their home, dividing their time with the body based on a time schedule that the Pawns wrote up. Events outside of the daily norm throw that list out the window. Peter has regained the bulk of the money his wife filtered away, but the pawns have divided it up and placed it into various bank accounts, CDs, and lumps of cash, and refuse to tell the Chessmen where. They provide a weekly budget with the interest. In response, the King will send them out to work to generate extra funds. The Chessmen themselves will work short term jobs to help with money. Rook works construction, the King acts in plays (not generating a dime, but it is HIS contribution. The Bishop has worked the racing scene, while the Knight works for charities (like the King, generating nothing). In addition, all four chessmen spend a few hours each day as a hero. The King listens to the police radio while sitting in the kitchen, while Bishop and the Knight patrol on foot. The Rook drives through bad neighborhoods with the police radio on.

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Re: The fractured mind of the Chessman


Ah, but there is a queen, his ex-wife! She is one of his hunteds. She needs/hates him. She is trying to force him back into the coven to pump new life into it. Each time he participates in a circle, they gain more power - but he wants nothing to do with them.

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