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Re: Spartans


Airbrushed abs and a big shield?




  • Teamwork. Heart of the Spartan training was each man protected the one to his left.
  • Tactics.
  • Discipline & training, I think that would be a bonus to EGO rolls.
  • Defenses stronger on the front (facing the enemy) than on the back (any Spartan who turned his back on the enemy deserved to die). This of course creates a vulnerability to backstabbing and treachery.

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Re: Spartans


I would give them a Spartan Combat Training martial art. It would be useable with the spear, sword and shield (spear as default, Sword and shield as +1 weapon elements each). It would include several offensive moves (a Thrust, a Jab and a heavy slash) It would include a Shove maneuver (to remove enemies who press against the Spartan's shield) A Root maneuver (to prevent enemies from pushing against the Spartan to break their formation) and both Martial Block and Defensive Block, but no Martial Dodge. Martial Disarm and Bind could be optional maneuvers for the art as well.


Skills would include Two Weapon Fighting to facilitate using the Spear and Shield or Sword and Shield in tandem offensively. Teamwork skill to represent the Spartan's ability to coordinate their actions and enhanced fighting ability while fighting in formation. Tactics to help facilitate formation fighting. Intimidation for group battle-cry's used to break the enemy's concentration and composure.


Combat Skill Levels would mostly apply to their martial art, but I would also apply individual CSL's for their favored weapon and most especially for use of the Shield.


Talents would include stuff like a Shield Wall which would be bonus Combat Skill Levels that apply to DCV which requires a Teamwork roll and requires multiple comrades to activate (overlapping shields...this one is also an "Optional Maneuver" found in Fantasy Hero...it makes sense to use for Spartan type characters)

Turtle Maneuver where multiple Spartans link their shields together to resist large or heavy assaults like charging horses, or boulders thrown down from ramparts etc (built as a Force Wall. The more Spartans involved, the bigger the Force Wall can be)

Flank Attack: where the character can strike at an enemy that attacks an adjecent comrade automatically with bonuese to OCV (+CSL's to OCV and a Naked Trigger Advantage)


Stuff like that.

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Re: Spartans


That's what I thought but even then you have to go, Graphic Novel or Movie. Either way you are talking about a field of guys all at the Captain America/Batman level of Physicality, so 175, may not be enough points, heh. 175 seems more Historic. That being the case as we all know there are a LOT of differences 'tween the source material then.



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Re: Spartans


Couple of things,


1) Thank you for all the replies! I really do appreciate all the help in making a char like this!


2) Love some of the resources! Appreciate those too!


3) Lots of good ideas for my char to build with the GM. Appreciate all the help in making this!

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