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susceptability complications and autofire

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So I have a robot hero in my game who is really tough, but susceptible to EMP strikes as they do 3D6 damage for instant duration.(He's a nanobot colony and EMP really screws over his systems) He has takes no stun, so I assume the 3D6 is killing damage, right?


Also, If someone were to use, say, an EMP blaster and hit him several times with autofire 3, would he take the 3D6 for each blast, or just 3D6 for that segment.

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Re: susceptability complications and autofire


Damage from a Susceptibility is STUN.


An EMP blaster would be a specialized weapon, but it is still an attack. Susceptibility is normally things that don't affect the majority (Superman and kryptonite).


What you would be looking at is a Vulnerability towards EMP attacks.

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Re: susceptability complications and autofire


Multiple things:

1. I would advise against a hero with "No Stun". Sure he is a robot, but a rather advanced one. Sufficiently advanced robots can be stunned by a attack, the source material says so. Having him unstunable means the foes always have to threathen his allies/innocents life to get him to surrender. Or kill him and hope he has Resurrection Regeneration.

It's easier to find a special effect reason for "being stunned" for a nanotech robot, than having to deal with a hero that can't be stunned. Also it is propably cheaper (thanks to the trippling of defenses cost for "no Stun Power").


I had some ideas about a similar character called "Schlock" from the Schlock-Mecenary. He is a "Carbosilicat Armoph":

Bullets and most attacks go through him (Resistant Defenses; propably extra defenses only vs. body).

But high energy weapons like Plasma can actually destory material. Once a plasma grenade almost killed him. (no Impenetrable defenses, or one level less than plasma)

The same for really heavy weapons like ship guns (they propably just deal a LOT of damage).

But most attacks powerfull enough to take him out (non-permanently) just scatter his material:

(defense system with explosive ammunition)http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2000-09-24

(a really big firehose)http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2011-03-19

(impact after a really long fall in high gravity vacuum) http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2012-04-12

Wich is simply the point where he took more damage from Stun than his defenses could handle and is now in "deep stun". Helping him to recover is done by putting his peices back togehter.


2. I overall agree that Vulnerability is the better option.

But: Once the Stun reaches 0, a Suceptibility deals Body. Also a succeptibiltiy can be defined as dealing body.

You can be succeptible to an Instant effect (instead of Vulnerable). You don't recive any value for the time increment and you take the effect every hit.

A succeptibility can do other stuff than Stun. You can replace any 1d6 STUN with 10 AP worth of attack power.


3. Vulnerability has new options in the APG I:

Instead of dealing increased stun, the character suffer an additional attack (without defenses). The AP of that additional are either equal to half (x1.5 succeptibility) or the full AP (x2 succeptibility) of the attack.

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Re: susceptability complications and autofire


Oh that's a lot of options. I haven't gotten to try out takes no stun in a play environment' date=' I didn't know how broken it is.[/quote']

It isn't broken:

You have to pay 60 Points for the "not loosing powers" variant.

You have to pay tripple for defenses, DCV and some other stuff (and the same defenses times 3 are valued against campaing limits).


It can jsut be really anoying to have a hero you cannot stun :)

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Re: susceptability complications and autofire


The problem with Takes no Stun for a PC is that the only way to take out that character is by BOD damage. If your game runs on 20 - 25 defenses, this character should have 7 or 8 defenses. A 12DC attack will do 4 or 5 BOD (6 or 7 for a KA) on each hit. Unless the character can regenerate from death, the only way to take it down is to permanently kill the character. Either he's hale and hearty, and fully combat-ready, or he's dead. This binary aspect warrants careful consideration to ensure the character is playable.


There are source material examples. Robotman from the Doom Patrol had a human brain, but was basically not stunnable. But he could be ripped apart (which I view as the 45 point Takes no Stun), so he could be left effectively defeated - unable to contribute to combat or do anything effective because he had no parts left to act with. He could be defeated without being dead.


For a standard automaton, this is no big deal. Undead or robot down, summon/build another. PC's are another matter entirely.

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