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A Trio of Mermaids


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Just What it Says on the Tin. Three mermaids, two individuals, and one a racial description. The two individuals are variations on the same central idea (i.e. having divine or semi-divine parentage) but can easily be modified into something more 'mundane'.

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[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage [1]
16	DEX	12	12-
18	CON	8	13-
14	INT	4	12-	PER Roll 12-
19	EGO	9	13-
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6

5	OCV	10
5	DCV	10
3	OMCV	0
7	DMCV	12
3	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12

5+3	PD	3		Total:  5/8 PD (0/3 rPD)
5+3	ED	3		Total:  5/8 ED (0/3 rED)
7	REC	3
36	END	4
10	BODY	0
28	STUN	4		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  107

Movement:[/b]	Running:	0m 
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	12m/24m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
32	[b]Fist Of Lake Water:[/b]  Blast 8d6; Limited Range (30m; -¼), END 4
20	[b]Control The Lake's Waters:[/b]  Change Environment (create/stop 
flooding) (-24m of any mode of Running), Area Of Effect (4m 
Radius; +¼), Varying Effect cause or stem flooding (+¼), Reduced 
Endurance (½ END; +¼), MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1); Extra Time 
(20 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1 ¼), Concentration (throughout; 
0 DCV; -1), END 3
44	[b]Create Storms And Control Rain:[/b]  Change Environment (alter the 
weather) (+/-4 Temperature Level Adjustment, Long-Lasting (weather 
patterns return to normal as per usual once Dalita stops affecting it; 1 
Hour or more), Varying Combat Effects), Reduced Endurance 
(½ END; +¼), Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +½), MegaScale (1m = 
1 km; +1), Varying Effect (create or cancel any type of weather; +1); 
Extra Time (20 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1 ¼), Concentration 
(throughout; 0 DCV; -1), No Range (-½), END 7
36	[b]Gust Of Wind:[/b]  Telekinesis (30 STR); Affects Whole Object (-¼), END 4

27	[b]Harnessing The Lake's Water:[/b]  Multipower, 40-point reserve, all slots 
Costs END To Maintain (Full END Cost; -½)
2f	1)  [b]Friendly Lake Water:[/b]  Boost  Swimming 6d6; Costs END To 
Maintain (Full END Cost; -½), END 4
1f	2)  [b]Unfriendly Lake Water:[/b]  Suppress Swimming 4d6; Costs END To 
Maintain (Full END Cost; -½), END 1

2	[b]Large Size:[/b]  Knockback Resistance -2m
3	[b]Divine Resistance:[/b]  Power Defense (3 points)
5	[b]Scaled Lower Body:[/b]  Resistant Protection (3 PD/3 ED); Requires A Roll 
(10- roll; or Hit Locations 13-18; -¾)
-12	[b]Fish's Tail:[/b]  -12m Running (0m Total)
4	[b]Fish's Tail:[/b]  Swimming +8m (12m total), END 1
5	[b]Dragon's Eyes:[/b]  Nightvision
5	[b]Dragon's Eyes:[/b]  UV Perception (Sight Group)
5	[b]Breathes Air And Water:[/b]  LS  (Expanded Breathing: Breathe Oxygen)
3	[b]Daughter Of A River Spirit:[/b]  LS  (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense 
8	[b]Semi-Divine Lifespan:[/b]  LS  (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; 
Longevity: 800 Years)

1	Fringe Benefit:  Member Of The Divine Court (albeit a minor one)
2	Positive Reputation:  immortal (demi)-goddess of Lake Shavarsh (local 
village and surrounds) 14-, +2/+2d6

3	[b]Divine Heritage:[/b]  +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)
20	[b]Gift Of Tongues:[/b]  Universal Translator 12-

5	AK: Lake Shavarsh 14-
3	Charm 13-
2	Concealment 12-; Self Only (-½)
3	Conversation 13-
3	High Society 13-
2	KS: Dragons And Their Ways  11-
5	KS: Lake Shavarsh 14-
4	KS: The River Spirit World 13-
3	Persuasion 13-
3	Shadowing 12-
3	Stealth 12-
2	Survival (Marine) 12-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  255
Total Cost:  361

175+	Matching Complications (50)[/b]
15	Enraged:  if her lake is desecrated, polluted, or otherwise adversely 
affected (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 14-
10	Negative Reputation:  vengeful spirit of Lake Shavarsh, Frequently
0	Physical Complication:  Human Size
15	Psychological Complication:  Protective Of Lake Shavarsh (Common; 
10	Psychological Complication:  Somewhat Lonely (wouldn't mind 
someone to talk to) (Common; Moderate)

[b]Total Complications Points:  50
Experience Points:  186[/b]


Background/History: To the people of Osan, Lake Shavarash is a place to be avoided if at all possible. If asked, a villager will tell an inquisitive visitor that within the lake dwells an immortal goddess, who has lived there for years beyond counting. Capable of calling up floods and storms if angry, the people of Osan offer periodic sacrifices to the spirit of Shavarash, hoping to keep her happy and placated, so they may live their lives in peace.


In truth, the resident of Shavarash isn’t exactly a goddess, but actually the daughter of a river spirit and a dragon. Known as Dalita, she’s a (very) minor member of the celestial courts, and due to her semi-divine heritage has lived in Shavarash for several hundred years; long enough to become a permanent fixture in the religious observations of the people of Osan. Content to swim in the clear waters of Lake Shavarash, Dalita doesn’t mind if people fish in or draw water from her lake, but draws the line at bodies, offal, or other garbage being dumped into her home. Offerings, on the other hand, she tolerates, but finds little use for most of the items the people of Osan give her. Still, she’s willing to live in peace with her neighbors, provided they remember whose lake they live near and honor her appropriately.


Personality/Motivation: As the daughter of a dragon and a river spirit, with a life-span measured in centuries, Dalita has seen quite a bit in her time. As her needs are simple, she isn’t much for luxuries and the like, and would rather look after the extensive population of koi inhabiting her lake than answer requests for miracles or deal with intruders. That said, Dalita wouldn’t mind if someone spoke to her once and a while, rather than kowtowing before her and offering up prayers. Life in the lake can get rather lonely, and the koi, while colorful, aren’t much for conversation. Of course, she does get visits from other river spirits and even dragons, but the former are often just passing through, and the latter tend to be more interested in seduction than anything else. On the other hand, considering her home, Dalita doesn't have much to talk about, unless you're interested in the lives of fish, frogs, and birds. Then again, she does know a smattering about the goings on in the Celestial Courts as well as the ways of dragons and river spirits.


Quote: “Tell me, why are you out on my lake in the middle of the night? Answer quickly and honestly if you wish to return to shore.”


Powers/Tactics: Her parentage gives Dalita command of both the air and water. This allows her to summon up storms if so inclined, and a common request from the people of Osan is to either ask for rain (if it’s been dry) or good weather if it’s been excessively wet. She can also command and control the waters of Lake Shavarash itself, with abilities ranging from stilling the waters so swimmers can move with ease, to causing the lake’s surface to rise, flooding the local countryside.


Appearance: Dalita is a mermaid, with a properly-proportioned human upper body and the lower body of a great koi, measuring a full 9’ in length. As is fitting for the daughter of a river spirit, her human half is almost perfectly proportioned, with exceedingly long black hair (Dalita would probably be quite grateful to anyone who could cut and dress her hair). Her dragonish parentage is obvious from her green eyes (with vertical pupils), the golden cast to her skin, and the orange and white scales of her fish’s tail.


Designer's Notes: The artwork for Dalita is titled Koi Mermaid, by Jill Johansen. Although koi are Japanese, I’ll admit to taking a more Chinese theme with Dalita’s origins, in which the mating of a kioh-lung (in human form) and a river shên (spirit) works perfectly. She fits perfectly into any Fantasy Hero setting featuring mermaids and the like. You could even drop her semi-divine heritage and simply make her a powerful mer-folk sorceress. You could also make her a villain of sorts, holding the village of Osan hostage, threatening floods and storms if not given offerings (which could range from riches, to food, to handsome young men). To make Dalita more/less powerful, simply increase/reduce the Active Points used to create water and wind control powers.


(Character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)



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[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
12	STR	2	11-	Lift 132kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [1]
13	DEX	6	12-
13	CON	3	12-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-/15-
10	EGO	0	11-
13	PRE	3	12-	PRE Attack:  2 ½d6

4	OCV	5	
4	DCV	5	
3	OMCV	0	
3	DMCV	0	
3	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12

6	PD	2		Total:  6 PD (2 rPD)
5	ED	1		Total:  5 ED (2 rED)
6	REC	2
26	END	2
10	BODY	0
26	STUN	3		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  44

Movement:[/b]	Running:	0m 
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	14m/28m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
5	[b]Teeth Are Sharper Than They Look:[/b]  HKA 1 point (1d6 w/STR), END 1
4	[b]Sharp Claws:[/b]  HKA 1 point (1d6 w/STR); Reduced 
Penetration (-¼), END 1
5	[b]Gills and Lungs:[/b]  LS  (Expanded Breathing: Breathe Oxygen)
3	[b]Aquatic Body:[/b]  LS  (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold)
6	[b]Shark Skin:[/b]  +2 PD, Resistant (+½) plus +2 ED, Resistant (+½)
5	[b]Aquatic Body:[/b]  Swimming +10m (14m total), END 1
-12	[b]Shark-Like Tail:[/b]  -12m Running (0m Total)
2	[b]Large Ears:[/b]  +2 PER with Normal Hearing
4	[b]Excellent Sense Of Smell:[/b]  +2 PER with Smell/Taste Group
5	[b]Aquatic Eyes:[/b]  Nightvision
5	[b]Aquatic Eyes:[/b]  UV Perception (Sight Group)

8	+1 with HTH Combat
2	+1 with Grab

3	Concealment 11-
1	Survival (Marine Underwater) 11-
3	Tactics 11-
3	Teamwork 12-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  53
Total Cost:  96

175+	Matching Complications (50)[/b]
10	Negative Reputation:  eaters of men (especially those swept overboard 
and/or drowned), Frequently (Extreme;  Known Only To A Small Group 
0	Physical Complication: Human Size

[b]Total Complications Points:  50
Experience Points:  0[/b]


Ecology: The hyu-pyra are a race of mer-folk common to tropical seas. They prefer to dwell amid coral reefs and the like, near areas of sandy-bottomed shallow water, where the hyu-pyra can find an assortment of foodstuffs. Almost pure carnivores, these mer-folk pursue a hunter-gather existence, subsisting off of fish, crustaceans, shellfish, and the like.


Personality/Motivation: Normal sentient humanoid motivations. Due to their rather shark-like appearance (as opposed to more human-looking mer-folk), some sailors state the hyu-pyra devour anyone unlucky enough to fall overboard, and/or lure men into the water for a fatal embrace. Other mer-folk tend to find the hyu-pyra a touch off-putting, seeing as they’re slightly more “savage” than the typical merman society.


Powers/Tactics: Hyu-Pyra use use the full range of tactics available to sentient humanoids, limited by their underwater existence. As a rule, the hyu-pyra don’t use weapons, but prefer to rely on their sharp teeth and claws. When hunting or in combat, they often attack from ambush, engaging in hit-and-run attacks designed to wear a foe down. When dealing with large prey, hyu-pyra will normally attack as a group, slashing at exposed or vulnerable areas and then hanging back, waiting for blood loss to do the job for them.


Appearance: The typical hyu-pyra is around seven feet in length, although some are known to get around nine feet long (and a few reach eleven). The upper body is fairly humanoid in appearance, while the lower body (from the hips on down) is that for a shark. Unlike most mer-folk, there isn’t an obvious break between the human and fish halves of the body—a hyu-pyra’s entire body is covered with finely-grained sharkskin (for example), along with fin-like ears, five gill slits along the ribs, a dorsal fin in the center of the back, and several more fins along the tail. Coloration tends to be shark-like as well, with dark gray or tan dorsal surfaces and a cream-colored ventral, along with dark (usually black) tips to the fins and ears. The hyu-pyra’s hair is usually of a contrasting shade, such as white, silver, gold, or black.


Designer's Notes: This character sheet represents a typical competent hyu-pyra the PCs might encounter in a situation where you (as GM) might need a character sheet (i.e., combat or the like). You can customize the character sheet by applying any number of character and creature Templates found in Fantasy Hero and/or the Hero System Bestiary (such as Chieftain or Fighter). Lesser hyu-pyra—tradesmen, the young, most females, the elderly—should have slightly lower Characteristics, different Skills, and so forth.


(Character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)



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Jin Zhu




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
25	STR	15	14-	Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH Damage [2]
16	DEX	12	12-
20	CON	10	13-
23	INT	13	14-	PER Roll 14-
21	EGO	11	13-
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6

5	OCV	10
5	DCV	10
7	OMCV	12
7	DMCV	12
4	SPD	20		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

8+6	PD	3		Total:  8/14 PD (3/9 rPD)
7+6	ED	2		Total:  7/13 ED (3/9 rED)
8	REC	4
40	END	4
16	BODY	6
40	STUN	10		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  164

Movement:[/b]	Running:  0m 
Leaping:  4m/8m
Swimming:  24m/48m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
32	[b]Scrying Pool:[/b]  Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), Mobile 
Perception Point (can move up to 48m per Phase), Reduced Endurance 
(½ END; +¼), MegaScale (1m = 10,000 km; +2); OIF Immobile (any 
calm tide pool of opportunity; -1 ½), Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 ½), 
Incantations (-¼), Gestures (-¼), END 6
13	[b]Visions Of The Future:[/b]  Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group), 
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Precognition Only (-1), Only 
Through Dreams (-1), No Range (-½), Time Modifiers (-½), Vague and 
Unclear (-½)
8	[b]Oracle:[/b]  Detect Plot 24- (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Increased 
Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Telescopic:  +24; Extra Time 
(5 Minutes, Character May Take No Other Actions, -2 ¼), 
Concentration (throughout; 0 DCV; Jin Zhu is totally unaware of 
nearby events; -1 ½), Instant (-½), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END 
to Activate; -¼), END 5
8	[b]Divine Resistance:[/b]  +3 PD, Resistant (+½) plus +3 ED, Resistant (+½)
60	[b]Demigoddess:[/b]  Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% [b]plus[/b] 
Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%
10	[b]Scaled Lower Body:[/b]  Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED); Requires A Roll 
(10- roll; Hit Locations 13-18; -¾)
6	[b]Heavy:[/b]  Knockback Resistance -6m
10	[b]Divine Resistance:[/b]  Power Defense (10 points)
8	[b]Divine Ichor:[/b]  Regeneration (1 BODY per Hour)
-12	[b]Fish-Like Tail:[/b]  -12m Running (0m Total)
10	[b]Fish's Tail:[/b]  Swimming +20m (24m total), END 1
28	[b]Divine Awareness:[/b]  Infrared Perception (Sight Group) plus Ultraviolet 
Perception (Sight Group) plus +6 versus Range Modifier for Hearing 
Group and Sight Group
5	[b]Can See In The Dark:[/b]  Nightvision
13	[b]Daughter Of The Ocean God:[/b]  LS  (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; 
Longevity: Immortal; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold)
5	[b]Breathes Air And Water:[/b]  LS  (Expanded Breathing: Breathe 
4	[b]Long Tail:[/b]  Stretching 5m, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); No 
Noncombat Stretching (-¼), Limited Body Part (tail only; -¼), No 
Velocity Damage (-¼)

5	Fringe Benefit:  Demi-Goddess
10	[b]Accumulated Offerings:[/b]  Money:  Wealthy

37	[b]Seeress:[/b]  Danger Sense (general area, any danger, Function as a 
Sense) 14-
5	Eidetic Memory
9	[b]Divine Parentage:[/b]  +3/+3d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)
20	[b]Gift Of Tongues:[/b]  Universal Translator 14-

7	AK: The Caverns Of Xue 18-
3	Acting 13-
2	Animal Handler (Aquatic Animals) 13-
3	Charm 13-
3	Concealment 14-
3	Conversation 13-
3	Deduction 14-
3	High Society 13-
3	Interrogation 13-
3	Oratory 13-
3	Paramedics 14-
3	Persuasion 13-
3	Inherent Magical Skill:  Power 13-
3	Shadowing 14-
3	Stealth 12-
2	Survival (Marine) 14-
3	Trading 13-
2	WF:  Common Melee Weapons
3	Scholar
4	1)  KS: Arcane And Occult Lore 16-
4	2)  KS: Flora And Fauna 16-
4	3)  KS: History Of The World 16-
4	4)  KS: Legends And Associated Lore 16-
4	5)  KS: The Gods And Their Lore 16-
4	6)  KS: The Mystic World 16-
6	7)  KS: What's Going On In The World 18-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  384
Total Cost:  548

175+	Matching Complications (50)[/b]
20	Distinctive Features:  Divine Heritage And Mien (Not Concealable; 
Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-
Used Senses)
10	Physical Complication:  Large (roughly 6m long, +2 OCV for others to 
hit, +2 to PER Rolls for others to perceive) (Infrequently; Slightly 
10	Psychological Complication:  Enjoys Visitors (Common; Moderate)
20	Psychological Complication:  Semi-Obsessive Voyeur (Very Common; 

[b]Total Complications Points:  50
Experience Points:  373[/b]


Background/History: It is a well-known fact that Xiá Hai, the God of the Sea, has never taken a wife. However, he has had innumerable mistresses, most of which he’s selected from the myriads of nymphs who dwell amid the waves and sea foam. And, of course, innumerable mistresses mean innumerable children (as well as a few monsters), most of whom dwell either in the sea itself or very close to it.


Jin Zhu is one of these aforementioned progeny, whose mother is a sea nymph. Born when the world was still young, Jin Zhu inherited her mother’s gift for magic, along with a small measure of her father’s divine power. This resulted in her demonstrating the gift of foresight from an early age, quickly becoming one of Xiá Hai’s favorites, as Jin Zhu could always tell him what he needed to know just when he needed to know it. In return, Xiá Hai gifted his daughter with the great sea-cave of Xue, a series of interconnected caverns and tunnels the size of a cathedral (and then some). Jin Zhu has dwelled there ever since, and since her talents as a seeress are of great demand among gods and mortals alike, she’s rarely without visitors.


Personality/Motivation: Despite her long life, Jin Zhu has never felt the urge to leave her sea cave home. Instead, she prefers to view places and events from afar, using her scrying powers to visit the interesting parts of the world. That, and she finds people fascinating to watch when they don’t know anyone is looking. In addition, Jin Zhu also feels it’s much better to have people come to her, rather than spend time and energy seeking them out. At the same time, she hates to see people go, and will often engage them in conversation, trying to find out more about themselves, their personal history, and their plans. While Jin Zhu tends to keep such information t o herself, she’s not above using her scrying pool to follow the exploits of a particularly interesting individual.


Quote: “I am Jin Zhu, the Oracle of Xue. Come into my cave, if you dare, and all of your questions will be answered. Did you remember to bring a worthy offering?”


Powers/Tactics: A powerful seer and oracle, Jin Zhu has the ability to see future events in her dreams, although she’s not always sure what she’s seeing. She can also provide information directly relating to someone’s life (and life story), thus often allowing them to be in the right place at the right time at critical junctures. Her other powers allow her to use calm tidal pools as windows into other parts of the world (such voyeurism is a favored pastime of Jin Zhu), be aware of hazards to her person before they happen, and speak any language.


Appearance: Jin Zhu’s upper body is of a slender-waisted and heavily-breasted human female. Her skin is rather pale (as befits someone who dwells in a cave), while her large eyes are amber colored. Pointed ears poke through a fall of brown hair, which is often carefully coiffed and worn in conjunction with any number of elaborate headdresses. As she lives in an aquatic environment, Jin Zhu doesn’t bother with wearing any sort of clothing, but will adorn herself with assorted rings, bracelets, and necklaces (all former offerings from oracle-seekers). Her lower body is roughly 17-18 feet long, and consists of a serpentine fish’s tail. It is covered with thick scales, dark blue along the dorsal surface, fading to green and greenish-yellow along the ventral.


Designer's Notes: A character similar in concept to Dalita, I went with a more Greek origin to Jin Zhu, as opposed to Dalita’s Chinese trappings. I decided that anyone wearing such an elaborate headdress had to be some sort of royalty (or in Jin Zhu’s case, of divine parentage) and went from there. I’ll also admit that I built most of her powers around the idea of a character who had Detect Plot (found in Champions Powers).


You can make Jin Zhu more powerful by giving her an assortment of spells (probably ones relating to water and the ocean), or simply a VPP of “Divine Powers”. Make her weaker by removing her Oracle power. By replacing her divine powers with more mundane abilities, you could turn Jin Zhu into a queen of the mer-folk or the like. You can also give Jin-Zhu handmaidens (i.e. Followers) in the form of various minor sea nymphs, mer-folk, and so on.


(Character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)


Image spoilered due to fantasy mermaid nudity.







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Re: Dalita




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage [1]
16	DEX	12	12-
18	CON	8	13-
14	INT	4	12-	PER Roll 12-
19	EGO	9	13-
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6

5	OCV	10
5	DCV	10
3	OMCV	0
7	DMCV	12
3	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12

5+3	PD	3		Total:  5/8 PD (0/3 rPD)
5+3	ED	3		Total:  5/8 ED (0/3 rED)
7	REC	3
36	END	4
10	BODY	0
28	STUN	4		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  107

Movement:[/b]	Running:	0m 
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	12m/24m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
32	[b]Fist Of Lake Water:[/b]  Blast 8d6; Limited Range (30m; -¼), END 4
20	[b]Control The Lake's Waters:[/b]  Change Environment (create/stop 
flooding) (-24m of any mode of Running), Area Of Effect (4m 
Radius; +¼), Varying Effect cause or stem flooding (+¼), Reduced 
Endurance (½ END; +¼), MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1); Extra Time 
(20 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1 ¼), Concentration (throughout; 
0 DCV; -1), END 3
44	[b]Create Storms And Control Rain:[/b]  Change Environment (alter the 
weather) (+/-4 Temperature Level Adjustment, Long-Lasting (weather 
patterns return to normal as per usual once Dalita stops affecting it; 1 
Hour or more), Varying Combat Effects), Reduced Endurance 
(½ END; +¼), Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +½), MegaScale (1m = 
1 km; +1), Varying Effect (create or cancel any type of weather; +1); 
Extra Time (20 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1 ¼), Concentration 
(throughout; 0 DCV; -1), No Range (-½), END 7
36	[b]Gust Of Wind:[/b]  Telekinesis (30 STR); Affects Whole Object (-¼), END 4

27	[b]Harnessing The Lake's Water:[/b]  Multipower, 40-point reserve, all slots 
Costs END To Maintain (Full END Cost; -½)
2f	1)  [b]Friendly Lake Water:[/b]  Boost  Swimming 6d6; Costs END To 
Maintain (Full END Cost; -½), END 4
1f	2)  [b]Unfriendly Lake Water:[/b]  Suppress Swimming 4d6; Costs END To 
Maintain (Full END Cost; -½), END 1

2	[b]Large Size:[/b]  Knockback Resistance -2m
3	[b]Divine Resistance:[/b]  Power Defense (3 points)
5	[b]Scaled Lower Body:[/b]  Resistant Protection (3 PD/3 ED); Requires A Roll 
(10- roll; or Hit Locations 13-18; -¾)
-12	[b]Fish's Tail:[/b]  -12m Running (0m Total)
4	[b]Fish's Tail:[/b]  Swimming +8m (12m total), END 1
5	[b]Dragon's Eyes:[/b]  Nightvision
5	[b]Dragon's Eyes:[/b]  UV Perception (Sight Group)
5	[b]Breathes Air And Water:[/b]  LS  (Expanded Breathing: Breathe Oxygen)
3	[b]Daughter Of A River Spirit:[/b]  LS  (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense 
8	[b]Semi-Divine Lifespan:[/b]  LS  (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; 
Longevity: 800 Years)

1	Fringe Benefit:  Member Of The Divine Court (albeit a minor one)
2	Positive Reputation:  immortal (demi)-goddess of Lake Shavarsh (local 
village and surrounds) 14-, +2/+2d6

3	[b]Divine Heritage:[/b]  +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)
20	[b]Gift Of Tongues:[/b]  Universal Translator 12-

5	AK: Lake Shavarsh 14-
3	Charm 13-
2	Concealment 12-; Self Only (-½)
3	Conversation 13-
3	High Society 13-
2	KS: Dragons And Their Ways  11-
5	KS: Lake Shavarsh 14-
4	KS: The River Spirit World 13-
3	Persuasion 13-
3	Shadowing 12-
3	Stealth 12-
2	Survival (Marine) 12-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  255
Total Cost:  361

175+	Matching Complications (50)[/b]
15	Enraged:  if her lake is desecrated, polluted, or otherwise adversely 
affected (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 14-
10	Negative Reputation:  vengeful spirit of Lake Shavarsh, Frequently
0	Physical Complication:  Human Size
15	Psychological Complication:  Protective Of Lake Shavarsh (Common; 
10	Psychological Complication:  Somewhat Lonely (wouldn't mind 
someone to talk to) (Common; Moderate)

[b]Total Complications Points:  50
Experience Points:  186[/b]


Background/History: To the people of Osan, Lake Shavarash is a place to be avoided if at all possible. If asked, a villager will tell an inquisitive visitor that within the lake dwells an immortal goddess, who has lived there for years beyond counting. Capable of calling up floods and storms if angry, the people of Osan offer periodic sacrifices to the spirit of Shavarash, hoping to keep her happy and placated, so they may live their lives in peace.


In truth, the resident of Shavarash isn’t exactly a goddess, but actually the daughter of a river spirit and a dragon. Known as Dalita, she’s a (very) minor member of the celestial courts, and due to her semi-divine heritage has lived in Shavarash for several hundred years; long enough to become a permanent fixture in the religious observations of the people of Osan. Content to swim in the clear waters of Lake Shavarash, Dalita doesn’t mind if people fish in or draw water from her lake, but draws the line at bodies, offal, or other garbage being dumped into her home. Offerings, on the other hand, she tolerates, but finds little use for most of the items the people of Osan give her. Still, she’s willing to live in peace with her neighbors, provided they remember whose lake they live near and honor her appropriately.


Personality/Motivation: As the daughter of a dragon and a river spirit, with a life-span measured in centuries, Dalita has seen quite a bit in her time. As her needs are simple, she isn’t much for luxuries and the like, and would rather look after the extensive population of koi inhabiting her lake than answer requests for miracles or deal with intruders. That said, Dalita wouldn’t mind if someone spoke to her once and a while, rather than kowtowing before her and offering up prayers. Life in the lake can get rather lonely, and the koi, while colorful, aren’t much for conversation. Of course, she does get visits from other river spirits and even dragons, but the former are often just passing through, and the latter tend to be more interested in seduction than anything else. On the other hand, considering her home, Dalita doesn't have much to talk about, unless you're interested in the lives of fish, frogs, and birds. Then again, she does know a smattering about the goings on in the Celestial Courts as well as the ways of dragons and river spirits.


Quote: “Tell me, why are you out on my lake in the middle of the night? Answer quickly and honestly if you wish to return to shore.”


Powers/Tactics: Her parentage gives Dalita command of both the air and water. This allows her to summon up storms if so inclined, and a common request from the people of Osan is to either ask for rain (if it’s been dry) or good weather if it’s been excessively wet. She can also command and control the waters of Lake Shavarash itself, with abilities ranging from stilling the waters so swimmers can move with ease, to causing the lake’s surface to rise, flooding the local countryside.


Appearance: Dalita is a mermaid, with a properly-proportioned human upper body and the lower body of a great koi, measuring a full 9’ in length. As is fitting for the daughter of a river spirit, her human half is almost perfectly proportioned, with exceedingly long black hair (Dalita would probably be quite grateful to anyone who could cut and dress her hair). Her dragonish parentage is obvious from her green eyes (with vertical pupils), the golden cast to her skin, and the orange and white scales of her fish’s tail.


Designer's Notes: The artwork for Dalita is titled Koi Mermaid, by Jill Johansen. Although koi are Japanese, I’ll admit to taking a more Chinese theme with Dalita’s origins, in which the mating of a kioh-lung (in human form) and a river shên (spirit) works perfectly. She fits perfectly into any Fantasy Hero setting featuring mermaids and the like. You could even drop her semi-divine heritage and simply make her a powerful mer-folk sorceress. You could also make her a villain of sorts, holding the village of Osan hostage, threatening floods and storms if not given offerings (which could range from riches, to food, to handsome young men). To make Dalita more/less powerful, simply increase/reduce the Active Points used to create water and wind control powers.


(Character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)





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Re: Hyu-Pyra




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
12	STR	2	11-	Lift 132kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [1]
13	DEX	6	12-
13	CON	3	12-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-/15-
10	EGO	0	11-
13	PRE	3	12-	PRE Attack:  2 ½d6

4	OCV	5	
4	DCV	5	
3	OMCV	0	
3	DMCV	0	
3	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12

6	PD	2		Total:  6 PD (2 rPD)
5	ED	1		Total:  5 ED (2 rED)
6	REC	2
26	END	2
10	BODY	0
26	STUN	3		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  44

Movement:[/b]	Running:	0m 
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	14m/28m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
5	[b]Teeth Are Sharper Than They Look:[/b]  HKA 1 point (1d6 w/STR), END 1
4	[b]Sharp Claws:[/b]  HKA 1 point (1d6 w/STR); Reduced 
Penetration (-¼), END 1
5	[b]Gills and Lungs:[/b]  LS  (Expanded Breathing: Breathe Oxygen)
3	[b]Aquatic Body:[/b]  LS  (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold)
6	[b]Shark Skin:[/b]  +2 PD, Resistant (+½) plus +2 ED, Resistant (+½)
5	[b]Aquatic Body:[/b]  Swimming +10m (14m total), END 1
-12	[b]Shark-Like Tail:[/b]  -12m Running (0m Total)
2	[b]Large Ears:[/b]  +2 PER with Normal Hearing
4	[b]Excellent Sense Of Smell:[/b]  +2 PER with Smell/Taste Group
5	[b]Aquatic Eyes:[/b]  Nightvision
5	[b]Aquatic Eyes:[/b]  UV Perception (Sight Group)

8	+1 with HTH Combat
2	+1 with Grab

3	Concealment 11-
1	Survival (Marine Underwater) 11-
3	Tactics 11-
3	Teamwork 12-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  53
Total Cost:  96

175+	Matching Complications (50)[/b]
10	Negative Reputation:  eaters of men (especially those swept overboard 
and/or drowned), Frequently (Extreme;  Known Only To A Small Group 
0	Physical Complication: Human Size

[b]Total Complications Points:  50
Experience Points:  0[/b]


Ecology: The hyu-pyra are a race of mer-folk common to tropical seas. They prefer to dwell amid coral reefs and the like, near areas of sandy-bottomed shallow water, where the hyu-pyra can find an assortment of foodstuffs. Almost pure carnivores, these mer-folk pursue a hunter-gather existence, subsisting off of fish, crustaceans, shellfish, and the like.


Personality/Motivation: Normal sentient humanoid motivations. Due to their rather shark-like appearance (as opposed to more human-looking mer-folk), some sailors state the hyu-pyra devour anyone unlucky enough to fall overboard, and/or lure men into the water for a fatal embrace. Other mer-folk tend to find the hyu-pyra a touch off-putting, seeing as they’re slightly more “savage” than the typical merman society.


Powers/Tactics: Hyu-Pyra use use the full range of tactics available to sentient humanoids, limited by their underwater existence. As a rule, the hyu-pyra don’t use weapons, but prefer to rely on their sharp teeth and claws. When hunting or in combat, they often attack from ambush, engaging in hit-and-run attacks designed to wear a foe down. When dealing with large prey, hyu-pyra will normally attack as a group, slashing at exposed or vulnerable areas and then hanging back, waiting for blood loss to do the job for them.


Appearance: The typical hyu-pyra is around seven feet in length, although some are known to get around nine feet long (and a few reach eleven). The upper body is fairly humanoid in appearance, while the lower body (from the hips on down) is that for a shark. Unlike most mer-folk, there isn’t an obvious break between the human and fish halves of the body—a hyu-pyra’s entire body is covered with finely-grained sharkskin (for example), along with fin-like ears, five gill slits along the ribs, a dorsal fin in the center of the back, and several more fins along the tail. Coloration tends to be shark-like as well, with dark gray or tan dorsal surfaces and a cream-colored ventral, along with dark (usually black) tips to the fins and ears. The hyu-pyra’s hair is usually of a contrasting shade, such as white, silver, gold, or black.


Designer's Notes: This character sheet represents a typical competent hyu-pyra the PCs might encounter in a situation where you (as GM) might need a character sheet (i.e., combat or the like). You can customize the character sheet by applying any number of character and creature Templates found in Fantasy Hero and/or the Hero System Bestiary (such as Chieftain or Fighter). Lesser hyu-pyra—tradesmen, the young, most females, the elderly—should have slightly lower Characteristics, different Skills, and so forth.


(Character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)




Looks pretty cute for an eater of men.

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Re: Jin Zhu




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
25	STR	15	14-	Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH Damage [2]
16	DEX	12	12-
20	CON	10	13-
23	INT	13	14-	PER Roll 14-
21	EGO	11	13-
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6

5	OCV	10
5	DCV	10
7	OMCV	12
7	DMCV	12
4	SPD	20		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

8+6	PD	3		Total:  8/14 PD (3/9 rPD)
7+6	ED	2		Total:  7/13 ED (3/9 rED)
8	REC	4
40	END	4
16	BODY	6
40	STUN	10		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  164

Movement:[/b]	Running:  0m 
Leaping:  4m/8m
Swimming:  24m/48m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
32	[b]Scrying Pool:[/b]  Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), Mobile 
Perception Point (can move up to 48m per Phase), Reduced Endurance 
(½ END; +¼), MegaScale (1m = 10,000 km; +2); OIF Immobile (any 
calm tide pool of opportunity; -1 ½), Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 ½), 
Incantations (-¼), Gestures (-¼), END 6
13	[b]Visions Of The Future:[/b]  Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group), 
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Precognition Only (-1), Only 
Through Dreams (-1), No Range (-½), Time Modifiers (-½), Vague and 
Unclear (-½)
8	[b]Oracle:[/b]  Detect Plot 24- (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Increased 
Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Telescopic:  +24; Extra Time 
(5 Minutes, Character May Take No Other Actions, -2 ¼), 
Concentration (throughout; 0 DCV; Jin Zhu is totally unaware of 
nearby events; -1 ½), Instant (-½), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END 
to Activate; -¼), END 5
8	[b]Divine Resistance:[/b]  +3 PD, Resistant (+½) plus +3 ED, Resistant (+½)
60	[b]Demigoddess:[/b]  Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% [b]plus[/b] 
Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%
10	[b]Scaled Lower Body:[/b]  Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED); Requires A Roll 
(10- roll; Hit Locations 13-18; -¾)
6	[b]Heavy:[/b]  Knockback Resistance -6m
10	[b]Divine Resistance:[/b]  Power Defense (10 points)
8	[b]Divine Ichor:[/b]  Regeneration (1 BODY per Hour)
-12	[b]Fish-Like Tail:[/b]  -12m Running (0m Total)
10	[b]Fish's Tail:[/b]  Swimming +20m (24m total), END 1
28	[b]Divine Awareness:[/b]  Infrared Perception (Sight Group) plus Ultraviolet 
Perception (Sight Group) plus +6 versus Range Modifier for Hearing 
Group and Sight Group
5	[b]Can See In The Dark:[/b]  Nightvision
13	[b]Daughter Of The Ocean God:[/b]  LS  (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; 
Longevity: Immortal; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold)
5	[b]Breathes Air And Water:[/b]  LS  (Expanded Breathing: Breathe 
4	[b]Long Tail:[/b]  Stretching 5m, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); No 
Noncombat Stretching (-¼), Limited Body Part (tail only; -¼), No 
Velocity Damage (-¼)

5	Fringe Benefit:  Demi-Goddess
10	[b]Accumulated Offerings:[/b]  Money:  Wealthy

37	[b]Seeress:[/b]  Danger Sense (general area, any danger, Function as a 
Sense) 14-
5	Eidetic Memory
9	[b]Divine Parentage:[/b]  +3/+3d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)
20	[b]Gift Of Tongues:[/b]  Universal Translator 14-

7	AK: The Caverns Of Xue 18-
3	Acting 13-
2	Animal Handler (Aquatic Animals) 13-
3	Charm 13-
3	Concealment 14-
3	Conversation 13-
3	Deduction 14-
3	High Society 13-
3	Interrogation 13-
3	Oratory 13-
3	Paramedics 14-
3	Persuasion 13-
3	Inherent Magical Skill:  Power 13-
3	Shadowing 14-
3	Stealth 12-
2	Survival (Marine) 14-
3	Trading 13-
2	WF:  Common Melee Weapons
3	Scholar
4	1)  KS: Arcane And Occult Lore 16-
4	2)  KS: Flora And Fauna 16-
4	3)  KS: History Of The World 16-
4	4)  KS: Legends And Associated Lore 16-
4	5)  KS: The Gods And Their Lore 16-
4	6)  KS: The Mystic World 16-
6	7)  KS: What's Going On In The World 18-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  384
Total Cost:  548

175+	Matching Complications (50)[/b]
20	Distinctive Features:  Divine Heritage And Mien (Not Concealable; 
Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-
Used Senses)
10	Physical Complication:  Large (roughly 6m long, +2 OCV for others to 
hit, +2 to PER Rolls for others to perceive) (Infrequently; Slightly 
10	Psychological Complication:  Enjoys Visitors (Common; Moderate)
20	Psychological Complication:  Semi-Obsessive Voyeur (Very Common; 

[b]Total Complications Points:  50
Experience Points:  373[/b]


Background/History: It is a well-known fact that Xiá Hai, the God of the Sea, has never taken a wife. However, he has had innumerable mistresses, most of which he’s selected from the myriads of nymphs who dwell amid the waves and sea foam. And, of course, innumerable mistresses mean innumerable children (as well as a few monsters), most of whom dwell either in the sea itself or very close to it.


Jin Zhu is one of these aforementioned progeny, whose mother is a sea nymph. Born when the world was still young, Jin Zhu inherited her mother’s gift for magic, along with a small measure of her father’s divine power. This resulted in her demonstrating the gift of foresight from an early age, quickly becoming one of Xiá Hai’s favorites, as Jin Zhu could always tell him what he needed to know just when he needed to know it. In return, Xiá Hai gifted his daughter with the great sea-cave of Xue, a series of interconnected caverns and tunnels the size of a cathedral (and then some). Jin Zhu has dwelled there ever since, and since her talents as a seeress are of great demand among gods and mortals alike, she’s rarely without visitors.


Personality/Motivation: Despite her long life, Jin Zhu has never felt the urge to leave her sea cave home. Instead, she prefers to view places and events from afar, using her scrying powers to visit the interesting parts of the world. That, and she finds people fascinating to watch when they don’t know anyone is looking. In addition, Jin Zhu also feels it’s much better to have people come to her, rather than spend time and energy seeking them out. At the same time, she hates to see people go, and will often engage them in conversation, trying to find out more about themselves, their personal history, and their plans. While Jin Zhu tends to keep such information t o herself, she’s not above using her scrying pool to follow the exploits of a particularly interesting individual.


Quote: “I am Jin Zhu, the Oracle of Xue. Come into my cave, if you dare, and all of your questions will be answered. Did you remember to bring a worthy offering?”


Powers/Tactics: A powerful seer and oracle, Jin Zhu has the ability to see future events in her dreams, although she’s not always sure what she’s seeing. She can also provide information directly relating to someone’s life (and life story), thus often allowing them to be in the right place at the right time at critical junctures. Her other powers allow her to use calm tidal pools as windows into other parts of the world (such voyeurism is a favored pastime of Jin Zhu), be aware of hazards to her person before they happen, and speak any language.


Appearance: Jin Zhu’s upper body is of a slender-waisted and heavily-breasted human female. Her skin is rather pale (as befits someone who dwells in a cave), while her large eyes are amber colored. Pointed ears poke through a fall of brown hair, which is often carefully coiffed and worn in conjunction with any number of elaborate headdresses. As she lives in an aquatic environment, Jin Zhu doesn’t bother with wearing any sort of clothing, but will adorn herself with assorted rings, bracelets, and necklaces (all former offerings from oracle-seekers). Her lower body is roughly 17-18 feet long, and consists of a serpentine fish’s tail. It is covered with thick scales, dark blue along the dorsal surface, fading to green and greenish-yellow along the ventral.


Designer's Notes: A character similar in concept to Dalita, I went with a more Greek origin to Jin Zhu, as opposed to Dalita’s Chinese trappings. I decided that anyone wearing such an elaborate headdress had to be some sort of royalty (or in Jin Zhu’s case, of divine parentage) and went from there. I’ll also admit that I built most of her powers around the idea of a character who had Detect Plot (found in Champions Powers).


You can make Jin Zhu more powerful by giving her an assortment of spells (probably ones relating to water and the ocean), or simply a VPP of “Divine Powers”. Make her weaker by removing her Oracle power. By replacing her divine powers with more mundane abilities, you could turn Jin Zhu into a queen of the mer-folk or the like. You can also give Jin-Zhu handmaidens (i.e. Followers) in the form of various minor sea nymphs, mer-folk, and so on.


(Character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)


Image spoilered due to fantasy mermaid nudity.







What is the difference between detect plot and precognition?

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Re: Hyu-Pyra


Looks pretty cute for an eater of men.


Note -- they have a reputation for eating drowned men and the like. Nothing says they actually do such a thing. Then again, their 'cuteness' might be a ploy to catch you off guard....

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Re: Jin Zhu


What is the difference between detect plot and precognition?


Precognition lets you see future events that may happen. Detect Plot allows you to ask the GM, "Well? What do I need to do to make this work?"


Or, in Jin Zhu's case, she can tell someone to be at x point at x time in order to make a difference in his personal plot line.

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