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Incapacitation powers


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APG 82, Its a CE option costing 30 points (flat). To fight the increasing CON roll you can add penalties to CON to the CE. In 6e CE is no longer AOE by default (although it is still usually bought that way).


The target immediately makes a CON roll to break out, with another breakout roll every phase at a cumulative plus 1 to the break out roll. Otherwise the character is considered in all ways "Stunned" as per the normal Stunned rule. Also CE is a constant power and the user must maintain the power (paying END every phase) or the target immediately recovers from being stunned. Once the target recovers he is free to act normally and gets his full phase (if he broke out at the start of his phase). If the attacker wishes to affect him again he will have to make another attack roll and succeed. As its a constant power you could theoretically keep attacking with it to keep the Cumulative CON bonus from stacking up (basically your new STUNNING CE has no CON bonus yet, and the player would have to break out of both of them) but expect many a GM to call foul on something like that.


For 30 points it is an amazingly powerful ability (hence the STOP sign warning on it.) against people who have not increased their CON (62.5% chance for immediate breakout). However since it takes 15 points (-5 CON) for each "-1" you want to impose on the roll it quickly becomes expensive (and less useful) on the majority of supers due to the penchant of increasing CON to protect against Stunning caused by STUN damage over CON.

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Where exactly are the rules for Stunning on a Change Environment? I don't have a 6th edition book and my 5th edition one (as well as the hero software) doesn't have that as an option and I'm curious as to how much it costs to add that ability. One other consideration, by using it as a change environment, which is AoE by default, even at no range, would you be targeting the character or the hex with that build? That could be potentially an issue since the suppress option can be easily dodged, much more so than a DCV=3 hex.


In any case, both the Change Environment or EGO suppress sound like good options. I'm not too worried about "balance" since this will be something that NPCs or villains would use, thus the players wont be able to use them unless they disarm one from a guy. Fortunately my play group doesn't have any rule Nazis and, since I GM most of the time, I just have to find something close to it that doesn't piss everyone off. I guess I'm kind of lucky like that.


My 6e Taser Shotgun build above has the book, page number and quote of the rule in question listed in the [Notes] block.


To counteract the CON Roll, a character buying Change Environment (Stun) can include penalties to CON Rolls as an additional combat modifier.


This penalty costs 3 points per -1 to the roll.

Each step on the Time Chart costs 2 points (2 points lasts 1 Turn, 4 points last 1 minute, etc..).


If you are using 5e rules here is a version of a Taser that I posted for that rule set:


20 Taser Round Loaded Shotgun: Suppress STUN 8d6 (standard effect: 24 points), [DEX & STUN] simultaneously (+1/2) (60 Active Points); OAF (Shotgun; -1), Can Be Missile Deflected (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), Physical Manifestation (Shell sticking to victim; -1/4), Limited Range (Shell must hit target with enough velocity to stick to clothes or skin [There is no damage from impact]; -1/4), 8 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (-0)

[Notes: Negative Dexterity - At DEX 1 or less, a character is CV 0. A character with negative DEX loses control over his reactions, and must succeed with DEX Rolls to perform any Actions requiring physical movement (even just aiming at a target, or making Gestures). If he fails the DEX Roll, he cannot perform the Action that Phase. Characters with a DEX of -30 (or minus their initial DEX value, whichever is better for the character) or less may take no physical actions.]


*Effectively does 24 Stun and reduces 8 real points of DEX from a Target per 'hit'.

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20 "Sick Stick" Wand: Entangle 4d6, 2 DEF, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (82 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Works vs Normal DCV; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Doesn't work through significant covering or armor; -1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Only vs Living/Organic targets; -1/4), 16 Charges (-0)


The Vomiting and other effects are SFX. Charges is just a guess. It could just as easily be 0 Endurance or powered from an End Reserve of some sort. Normal clothing is not enough to to stop the effect but anything thicker, particularly body armor will. This is a supposition based on the scene in the movie meant to balance the ability and is entirely optional. This "Sick Stick" build won't effect inorganic or other beings that are significantly different from human biology and form such as robot and nonhuman aliens.


Optional extra can include but are not limited too:


Suppress vs (Pre, Com and Dex) 1d6 or so to represent general debilitation, embarrassment and being fouled by the sfx. The Suppress would have long term charges but the Com and Pre could end when the character gets a chance to clean themselves up.


Bonus to Offensive Pre when the attack is employed. Its a -nasty- effect and intimidating to see in practice.


A Limitation that allows some limited actions and movement and 1/2 DCV while "entangled" if the target makes a ego roll by 3 or so per phase. Strong willed individuals might be able to fight though the effect a little even if they're still in the grip of its effects. This basic build could represent any number of effects the keep a target almost utterly helpless while basically conscious such as so called Ecstasy or Bliss weapons or some kind paralytic effect.

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Re: Suppress Ego variant.


If reducing Ego to 0 doesn't lower DCV I'd suggest adding Suppress Dexterity to the build in some fashion other the Incapacitated victim is just just as evasive in combat as normal.


Lowering EGO doesn't affect DCV so I added in the DEX suppression to it to help account for that. It's a pretty clean build and works fine with 5th edition. I think the Change Environment build only works well in 6th based on what people said here. I'm sure I can get the build to function well enough by altering the base cost as per the 6th rules, but, since this is pretty much a GM only power, I'm content to use the suppress and sort of 'hand-wave' the effect.


Thanks for the input!

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I would build it as a two tier attack. Two powers:


The first power would be a Drain or Suppress that affects STR, DEX, CON, Combat Value and Recovery all at the same time. The second power would be a continuous NND attack with a delayed effect. Both powers would launch simultaneously, the Drain/Suppress hitting and activating first. Then 1 phase later, the continuous NND kicks in. The character's physical capabilities are all reduced by debilitating weakness, nausea and disorientation. Then when the extreme stomach cramps and vomiting kick in (the NND), they are so intense they can render a character unconscious.


2D6 to the Drain or Suppress should be sufficient. A few hits with this should max out the penalty which would be -12 to STR, -6 (-4) to DEX and -6 to CON, -4 to each Combat Value (if 6th edition) and -6 to Recovery. The penalty to CON and REC are especially important as the CON penalty now makes the character vulnerable to being "Stunned" (i.e. wracked by violent stomach cramps and unable to do anything) by the NND attack and the Recovery penalty removes the characters ability to bounce back quickly.


The dice don't have to be huge to make this an effective attack, because of it's synergy. 2D6 to the Drain or Suppress, affects all simultaneously (+2) is good. (30 active for a Suppress, 60 active for a Drain. I would recommend Suppress) and a 2D6 NND (+1) Continuous (+1) (30 active) and you are good to go. Add the appropriate limitations (suggestions, OAF, Full phase activation) and you should be good to go.

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I would build it as a two tier attack. Two powers:


The first power would be a Drain or Suppress that affects STR, DEX, CON, Combat Value and Recovery all at the same time. The second power would be a continuous NND attack with a delayed effect. Both powers would launch simultaneously, the Drain/Suppress hitting and activating first. Then 1 phase later, the continuous NND kicks in. The character's physical capabilities are all reduced by debilitating weakness, nausea and disorientation. Then when the extreme stomach cramps and vomiting kick in (the NND), they are so intense they can render a character unconscious.


2D6 to the Drain or Suppress should be sufficient. A few hits with this should max out the penalty which would be -12 to STR, -6 (-4) to DEX and -6 to CON, -4 to each Combat Value (if 6th edition) and -6 to Recovery. The penalty to CON and REC are especially important as the CON penalty now makes the character vulnerable to being "Stunned" (i.e. wracked by violent stomach cramps and unable to do anything) by the NND attack and the Recovery penalty removes the characters ability to bounce back quickly.


The dice don't have to be huge to make this an effective attack, because of it's synergy. 2D6 to the Drain or Suppress, affects all simultaneously (+2) is good. (30 active for a Suppress, 60 active for a Drain. I would recommend Suppress) and a 2D6 NND (+1) Continuous (+1) (30 active) and you are good to go. Add the appropriate limitations (suggestions, OAF, Full phase activation) and you should be good to go.

Your values for CV are wrong, 12 AP would be -2 OCV, -1 DCV (DCV is a defensive power). CV are 5 Points each in 6th
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