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Superhero Fiction From Steve: "The Third War"

Steve Long

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I somehow totally missed that this had gone on sale:


"The Third War"


It's a story I wrote last year for Pinnacle's "Necessary Evil" setting, in which all the superheroes are dead and the villains have to save the world from an alien invasion. Here's the synopsis from PEG's website:


Crusader is the most isolated man in Star City. He spent the years prior to the v’sori invasion racking up an impressive body count of supervillains and street criminals. For his efforts he was hunted by the cops, targeted by the underworld, and reviled by the public as a ruthless vigilante. Since the invasion he’s shifted his focus to shooting aliens, but still takes any opportunity to kill the villains and crooks he comes across. Superheroes and cops consider him a villain, the villains all want him dead, and the v’sori would gladly torture him to death if they could get their hands on him. But that doesn’t stop him from carrying on his own private war for Justice.

Then Crusader learns the v’sori have built a weapon that could kill every super villain on Earth, destroying the resistance in one fell swoop. Forced by circumstance to work with one of his most hated foes — the indestructible strongman Invictus — can he adapt his moral perspective and learn to work with criminals he knows he should kill, or will he let humanity remain under the alien yoke so he can see Justice done?

Please check it out and pick up a copy! :)

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It's only a matter of time before some villains decide that the V'sori will eventually win and that by flipping sides they can guarantee a nice cushy position under the V'sori regime. Some may think they are strong enough to topple the V'sori from the inside thus continuing their business as usual of trying to take over the world only taking on the V'sori masters after they have cleared the board of the other competitors.

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