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Skill Levels KS/PS/SS (Follow-Up)



If a KS/PS/SS is not using a characteristic-based roll (i.e. 2 point cost for base 11- roll), would it still minimum out to four points per skill level?


In the case of a more focused setup, like levels only affecting artistic PS rolls, would that drop it to a 3 point cost for a skill level?

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A Skill Level with all KSs, PSs, or SSs costs 4 points if the Skills are primarily INT- or PRE-based, and 6 points if they’re primarily DEX-based. If the GM wants to adjust the costs somehow to suit his campaign, that’s well within his purview.


For purposes of the rule I previously set forth (which I’ve quoted above for ease of reference), what a character buys a roll to doesn’t matter. Whether it’s a flat 11- or a Characteristic-based roll, assume KSs and SSs are INT-based and PSs are DEX-based (absent some other consideration or a GM’s ruling). Again, if he GM wants to adjust the costs somehow to suit his campaign, he can.

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