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Damage Negation, Added STR and Power Advantages



I haven't worked with Damage Negation much, so I wasn't sure how it worked in these scenarios.


Scenario 1


Attacker has a 1d6 HKA (3 DC) and 15 STR, yielding 6 DC with STR included.


Defender has 4 levels of Damage Negation.


Is the Attacker's attack reduced to zero, since the Damage Negation is greater than the base attack's power? Or is it 2 DC, the added STR boosting the attack to a total of 6 DC, and then 4 DC are removed?



Scenario 2


Attacker has a 2d6 RKA (6 DC) with Armor-Piercing (+1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4) and Reduced END (+1/2), bringing the attack up to 60 Active Points.


Defender has 6 levels of Damage Negation.


Do the Attacker's non-damaging Advantages count into the calculation before reducing the attack by 6 DC, or is only the Armor-Piercing Advantage included? Am I left with a 1d6 RKA or a smaller amount of damage?

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1 answer to this question

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Good questions; sorry the text confused you.


1. You've got a 6 DC attack, you subtract 4 DCs due to Damage Negation and end up rolling 2d6.


2. EDIT -- another board member pointed out the example on 6E1 184, which takes the Advantages into account. So you'd use the rules in 6E2 to determine which Advantages to take into account -- in this hypothetical, only the Armor Piercing -- and go from there.


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