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Linking and Duration Powers other than Instant


Posted (edited)

Hello everyone,


I have a few questions about Linked (and Jointly Linked) powers of a duration other than Instant (which is the duration used in most of the examples).  To assist me in this endeavor, I have ask Johnny Storm, aka The Human Torch, to assist.  Now, onto the show...


Johnny Storm, a normal guy with no special abilities, hears a rumor that Dr. Doom is at a cafe two blocks down from him.  What does he do?  "Flame On!!!"  This (not so) mild mannered guy instantly turns into the Human Torch, and off he flies to find his team's nemesis!


Now, let's say the foundation of his hero persona is the Shape Shift power (Constant, uses Endurance).  He has Resistant Protection that is Jointly Linked to the Shape Shift power (when one is on, so is the other), and all of his other powers (Flight, Blast, Barrier, Life Support, etc) are all Linked to the Shape Shift power, as well (not Jointly, though). 


Now for the questions:


If a character with a Constant power is Stunned (CON Stunned, STUN=0, etc), runs out of Endurance to spend, or has the power drained to 0 Active Points, then the power turns off.  If Dr. Doom CON Stuns the Human Torch while they share a latte, what happens to Johnny's other powers that are linked?  How is the Jointly Linked yet Persistent Resistant Armor affected?  Does his Life Support power turn off?  If he is mid-flight, we know his Flight power turns off and he falls due to being CON stunned, so that isn't an issue (maybe for him but not for this post), and he also can't attack while being CON stunned, either.


What happens in the above example if the Shape Shift power had the advantage to make it Persistent?  If the Human Torch is then CON stunned, does he stay fiery?  If he does, is his Resistant Protection in full effect (to help with the falling damage he is about to take)?


In either example, what happens to the Resistant Protection if he kisses Rogue, and she (inadvertently) steals his Shape Shift ability via a Drain power (both partially or fully)?  What happens to his other powers?  What happens to Johnny if the two were in mid-flight?



Lastly, I have some questions about Greater and Lesser powers in a Linked situation and their Limitations and Advantages.


In the case of the Human Torch, if the Shape Shift was of lower AP value than the Resistant Protection, then is the Shape Shift (the core power) considered the Lesser power that is linked?  If so, does the Resistant Protection only receive the -1/4 Limitation?  If the Shape Shift and Resistant Protection were Jointly Linked, does this mean the Shape Shift only gets a -0 Limitation as well? 


6E1 Pg. 383:
In some cases a character may want to have a
lesser power that he must use whenever he uses
the greater power. In other words the powers are
jointly Linked, because neither can be used without
the other (as compared to the usual arrangement,
where the character can use the greater power
without activating the lesser power). Typically this
doesn’t affect the value of Linked; it’s a -0 addition
to the Limitation’s value. But if the lesser power
costs a lot of END or otherwise inconveniences
the character significantly, the GM might grant an
additional ¼ more Limitation. Alternately, the GM
may give the lesser power the standard -½ Linked
value, and let the greater power take a -¼ Linked.


If the Shape Shift receives a -0 Limitation and it is Jointly Linked to Resistant Protection, would the Shape Shift need to take the "Greater Power is Constant or in use most of the time (+1/4)" offset, making it a positive Advantage to have them linked?  That doesn't seem right, because if the Resistant Protection is drained, then his Shape Shift would stop working as well (and all of his other powers), right?  Also, is it possible to apply the "Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value (-1/4)" effect?  If so, which power should this apply?  Do Persistent powers need to take the "Greater Power is Constant or in use most of the time (+1/4)" offset like Constant powers?


Thank you very much for your help!


 - Chris

Edited by greysword

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Hello everyone,


Hey! Just to make sure you're clear, there's no "everyone" who can respond here (though they can read your question, of course). On this board only I can reply. So in a situation where you want to have anyone on the boards respond, post in the Discussion forum, or wherever else is appropriate.


Another quick caveat:  I'm not sure why, in your example, the Human Torch has Shape Shift. He doesn't need that power to activate his fire powers, or anything like that. He would only need it if he literally wants to change shape into something else -- a mailbox, a gorilla, or what have you -- while retaining his same powers. I'm sticking with it to answer the questions, but I wanted to make sure you weren't mistakenly paying points for a Power you don't need to use. Feel free to PM me with more questions about this if my caveat has confused you. ;)


And now, here's Reed Ri... err, me, with the answers. Where necessary I will restate questions to make sure I understand what you're asking, and hopefully that everyone understands my answer.


1.  Linked And Powers’ Duration
Q:  If a character is using a Constant Power and that power is somehow “turned off” (he’s Stunned or Knocked Out, it’s Drained to zero points, he runs out of END to keep it functioning, or what have you), what happens to powers that are either Linked to, or Jointly Linked with, that power?


A:  Any lesser powers Linked to, or Jointly Linked with, a greater power which is Constant but somehow gets “turned off” in any manner, those lesser powers also “turn off” themselves at the same time (unless the GM rules otherwise). (In the case of Persistent Powers Linked to a Constant Power, such as Resistant Protection or Life Support, note that they become Constant Powers themselves as a result of being Linked, as discussed on 6E1 384.)


If the greater power is itself Persistent, then it remains active if the character is Stunned, unconscious, or the like, and any lesser Persistent powers Linked to, or Jointly Linked with, it remain active as well. If the greater power is actually “turned off” — for example, by being Drained to zero points — then any powers Linked to, or Jointly Linked with, it stop functioning at the same time. (Again, the GM can rule otherwise on any of this if he wants to.)


If the greater power is itself Persistent, and the lesser powers are Constant, then they deactivate at the end of the Segment if the character is Stunned or Knocked Out (even though the Persistent greater power doesn’t turn off). The same applies if the greater Persistent power is”turned off” in other ways (such as a Drain).


I think that addresses all the situations you described, but if I missed something, please PM me or post a follow-up question in the Rules forum. (It will have to be in a separate thread, since as I said above, only I can respond to threads here.)

2.  Active Points In The Greater And Lesser Powers
See 6E1 383-84 regarding what happens (or may, at the GM’s option, happen) when the lesser power has more Active Points than the greater power. Anything beyond what’s covered there I leave up to the judgment of the GM. ;)

3.  Further Questions

“If the Shape Shift receives a -0 Limitation and it is Jointly Linked to Resistant Protection, would the Shape Shift need to take the “Greater Power is Constant or in use most of the time (+1/4)” offset, making it a positive Advantage to have them linked?”


Linked can’t become an Advantage this way; at the worst its value becomes -0.


“If the Resistant Protection is drained, then his Shape Shift would stop working as well (and all of his other powers), right?”


Any powers Linked to the Resistant Protection would stop in that situation. The same holds true if they’re all Unified Powers.


“Also, is it possible to apply the “Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value (-1/4)” effect?  If so, which power should this apply?”


That’s all up to the GM.


“Do Persistent powers need to take the “Greater Power is Constant or in use most of the time (+1/4)” offset like Constant powers?”


The rules on 6E1 384 state:  “At the GM’s option, Linked may be worth 1/4 less if the greater power is Constant or is otherwise likely to be in use most or all of the time.” Persistent Powers by definition are “in use most or all of the time,” so Linking to a Persistent Power entails the ¼ reduction in the Limitation’s value (again, unless the GM rules otherwise).


I think that covers everything you asked, but if I missed something, feel free to PM me or post a follow-up. :hex:

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