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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. Re: For you mathematically able out there ;)


    I'm keeping to d6 for the damage roles.... and as far as what I did to convert from 3d6=>3d10 I'll be posting a link to a wiki that will cover that effect once I'm done writing (it will also cover the campaign setting I'm using the 3d10 in :) ) so keep posted or PM about it and I'll PM you back with a link once it is ready :)

  2. I'm switching my setting from the use of 3d6 to the use of 3d10 (to offer greater granularity) ... so far I have converted all I wanted to the new dice chance ratio... except the range chart..... since to retain the difficulty ratio of tasks I had to switch the modifiers a bit I need to make a new Range Mod chart as well and I'll appreciate the help of the board in this


    so the new chart should have an increment of 1 (-1/-2/-3/-4 and so on) and start at -1 at 5" and go all the way to -20 at 256" with -3/-7/-10/-13/-17 at what used to be -2/-4/-6/-8/-10.


    so the old granular chart would look like this under the new modifiers


     Range        old mod=> new mod
      2-4”             0      =>       0        
      5-6”            -1      =>      -2
      7-8”            -2      =>      -3
      9-12”           -3      =>      -5
     13”-16”          -4      =>      -7
     17”-24”          -5      =>      -8
     25"-32"          -6      =>      -10
     33"-48"          -7      =>      -12
     49"-64"          -8      =>      -13
    and so forth...

    Thanks in advance,


  3. Hi I hae a question... actually two question



    {a possible legality issue so I'll need an Answer from Steve or someone else whith theright... maybe Derran (I'm not sure exacly who can say it is OK or not)}

    I want to make a booklet (self use for me and my group all of which own the 6th Edition PDFs and waiting for the physical books :)) of all the tables in the 2 books and a booklet that only contain the Heroic level relevant material of character creation (as in non of the powers and minus most of the examples and such) plus some home made stuff (like Talents and the Magic system I created).


    So the question is if it is allowed ?



    (assuming the first question answer is yes I can do that)

    Any one know of a program that will let me manipulate the PDFs (As in extract the releven stuff and allow me to lay them out in a manner I like) that works on the Fedora (FC11) distrebution of Linux? or have any other tips on how to approach this?



    Thanks in advance,


  4. Hi everybody


    I'm designing a contemporary Horror/Hunter style game and I'm looking for an equipment list that is as extensive as possible and includes weight prices and any other data that might be handy (HERO stats I can make where needed)


    is their a list in one of the books?

    or maybe online?


    I tried Googling but my search-fu MA failed me :(

  5. Re: Campaign limits (for a PbP game I'm about to run)


    Quick rule of thumb is 2-3 def per DC depending on how crunchy you want your heroes to be.

    I think the question is how long you want combats to last and how many hits you want characters to be able to take. I would assume that most players will max or almost max DCs' date=' so everyone will have at least 10 dice, and many will have 12 or more. That's 35 or 42 average damage per hit. If average STUN is 35-40 (and I would recommend capping STUN), you can calculate DEF from there based on how many hits you want on average. If you want characters to go down after about 3 hits, then you would want DEFs around 25. (42-25 = 17; 17x3 = 51; that's higher than expected average STUN, but that allows for recoveries during combat.)[/quote']


    Thanks, this is exactly the kind of answers I was looking for (not only the Cap but also how to figure/calculate it out :))


    REP to the both of you :D


    he custom advantage for MP powers is pretty cheap. If a player puts it on every MP slot, that will at most double the AP cost of the MP reserve, while giving something that's probably worth a lot more than that. E.g., in a 4-slot MP, in which each power has +1/2 in other advantages:


    45 reserve

    4 slot

    4 slot

    4 slot

    4 slot


    Under the standard rules, to make them all usable at once, you'd have to pay 135 more points, to increase the reserve to 180. With your house rule, it looks like:


    75 reserve

    7 slot

    7 slot

    7 slot

    7 slot


    That's only 42 more points. You can watch that of course, but it caught my eye.


    It was meant to be in addition to the need of the powers to fit together within the MP Reserve limit.

    I will need to make it clearer for the Character Creation form I'm making, Thanks for noticing :).



    EDIT:the clearifide lines regarding MPs

    ***MP have no cap on the reserve limit (the powers in them still have all other mentioned restriction) and a -0 limitation stating that no more then one power from the MP can be used at once.

    ***A slot in the MP can have a +1 advantage that will allow it to be used at the same time as another power with this advantage from the same MP.

    (All slots will still need to follow all other rules regarding the use of more then one slot at a time).

  6. Hello Forum :D

    (I'm aware of another thread of a similar nature but didn't want to impose on it so I started my own thread)


    I'm about to run a PbP game

    and have a small question regarding campaign limits


    The Campaign Character Creation guidelines (for now) are as follow.


    ***Your Character should be fit enough (~50 at most) to "Save the Day" in 70 years so max starting age should be ~35 (barring any other special abilities like longevity).

    ***All powers should cost 50/60/75* points or less before modifiers are applied.

    ***DC is capped at 10/12/15*.

    ***Max Power real cost is 50/60/75* before applying "Power Framework" modifiers.

    ***SPD is capped at 4/6/8*(can exceed by paying double cost).

    ***OCV is caped at 10/12/14*.

    ***DCV is caped at 10/12/14*.

    ***NCM is standard for campaign (all start with it and gain no point for it).

    ***"Multi-Power"(MP) is the same power used in different ways and "Elemental Control"(EC) is a group of powers derived from a well defined shared source.

    ***MP have no cap on the reserve limit (the powers in them still have all other mentioned restriction) and a -0 limitation stating that no more then one power from the MP can be used at once.

    ***A slot in the MP can have a +1 advantage that will allow it to be used at the same time as another power with this advantage from the same MP.

    (All slots will still need to follow all other rules regarding the use of more then one slot at a time)

    ***EC can have powers that cost no END but this power needs to take a +3/4 advantage to do so (STR and movement powers need that advantage too unless they are built in such a way that they spend END on a constant basis).

    ***Characters receive "Trigger Resilience:+10 CON; Limited Power Only to resist being Stunned (-1/2)" and "Trigger Vitality:The character ages at a slower rate then normal (1 year for every 5)" for free.


    Regardless of statements made above all Characters will be subject to final approval by me (obviously ;P).



    *normally/secondary signature/Main signature.





    My question is what should I set as Defense (PD/ED) and Resistance Defense (rPD/rED) Cap ?

    (how do you figure such a thing anyhow do I go by standard damage or is there some formula out there?)


    Any other remarks or questions about the game and what I've stated above will also be welcomed of coarse :).





    and as I side note I haven't decided where to host it yet ...any recommendation (I'm currently leaning towards RPOL.net)

  7. Re: How-to build a Defibrillator effect


    Thanks for the great responses



    How about this revision

    Defibrillate: Healing BODY 3d6, Resurrection (50 Active Points); Resurrection Only (-1/2), Limited Power Only within Target CON in minutes after death (-1/2), Requires A Paramedic Skill Roll (-1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect only affects the recipient of the benefits of the Power; Target is exhausted after treatment (X amount of Long Term END damage); -1/2), Limited Power Only if death is due to heart failure (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

  8. Hello Forum People


    I'm building a character that revolves around electrical powers and I was thinking of a power that revolves around a Defibrillator effect (he has Medic training)

    so for now I am using the following as a temp ability until I can get a better build


    Defibrillate: Major Transform 3d6 (Non Beating Heart to Beating Heat, Death) (45 Active Points); Limited Power Power must be used within targets CON minutes after heart stops or there is no point (-1), Requires A Paramedic Skill Roll (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)


    I gave it 3 dice for now but I'm not sure on how many dice I shuld use


    Any suggestion will be appreciated thank you :D

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