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Posts posted by Naanomi

  1. Re: Clever definitions for NND


    The NND rules could use a touch-up...


    However, No Soul defense also covers Robots, Golems, Undead (but probably not incorporeal undead... those ARE souls), Inanimate Objects (unless your character is an animist I guess), possibly Animals, possibly aliens, plants, demons, angels, most other supernatural beings, possibly extensive cyborgs, anyone who has sold their soul (on some models)... very limiting actually.

  2. Re: Super Zeroes


    The Human Reservoir has an apparently infinite extra-dimensional pocket contained in his own body. Anything he eats, after a bit of digestion, will go to this place, where it is completely undetectable, and frozen in time. He can release the contents at will, where it comes out... in the normal spots... but must release everything at the same time. Because of his limited digestion, he is forced to eat much more than the average person.


    He dominates local competitive eating circuits. The government is aware of his powers, and occasionally pays him to 'eat' certain items they want gone forever.


    Out of personal convenience, he has not released his personal portal in nearly 20 years. He is deeply afraid at the volume of goods that will need to be expelled when he does so, and will probably never choose to again.

  3. Re: Confusion Field


    A big speed Drain could make people hesitate to act, and the slower party members would just stand in a daze. Other drains (dexterity, intelligence) or equivalent Environmental Controls might also work.


    Still, I'd be leaning towards mental power... Uncontrolled Mental Illusions make them unsure of what they are perceiving.


    If you are concerned about EGO, you could always make the 'field' a gas cloud and have it 'Based on Con'

  4. Re: How invisible is Bard Song?


    I think Inobvious will do well. Hearing and maybe Mental Sense groups will point it out, but not enough people can tell the difference between normal music and 'bard song' to leave it at obvious.


    That covers my end, what about the effects? Are they also inobvious then? or should they be fully invisible...

  5. Re: Range: Sensory


    Medusa didn't have personal immunity... as the mirror famously shows in much media.


    The Pied Piper might have... though one wonders what he would do if he were effected by his own power that is essentially a mind control that says 'follow me!'... follow himself?


    Unfortunately, my college roommate had personal immunity, not hole in the middle for his personal stench.

  6. Re: How invisible is Bard Song?


    On the battlefield, yeah... pretty obvious that something strange is going on.


    In the tavern, when you are urging on your social maneuverings of your allies? Probably not so much. Some guy strumming the lute is more 'in-obvious' in that case.


    Lets assume, for argument, that few people or monsters are aware of the abilities of bards in this setting.

  7. Re: How invisible is Bard Song?


    is there any way to make this "singing" aspect fall under "Gestures?" It's just that "clearly doing something out of the ordinary" leads me in that direction....


    I'm planning on having Gestures, Incantations, a Focus (instrument), and maybe a skill roll.


    Aids, maybe healing, maybe a dispel for some negative effects...

    Skill levels and luck UOO...

  8. Ok... I am making the equivalent of a DnD style bard... you know the type, they sing songs and 'inspire' people to perform better. It isn't a magic effect perse, just an inspirational one that makes other people perform better.


    It will be written up as various Aids with various limitations and advantages... but one I am struggling over is 'invisible power effects'.


    On the one hand, I'm clearly doing something abnormal... I'm singing! However, the effects of the singing are not clear... it isn't clear that my singing is what is making that other guy fight harder.


    The effects visibility, too, I am confused with. While the song is probably 'directed' at someone... I say 'Go BoB Go!!'... but Bob doesn't glow or hulk-out or something, he just starts doing his thing better.


    What levels of invisibility would I need to make that work in the traditional inspirational bard song sense?

  9. Everyone who heard the Pied Piper's song was entranced... everyone who saw Medusa turned to stone.... everyone who smelled my college roommate was disgusted.


    How do I build a power that is based on the sensory abilities of the other person? Someone with really good eyesight is at a disadvantage when fighting the Medusa...


    Megascale AoE with a limitation that you must be sensed? Some sort of triggered effect?

  10. Re: A White Wolf aneurysm


    Actually, oWoD went oen better, with the uber-NPC having been a Vampire Werewolf with True Magick...

    who proceeded to die and became a wraith too... and then got captured and turned into an ashtray on some Stygian Lord's desk...


    A blurb in End of Empires (the last Wraith book) hints that his soul got blown across the shroud and became what amounts to a Hunter.

  11. Re: Limited Deflection


    Unified on the Multipower only (and not every slot) is something I have done... I can spit acid, a normal power not in a MP. I have a MP of 'acid tricks', that is Unified (as a Multipower, not each slot) to my acid spitting power. Seemed to make sense to me.

  12. Yes Steve, I'll admit that most of the 'modifications' I was thinking of were in terms of Limitations to senses... for example OAF visor to fix someone's blindness.... a psychic race who's senses can be flashed as mental group... etc... things that could be complications, but since selling back senses isn't a complication anymore, I was grasping at the idea of everyman inherent senses being modifiable.


    However, I can come up with a few 'advantaged' senses.


    Spacefaring predator with 'megascaled' senses to sense passing spaceships.


    A man-bat with 'invisible' active sonar, that uses a sound frequency undetectable by others.


    A coven of three witches are all blind. Good thing they have a OAF, 'Usable on Others' eyeball to pass around.

  13. Re: Senses as Superluminal Speeds


    Note also that FTL Travel is NOT FTL Flight


    Very true, and if you are, some defenses against the terribly dangerous space dust and gasses might be in order as well :) FTL travel takes things so far out of the scale of the rest of the game, even mega-scaled up, that it is hard to compensate for with the rest of the system.


    The main time I could ever see it even being an issue is when two FTL things (ships, superheros, whatever) are trying to interact while going comparable, still FTL speeds. If ship A took off 1 turn before you, they could be 1000 light years away before you get an action to start following them... makes a pursuit hard without specialized senses. Though, typing that out makes me think that 'tracking' on whatever space sense you use would help that situation greatly.

  14. Re: Damage Shield in 6E?


    I don't understand... if I had a normal, non-damage shield 1m surface AoE (without 'no range'), I couldn't put it on any 1m surface, including my own body? I couldn't put it on... a shield, a 1m section of wall, a patch of ground, anything that is around 1m?

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