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  1. The characters are nowhere near twitchy as far as I am concerned. One of my favorite things about the Hero system is the disadvantage system. I feel it rewards good roleplay, and well rounded concepts. In many cases, it is the disadvantages that distinguish a character, not the advantages. As for specific disads, most have at least one nasty hunted. Most are playing special races so have distinctive features, possible minor social limitations. Most have a single nasty susceptibility or vulnerability as part of their race. One or two non-debilitating Psychological disads and you are done. Generally speaking the disads are tied into racial concepts and backgrounds and with well thought out characters I haven't had any issues.
  2. Brand New Movie Just came out and this is a REALLY good movie with some strong fantasy elements if not quite medievel in time frame. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
  3. New Idea for Starting I wanted to run a 75+75 campaign but I love the story of the beginning hero who is struggling but learns fast. Characters with Destiny written across their forhead . So I am starting the characters with 25+75. So they have all their disads and have plenty of points for background, racial abilities, nifty skills while still giving them plenty of room to grow. Then I plan on increasing the xp given per adventure by a about a small amount to increase their rate of growth. I am finding the characters the players build very usable without being to big as starting fantasy heroes. Sterling
  4. I am just started a pseudo low level campaign. The intention is for the characters to reach that 75+75 level in a high magic world, but I wanted them to start smaller so I set the starting at 25+75, and so far I am really pleased with the results. I still get all those disadvantages out of them, but they are not too large. One of the games that I played in that was an absolute FAVORITE of all the players, was a superheroes game we called "Survivor" (Long before the TV Show!). The players started at 0+25. Very normal people that were then changed, mutated, infected or whatever made sense for the campaign. But then they were being Hunted or in an incredibly dangerous environment. In one game, the players were all transported by aliens to a jungle planet. Here is the fun part. Not only did we get XP, but every day (in the game) we survived we got 1 character pt, and at specified intervels we could buy more disads. It was a blast, and let me tell you these characters could almost beat more then twice thier points in a fight. Why? They had learned how to get out of their powers as much as could be done. They were inventive and knew everything they could do with their powers inside and out.
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