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Major Tom 2009

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Posts posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. THE RED TWILIGHT: A large object -- believed to be an asteroid somehow jarred loose from its position in the

    Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter -- is suddenly detected less than a day away from a collision course

    with Earth. While desperate plans are made in an attempt to divert the object from its course, the unexpected

    explosion of the object into two seperate pieces -- each of which will pass the Earth to either side by thousands

    of miles -- takes place, causing the world's population to rejoice over the near miss, a joy which proves to be



    Just before both halves of the object reach the halfway point of their path past the Earth, both emit a blinding

    red flash of light; virtually all of Asia and Europe is exposed to the light, while only the coastal regions of North

    and South America are affected. The effect that the red light has upon the global population is catastrophic,

    to say the least: everyone who was outside at the time of the red flash immediately perish, either where they

    stand or in whatever vehicle they happened to be in at the time. Those who were inside their homes asleep

    at the time of the flash -- but were still exposed to the red light -- also die, but return to a kind of pseudo-life

    hours later; their oozing, blood-covered appearance and a mindless need to infect others with an identical

    condition earns these poor unfortunates the name of Blood Zombies. Only those who were in their homes

    asleep, with the blinds and shutters of their homes closed, survived the red flash unharmed.


    The military forces of the various nations suffered much the same fate as their countrymen, with the survivors

    falling into the same categories as the civilian population. The naval forces of the world's nations were the

    least affected by the disaster, as only those who died aboard the various warships were those on the bridges

    or outside on the decks at the time of the red flash; the majority of the crews were deep inside the hulls of

    the ships, with their portholes closed. The submarine forces were the only units to avoid fatalities, as they

    were mostly submerged at the time; only if an officer or other crewmember had been looking through a peri-

    scope at the time would they have been killed as a result.


    The metahuman community was least affected by the event, as most of them -- whether individually or in

    groups -- were either inside their headquarters or had powers which protected them from the effects of

    the flash. The only ones to die were the so-called "super normals" -- those such as masked vigilantes

    who had no superpowers of their own, but who were very highly-trained to compensate for the lack of

    such powers. This proved to be very fortuitous, as the metahumans became an important part of the

    worldwide recovery efforts.


    The red flash -- and the deaths of over 80% of the planet's population which were caused by it -- soon gained

    a name, one which originated in the United States and was soon in use throughout the world: the Red Twilight.


    Recovery efforts are underway throughout the entire planet, with the major nations giving aid to their less-

    fortunate neighbors wherever possible; military efforts in this regard are focused on protecting the relief

    workers from attacks by large gatherings of Blood Zombies. Roving groups of metahumans also provide

    protection from such attacks as well; those who have members with medical and/or scientific backgrounds

    are involved with the ongoing efforts to find a way to reverse -- and thus eradicate -- the cause of the

    Blood Zombie plague.



    Major Tom 2009 :cool:

  2. Alright Pattern Ghost, how about this ?


    Well, whoever this guy is, it's clear that at some point in time he managed to raid Moonbase Alpha's armory;

    where else would he have gotten those guns?



    Major Tom 2009 :sneaky:

  3. A strange, high-tech looking device with the words 'CONTRATERRENE CONTAINMENT UNIT' stenciled across

    the front, with the phrase 'DO NOT ALLOW POWER TO DROP BELOW 20%' in red beneath it -- with a digital

    timer showing how many hours are left before the 20% mark is reached.



    Major Tom 2009 :shock:

  4. Here are a couple of Axis baddies from the Far East:






    Jade Shogun and Lady Chrysanthenum



    The Jade Shogun is a military mastermind who commands a unit of his own, while Lady Chrysanthenum is a

    mistress of espionage; when the two of them work together -- which doesn't happen very often, fortunately

    for the Allies -- Allied superheroes are certain to have a rough time ahead of them.



    Major Tom 2009 :eg:

  5. I never pictured him as being a gentleman. He is basically a vampire hunter turned psudo-vampire. And a Nazi Aryan.


    And I am responsible for the name Herr Blut. I did not want to use Professor as he is not a scientist by trade, but a vampire hunter.


    I think that I might have been trying to avoid the typical 'Aryan' stereotype when it came to Herr Blut's design; after all, not

    every German -- then as now -- was blond-haired and blue-eyed.



    Major Tom 2009 :cool:

  6. Mr. Blood?  Should be Professor Blood, or Professor Dread, if you don't mind my saying.  Or, if you want him to be a nobleman--which is what I'm getting from the outfit--Count Dread might be a better name.


    Hope that helps.


    With regards to his name, I refer you to post #24 of this thread; I only used the name that the poster himself used

    for the character.



    Major Tom 2009 :cool:

  7. And here's an American who was suggested as a member of the Knights of Excalibur:






    The Cowboy



    The revolvers in his holsters are the same kind that the Clint Eastwood character in the film The Outlaw Josey Wales

    used; while I can't remember what they were called, IIRC, they were considered to be close to rifles in terms of power

    and range.



    Major Tom 2009

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