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Posts posted by "V"

  1. Re: What Fiction Book (other than Science Fiction or Fantasy) have you recently finis


    "Black Ajax" by George MacDonald Fraser - a novelised account of the career of a real historical figure, still much respected in the appropriate circles, nearly 200 years after his death: Tom Molyneux who was freed from slavery in Virginia and travelled to England with the sole intent of defeating the current bare-knuckle prize-fighting champion Tom Cribb. Told as a series of recollections by the people in his life - his backer, trainer, opponents and so on, and with GMF's usual attentive eye to historical accuracy and fact-checking this is a massively entertaining and informative story, and the various narrative voices are perfectly rendered to draw the reader into the period. Can't recommend it highly enough.

  2. Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


    Doctor Who series one with William Hartnell as the Doctor.


    Out of interest, and departing from your main & very valid point, I wonder if you had the same response I did to the character of the Doctor. It was almost the case in those early episodes that the main characters were Ian and Barbara, and the Doctor was much more a figure of mystery for them to unravel rather than the current iteration where the Doctor is the hero. In fact in those earlier episodes he was almost a troublesome influence or obstacle - being grumpy, contrary and getting the other characters into trouble (eg when he sabotages the TARDIS in a petulant move to force the others to go exploring the city that intrigues him... despite the danger).

  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures


    The author describes it thus


    "This "pitch" of mine has been sweetly covered also by io9 http://io9.com/5671539/ even if there is the wrong assumption this is set in the 1500s while I was thinking more of a fantasy middle age with monsters and undead kinda thing. It's fun to see the several reactions though, everyone has been reacting so positively to this idea and that makes me happy :)"


    So the 1500s thing seems to be a mis-attribution from someone else. Looks fun.

  4. Re: Jokes


    A friend of mine is dating twins. I asked him how he told them apart.


    He said, "It's easy. Helen wears her hair a little longer, and she has a cute little dimple in her cheek when she smiles. And Trevor has a c*ck."

  5. Re: Jokes


    A man goes to the ophthamologist to get an eye test.


    The doctor says to him "You're going to have to stop masturbating."


    The patient says "Gosh, wow, is it making me go blind?"


    "No," says the doctor, "It's upsetting everyone else in the waiting room."

  6. Re: Make a Green Lantern Oath


    Jack-A-Dandy would love to join in, but there isn't a "Lantern" in his name, and he refuses to become a Halloween decoration.


    However, needs must:


    "In sleazy clubs, in racy dives

    They say that indiscretion thrives

    And if you've got more looks than sense

    You may plunge into decadence.


    When crime's to thwart, and battle's near

    Send your cry to Dandy's ear,

    But this half faerie child of art

    Is likely not to give a fart."




    I do apologise for him. He never really 'got' the superhero thing.

  7. Re: Jokes


    My girlfriend and I were sitting in a Chinese restaurant having finished our starters, when the kitchen door opened and a three foot tall duck wearing a tuxedo emerged. It waddled across the room, hopped up on our table and then dropped a rose in front of my girlfriend. In a Donald Duck style voice it said to her "Your eyes are like the blue of summer skies, and your hair is the colour of my fondest dreams."


    I waved the nearest waiter over and said "No, I'm sorry.



    ..we ordered AROMATIC duck."


  8. Re: Most Obscure Reference You've Ever Worked Into a Game


    At the climax of an old Amber campaign, during a major battle between the forces of good versu... who am I kidding, Amber versus Amber, the player characters had one huge advantage. Benedict (ultimate unstoppable warrior) was one NPC who was definitely on their side.


    Naturally as evil GM I had to even the odds and leave the PCs to win the day, so I had the lead NPC sorceror on the other side, just before battle was joined, create an illusion of a feisty woman standing just in Benedict's peripheral vision and berating him in no uncertain terms.


    He was actually distracted - something unthinkable - just as the sorceror's follow up attack spell struck him - and took him straight out of the fight, him collapsing with the word "Beatrice-" on his lips.


    Now none of my players knew much Shakespeare and certainly didn't know that one of the great romances (IMHO) was between Beatrice and Benedick (ok so Shaxberd couldn't spell...) who was at the time just a young soldier... But it satisfied my sense of the obscure.

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