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Posts posted by MilkmanDan

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Subtle signs that you aren't in power anymore.


    The Secret Service have been replaced by Girl Scouts wielding spitballs.


    NT: Dick Cheney was in a wheelchair today, apparently because he pulled a back muscle moving boxes in his new house. Boring! What is the real reason he had to be in a wheelchair?

  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    New Topic: Mad science projects that would actually make your job easier.


    "So, when I press this button, a hand reaches out of the remote user's monitor and slaps them across the face. I call it the 'Seriously, morons, listen to me' tool."


    NT: It was -31 this morning. How would Foxbat handle the cold?

  3. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


    Yep. I argued long and hard that, if we got a boy cat, I got to name it. She hates my name. I don't care. I won my case. She's naming the girl kitty Stella, while the boy kitty is going to be named Westerberg. As in Paul Westerberg, former leader of The Replacements, my favorite musician ever. She HATES the name and says she'll call him "Wes", which she can handle. All the cats (and our kids) wind up with about 50 nicknames anyways, so I doubt it really matters.

  4. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


    When my wife and I started dating eleven or so years ago, I had one cat. She had five. Sounds like a lot, I know, but you get used to it--you always had a cat on your lap when you sat down, they slept on our bed, we just had constant companions. Well, when we moved in together, I had to get rid of my cat (it didn't play well with others). The about four years ago Squid died, two years ago we lost Maddie, and Tootie died a couple months ago (my wife did the naming). We still have Claudia, who's 17, and Bea, who's 15. They're old and slow, and the house just seems empty.


    So . . . tonight, it's kitten time! Getting two kitties tonight from a lady who works at a rescue league. We had to get approved, so on New Years' Day we went to her house so she could verify the kids were OK, and they loved the kittens, played with them constantly for an hour while we were there. We just told them we were going to meet mama's friend Nancy who takes care of cats. They have absolutely no idea we're getting kittens. I am giddy at this point; I can't wait to see my son's face when he sees the kittens. The whole plan is the wife has stuff to do after work and will get them and bring them home while I take the kids to swimming lessons at the YMCA tonight. When we get home, they'll be waiting for us.


    The 17-year-old cat will be OK with it, she's old and cranky and doesn't move much. The 15-year-old was freaked out by my old cat when I tried to bring it into the house, but the hope is (A) she's much older now, and (B) they're kittens, and not adult cats, so there won't be as much of an "alpha kitty" concern from her.



  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: What the person chuckling softly in the public library is doing (Difficulty: he's not reading anything)


    He's watching me check out all the Sin City books, knowing how much I'm going to hate the things.


    NT: Frank Miller has an uncommonly happy day. What kind of a story does he write?

  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: America is truely afraid of Canada. Why ? (Difficulty: No answers along the lines of 'not really afraid' and no sarcasm.)


    Because they'll mass their fleets of giant sharks and killer Panda bears on the shores of their beaches, and swim across the Indian Ocean to get to us! Then, they'll show up in the lederhosen, get off their camels, and take all our stuff!!!


    What? I went to public school, what do you expect?

  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Other celebrities decide to copy Mr. T' date=' and start calling themselves Mr. or Ms. (first letter of last name). Who joins in, and what do they wear around their neck?[/quote']


    "Look, it's Prince. Wait, I mean Mr. . . . Mr. . . . Mr. "Whatever it is I'm supposed to call that symbol around his neck".

  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    Singing Aurd Rang Syne.


    (I'm going to hell, I know.)


    Considering how hard I laughed, I'll be joining you. Must spread rep, yadda yadda.


    NT: Things you wish you hadn't said while the speakerphone was still on.


    "Boy, the best thing about working from home is I can pick up all you prostitutes while still getting paid!"

  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: If individual US States manifested as superheroes or supervillains what would they be like ?


    "Villains! Fear me! I am Captain North Dakota!"


    "Hey, did you hear something? I thought I heard a noise."


    "Nope, didn't hear a thing. Let's get back to robbing this bank."


    "Um, villains, I'm right here!"


    "I could have sworn I almost noticed something, but it was apparently too irrelevant to pay attention to."

  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    New Topic: Stupid-sounding excuses that have actually worked.


    "That was Poland? Honestly, it was a nice Fall day, we all decided to go for a drive, and, next thing you know, Britain's all overreacting and we're in this giant mess . . ."


    NT: Unknown, comical reasons why World War II actually happened.

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