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Posts posted by MilkmanDan

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: How you are going to celebrate the 1000th page of NGD Scenes from a Hat.


    Same as the other 999 pages, leading a rousing rendition of "The Girl From Ipanema" while doing the flamenco in combat boots with a troupe of exquisitely-attired mountain goats.


    NT: Things mountain goats should never wear, unless in emergencies.

  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Superhero endorsements for craft brewery products.


    "Hi, I'm Wolverine, and if you don't stop drinking that godawful, bland pisswater brewed by major corporations, I will hunt you down and stab you in the stinking head."


    I'm with you, Woverine.

  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Spectacularly unpatriotic things to do. Difficulty: No mention of Communism if American, Facism for Italy and Germany and Terrorism generally.

    And try at least to be funny.


    "Hi, I'm a Democrat."


    NT: I have a particularly unpatriotic form of pastry. What should I call it?

  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    New Topic: Spoon!!!


    "And your question is . . . what is an overrated indie rock band?"


    NT: Tonight begins my second session as a volunteer soccer coach for first-grade boys. What's a good way to utterly alienate them and keep them from wanting to play soccer ever again?

  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: The zoo has had to lay off some of the animals due to budget cuts. Which ones get let go?


    They were going to lay off all the animals at the farm exhibit but, like a bunch of sheep, they were cowed into ducking responsibility and, doggone it, they backed out. Really, the cost of those animals is chicken feed, but it really gets my goat.


    NT: Come up with the worst pun you can think of referencing Dwight David Eisenhower.

  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Subtle signs that the owner of the newest NFL expansion team is out of his mind.


    "Really, the fact that multiple franchises have failed here shouldn't give anyone pause! Los Angeles is a great town for the NFL!"


    NT: The "Bengals" just isn't a good name for the Cincinnati franchise anymore. What should it be?

  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Subtle signs that your grandmother has finally lost her mind. (Difficulty: she still remembers who you are and who and where she is.)


    She complains loudly at the lack of a support hose option amongst Victoria's Secret's raciest lingerie.

  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: How Dr. Destroyer is going to celebrate Mother's Day.


    "Hi, Mom, Happy Mother's Day!"


    "Oh, Albert, it's so good of you to come."


    "I got you something! I hope you'll like it."


    "Oh, you shouldn't ha--what, Canada? Who would want that?"

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