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Everything posted by Autobahn987

  1. Re: Need help coming up with motive for Zeus in modern times. I think I'm going to go with, "Attempting to resurrect his dead lord." He'll go around and display power. As more people fear him more people will believe in Zeus and slowly the god will gain strength. Then the party can handle Zeus. Anyone know of a good write up for Zeus?
  2. Re: Need help coming up with motive for Zeus in modern times. I don't think women will work, the thing is more of a soldier, and less of a servant. Nothing really offed Zeus, he just sort of faded away with all the other gods. Though, maybe vengeance will work. Due to lack of worship the gods lost power, the will of Zeus could be trying to destroy humanity out of belief that it is Zeus' will. Or perhaps to rekindle the dead faith. That could work, but I'll keep listening to suggestion.
  3. Let's say, hypothetically, that Zeus were awakened recently by modern man. Well, not really Zeus but the physical embodiment of Zeus' will. Zeus is gone, and now his power and his anger is let loose on humanity. My question is, what would it do? It has nearly limitless power (power mostly related to war, destruction, and accomplishing the god's dirty work.) It can't really think for itself, so trying to resurrect its abandoned god master is a little beyond its comprehension. I suspect it would just carry out the last order it was given, but what would that order be? I have a pretty good idea for a bad guy, but I haven't come up with a motive. I know its a little backwards but just bear with me. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for any help in advance.
  4. Re: Teleportation Power Ideas? A small AOE attack might be cool. The character teleport between a large number of enemies, seemingly instantaneously attacking all of them.
  5. Have a character for an upcoming game who has the ability to control people through the sound of her voice. Thats no problem, but I was wondering how you would right it up to include the ability for that mind control to work through a recording of her voice. The idea is that she is a very talented singer but her success and fame are bolstered by the fact that any one who hears her voice or even a recording of her voice becomes obsessed with it. Anyway, thanks in advance for any help.
  6. I don't know how many of you play DnD 3.5 (I would assume quite a few) But, if you have played you know there is a system in place for some skills synergizing other skills. For example, very good at acting should receive a bonus to persuasion checks for lying or making people believe his sincerity. Is there anything like this in HERO system?
  7. The character can create small controlled black holes (I know it isn't realistic, but it's role playing game) but he can also explode to create an actual black hole. You know, the planet destroying kind. I'm having trouble writing up the big one. I'm not sure how to do it. Oh, It's 5th ed rev. and there is an 80 active point limit.
  8. I've got a character who can build buildings and other structures very quickly telekinetically. How would I right that up? I'm thinking a long lasting change environment. but it would have to be very big and very expensive. Any better ideas? this 5th ed. by the way. Maybe something like Change Environment 1" radius, 15 STR telekinesis for manipulating building materials and equipment, permanent ((+20 pts)effects reversed by the destruction of the structure)(Mega scale (1" = 1 km, +1/4) character can create a structure anywhere within 1 km) (125 active)(Concentration, -1(0 DCV, Constant)(Gestures, -1, both hand required, constant)(Gradual Effect (20 min), -1)(incantation, -1/2,constant)(lockout, -1/2)(25pts) I'm bad at heroes which is mainly why im keep coming her, so if the calculations or whatnot is wrong ot if i wrote the power up all stupid just tell me how to fix it.
  9. I'm trying to build a character whose main schtick is being able to reflexively discorporate into dust but can still interact with the world. Think of characters like sand man, who cant really be hit because they can transform into a cloud of sand in an instant. Cost isn't really an issue. This is 5th Ed. Revised, by the way
  10. Re: Need helps coming up with "arm" powers bunch of great suggestions. ill probably end up using most of them. Thanks everyone.
  11. I making a character based on the Extra limb power. I noticed it takes only 5 points to have any number of limbs. So Im making a guy based on using arms to get things done and i want all his powers to be clever little phrases, sayings, or puns containing the word arms. So far i have coat of arms, which is an entangle where a bunch of arms pop out and grab, yah. and arms race which I'm thinking will be a him using his many arms to move quickly. the characters name is Man-at-Arms. Any ideas for powers would be great.
  12. Re: The Science of Real Super Powers The Immortal, BECK WEATHERS!! http://www.badassoftheweek.com/weathers.html
  13. Not sure if this us the right place to post this, but has anyone ever run across a write-up of the children from the Umbrella Academy graphic novel? Specifically Seance, The Horror, The White Violin and/or The Rumor.
  14. Re: The Beam limitation? I only have the 5th (Revised) book.
  15. What is this limitation and what does it mean? or where can I find it? The only book I have is the core rulebook.
  16. i personally love speedsters. my favorite pastime is coming up with new and interesting speed tricks what are your favorite tricks? My favorite is the quick disarm.
  17. Re: Music based hero The ability isn't controlled, which can be a weakness if a song about something negative is played it could possibly hurt him. For example, if someone were to play Sleepy Head by The Pillows, he could be knocked unconscious. Actually, I can already see what my GM has planning. ill show up ready to fight the BBEG, suddenly the sound of Man! I Feel like a Woman by Shania Twain fills the air. It usually isn't a physical transformation, but if someone were to play Animal I have Become by Three Days Grace he could become more animalistic and gain some animal based powers like claws and teeth and scent and such. If someone were to play Barbie Girl, it would probably just bump up his comliness. If someone were to play Heart Of Steel by Manowar his skin would probably become metallic and he would get stronger and is ED/PD would increase. 1 at a time, my GM was very clear about that.
  18. Re: Music based hero thanks Legatus, lots of stuff here i can use.
  19. I'm making a hero who has the ability to gain different super powers based on the music that he hears. Does any one have any songs that inspire superheroes or super powers that I can use to give this dude some versatility? Or any cool ideas to expand on this theme. My GM gave me the stipulation that i had to use real songs to prevent me from just pretending that he has a song about omnipotence of something ridiculous. Any thoughts? Criticism?
  20. I'm building a character and I want him to be the ultimate survivor. I can't think of any specific examples but I've seen this ability on many TV shows and read about it in a couple of books and always thought it would be very interesting. But I have no idea where to start. For anyone who doesn't understand, reactive adaptation is the ability to physically adapt to any situation. examples: growing gills when submerged in water, developing heat or cold resistant skin when exposed to extreme temperatures, sprouting wings when falling from dangerous heights, etc. etc.
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