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Everything posted by jimofpeace

  1. Thanks again, Lord Liaden. Hopefully there isn't too many errors in the Revised Edition.
  2. Does anybody have the errata for the 5th Edition Revised rulebook?
  3. That's what I'm talking about, Lawnmower Boy!!!
  4. Ha. Ha. Yeah, I saw that right after I posted it. Oops!
  5. jimofpeace


    Oops! I didn't see that minimum cost. Thanks for the information.
  6. jimofpeace


    If I spend 3 Character points on Armor, can I have a 1 PD and 1 ED Armor? Or would the 2 points of fully resistant defense have to all be on either PD or ED?
  7. That's pretty cool. Thanks everyone.
  8. I have been totally crushing on the lead singer of the Bengles for some odd reason. Walk like an Egyptian!
  9. I really, really miss those big hair girls. Sigh.
  10. Does the benefit of Defense Maneuver last until the beginning of the characters next phase?
  11. I am using Champions 4th Edition.
  12. I had a question about Defense Maneuver. It says in the text, "Use of this Talent requires a non-attack Combat Maneuver that takes a half-Phase action to perform." What does this mean?
  13. Does anybody know if there is an errata for 5th Edition?
  14. Thank you for all the information. I was hoping there was an errata I can check out.
  15. If I were to purchase a copy of the 4th edition, which one should I get?
  16. Hello everyone, I was looking at some older editions of Champions and came across both 4th Edition and 4th Edition Deluxe. Is there any difference between the two?
  17. Ha. Ha. It looks like all the editions work just fine. I think I am going to like it here.
  18. That's good to know, Lord Laiden. It's nice to have this kind of support. I will probably come here a lot for all your help. Thank you, everybody, for the support.
  19. Thank you, I will need all the help I can get! Lol. Do you have much experience with 5th edition?
  20. Shew, what a relief! Thanks for the heads-up, my friend. This is a great forum. I am very honored to be here and to get to talk to all of you regarding learning this system and running a campaign. Thank you, all, for your support and help.
  21. Wow! This is amazing, Cassandra. It will come in very handy when I get my campaign up and running. Keep up the great work!!!
  22. It's very encouraging to see so many people using the 5th Edition still. Do you prefer 5th edition over all the others?
  23. Thanks, Cassandra. I'll be checking them out as much as possible. Thank you for the help.
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