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Posts posted by cutsleeve

  1. Re: What's the difference...


    I would say Colossus's transformation could be hindered.


    Hit him over the head before he completes the transform and has a metal head and boom ko Colossus and no metal form. Or in the marvel universe zap him with forges "instant shut your mutant powers off gun" and we have no armored colossus.


    Plus like the others have said Colossus may be written by some people with OIHID that doesnt mean he does have it. Personally id just make him with a heafty amount of normal armor with the special effect "skin turns to metal" no OIHID people just tacked that on i think to give it a point break. I however wouldnt have it a multiform The Hulk is a multiform because he has a total change when it occurs. Even the disadvantages change.


    Basically OIHID is like vanilla ice cream with toppings.

    Multiform is like is like making vanilla ice cream into Double Mint Fudge Ripple.

  2. Re: DnD's Spiked Chain


    a chain flail would be just as effective as the spiked chain. not all those things where short. You often see specimens with 2 foot stick three 3 foot sections of chain with big spikey balls on the end.


    In truth the vast majority of those asian weapons you mentioned had the advantage of also having a regular melee wepaon attached to them such as a spear a blade a sickle or something along those lines. One problem with chains used weapons by themselves is someone who is willing to risk an arm could defeat them.


    A skilled person could employ them nicely. Just hope that the person your facing isnt as skilled in the weapon he uses.

  3. Re: [iron] Why do you dislike the Four Color/Silver age (No Flames please)


    4 color shows us concepts Utopia which are irrational and out of scale with reality.


    Iron Age shows us concepts of angst and Dystopia which are irrational and out of touch with reality.


    They both have their flaws.


    4 Color doesnt mean that death doesnt occur Death occurs but its either off camera. In the old Comics that the 4 Color comics are based death happened sometimes even by the Hero's themselves there where also state executions and villians also killed as well they didnt threaten people just for show thats what made them villians. It assumes those who have no care for life or human exsistance are evil.


    Iron Age shows death as part of the Human condition it gives us a grey scale world that which tends to side with people who are self identified killers or who could care less about human life. Most people just arent that way. It also tries to show that those who do value life or human exsistance are deluded fools who will merely be proven wrong.


    Giving people super Powers wouldnt change them into walking psychopaths anymore then it would turn them into saints. It would merely bring out whatever attributes they hid within themselves.


    In truth Both sides are skewed and done properly conform to reality. If one is wrong theyre both wrong.

  4. Re: [4color] Why do you dislike the Iron Age style? (No flames, ok?)


    And now for a bit of sillieness



    flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame [4color] flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame [ironAge] flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame [Everything in between] flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flame


    :bmk: [4color]

    :bmk: [ironAge]

    :bmk: [silver,gold,ruby,saphire,leafgreen,and tiedye]


    Ok im done :D :D :D :D :D

  5. Re: XP for Disadvantages [Long]


    Good Point Good Point Seeee this will teach me work on anything at 3 am in the morning cuz i didnt see that when i wrote it up.


    When i was first writing it up i was debating whether some disadvantages could just be for character building and some for XP Age was going to be just for character building along with unluck, dependance, and distinctive feature. I thought people would comeplain why cant i get xp for them too :D


    What if you removed the Instanced part of the XP adjustment from this method you know this bit

    For Dependents, Berserk, Hunted, Physical Limitation, Social Limitation, and Reputation

    Appearance/Chance to become Enraged/Circumstance Occurs/Recognized

    All Rolls at -8 1/2

    All Rolls at -11 1

    All Rolls at -14 1 1/2

    Accidental change uses this factor

    Infrequent -8 0

    Frequent -11 1/2

    Very Frequent -14 1

    Always 1 1/2

    nix it and just use the rest of the stuff so it just measure the severity of the disadvantage. While also removing age, unluck,dependence, distinctive feature, and ncm. Using them only as character building disadvantages :think:


    Still wouldnt solve people from building for XP hmmmmmmm i guess youlld have to smack them around like when they try munchkining for character building. :D

  6. This Post is gonna be a bit long

    If this Post intrudes on any intelectual property then please kill it swiftly. I mainly did it as an intelectual excersise and wanted to know what people thought of it.


    the thread http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20815 introduced by arcady intorduced the idea that the disadvantages can be made to give xp if the characters roleplay them.


    This is just a thought i had at revamping them so they could and work well in the system.

    Disadvantages would still perform normally giving characters more points for building their characters at the cost of limits placed on him.

    Xp will be given out this way 1 pt. for being in the adventure and 1 extra point if the encounter was very difficult. The rest of the characters xp will be determined by what disadvantages come into play and are dealt with by the player.


    For Accidental Change, Berserk, Psychological Limitation, Susceptibility, and Vulnerability.


    Uncommon 1/2

    Common 1

    Very Common 1 1/2

    For Dependents, Berserk, Hunted, Physical Limitation, Social Limitation, and Reputation

    Appearance/Chance to become Enraged/Circumstance Occurs/Recognized

    All Rolls at -8 1/2

    All Rolls at -11 1

    All Rolls at -14 1 1/2

    Accidental change uses this factor

    Infrequent -8 0

    Frequent -11 1/2

    Very Frequent -14 1

    Always 1 1/2


    Special Units


    Age gets a flat XP bonus per adventure

    40+ 1

    60+ 2

    10- 3


    Substance Is

    Very Common ½

    Common 1

    Uncommon 2


    Each 1D6 ½

    -14 activation roll ½

    -11 activation roll 1

    Incompetence ½

    Weakness ½


    Segment 2 ½

    -1/2 subtracted from the XP benefit per adjustment up to a longer period on the time chart going into negatives

    Addiction ½


    Incompetent 1

    Normal ½

    Less Powerful 0

    As Powerful -1/2

    Dnpc is useful in noncombat -1/2

    Dnpc is unaware of characters career/identity ½

    Group Dnpc ½ per x2 dnpc’s

    Distinctive Feature


    Easily Concealable ½

    Concealable 1

    Not Concealable 1 ½


    Noticed and recognized 0

    Always Noticed ½

    Extreme Reaction 1


    Common Senses 0

    Uncommon Senses -1/2

    Unusual Senses -1

    Non Cultural Distinction -1/2


    Chance to Recover[/i}

    -14 0

    -11 -1/2

    -8 -1



    Less Powerful 1/2

    As Powerful 1

    More Powerful 1 ½

    Non Combat Influence ½

    Limited to Geographical Area –1/2

    Pc Easy to Find ½


    Watched -1

    Mild Punishment -1/2

    Harsh Punishment 0

    Physical Limitation


    Slightly 0

    Greatly ½

    Fully 1

    Psychological Limitation


    Moderate 0

    Strong ½

    Total 1


    Extreme Reputation ½

    Known to a Limited Group -1/2



    Professional or Romantic ½

    Both 1

    Rivals Authority

    Less Powerful -1/2

    More Powerful ½

    Significantly More Powerful 1

    PC Rival ½


    Outdo 0

    Harm ½


    Unaware -1/2

    Aware 0

    Social Limitation

    Effects Of Restrictions

    Minor 0

    Major ½

    Severe 1

    Not Limiting in Some Cultures ½


    Take Damage Every

    Instant 0

    Segment 1 ½

    -1/2 per step up in time on the time chart going into negatives


    1D6 0

    +1/2 for every added 1D6 beyond the first


    ½ XP for every 1D6 of Unluck



    x1 ½ 0

    x2 x2


    If after XP is awarded for appearance of disadvantages total up the XP you have received including ½’s as they stand then if there is a ½ left over after you have totaled them up Round it up to 1


    Joe gets 2 +1 ½ + 2 ½ + 1 + ½ as experience for some of his disadvantages comeing into play and dealing with them [b} to the Gm’s satisfaction[/b] he would end up with 7 ½ XP rounded up he now has 8 XP on top of the 1 he gained from being in the Adventure.


    Hope this seems ok I did it with a lil lack of sleep.

  7. Re: Selling people on Hero system when they're already inclined against it...?


    Those players who have played the game and dislike it on principle.


    Dont run it with them.


    For those players who have heard about it and are less inclined by it because of what theyve heard as a slow system, compicated, ect. and those who say if it isnt "system of choice" then why bother.


    The easiest solution would be make it easier for them. Lets say your running fantasy hero. Make a decent and easy magic system make up all the spells in it make up all the talents, abilities, monsters, weapons, disadvantages, ect. and let them choose from your lists, give them package deals, and make charcter building more predefined and modular. Streamline the combat rules and other rules. Give them a basic overveiw of how things work and let things go from there.


    This takes alot of time but it is one way to introduce people to the game, show how it functions, and then gives you a set of steps to introducing more complex things such as how to use their xp, how to make custom abilities, how to know what your doing without the gm telling you, and many other things which they will eventually want to do.


    when you introduce a new game its a bad idea to give the players all the options even though you want to give them enough they can enjoy themselves then let them ask for more when they want it.


    If this doesnt work then you always have the option of using hero system to create new things for another system. or Manipulating certian hero rules into another system ive always wanted to try a d20/hero hybrid where characters are more modular and less template driven. same for monsters :D

  8. Re: Disadvantage based XP


    Some players dont want those hunted to come popping around because they think like their characters when they play those roles. more powerful hunted are not their to be enjoyed and anticipated by the player and characters theyre there to scare the hell out of them and make their lives a living hell. As apposed to a minor or moderate annoyance.


    Thats the sign of a good roleplayer if a more powerful hunted was to show up some good roleplaying might involve the hero running away as fast as he or she can and hoping that the villian didnt see them.


    Now if you have a character who is overconfident and has a MP hunted the player still might not want the hunted to show up but the character wouldnt care because this would give them a chance to prove theyre better. though itll probably be a chance to prove that the human boday can be bent into a pretzle.


    Like i was saying i liked the idea of xp awards for disadvantages but dont expect all players to want the villians to show up. Thats why its the Gm's job to make them show up and the heroes job to deal with him showing up. plus it would be hard to meta-game a hunted away. "grond shows up he's mad and he remembers he doesnt like you." "I refuse to acknowledge his exsistance here, so i go back to beating on the other villians." "thats nice the problem is that grond doesnt ingnore your exsistance here."

  9. Re: Crisis of Infinite Foxbats


    10 years have gone by most of the super heroes have retired and have gotten older. It has been 10 years since anyone seen him or heard from him. There just arent anymore superhero's or villians anymore. The criminals are just uninventive now they just rob people and kill people and they have no style anymore.


    But he still remembers he still feels the urges sometimes.


    When one night the city is rocked by crime spread across the city strange crimes unusual crimes and at each crime scene the same clues they make the people remember they make them think of him. A ponk ponk ponk is the sound which signals his return the ping pong balls are the telling evidance of his rebirth.


    With a groan from the world, the police, the old champions they finally realise the truth.





    :D :D :D

  10. Re: RL news suitable for Champ's scenerios


    what if it was stolen by people who didnt want to sell it or ransom for it. What if it where stolen by a political action group. Like one of those who would steal something and destroy it to show their disgust with a "political system that values art over the poor hungry masses who yearn for freedon and democracy." these types of things have happened before so its always a viable thought.

  11. Re: Disadvantage based XP


    well i wouldnt remve the frequency for disadvatages it would still apply for hunted and suck because DoctorDemonLordDreadKnightDireDevilOfTheDemonicDungeonsOfDestruction

    May just not want to bother your life today he may have an appointment with another superhero or he needs to get some groceries from the local Arcane O Mart.


    Those frequencies are a guiding point for the Gm's to say how often can i make the characters life a living hell when he doesnt want it. plus the frequency can simulate how often the characters efforts to do something are foiled. like a dnpc you tell them to stay in this safe spot you have until TheOmegaCow has been vanquished. But because the Gm rolled for involvement and got it mean the dnpc just happened to decide they needed some more gum and went to the store for just a split second "i mean whats the odds that Thedoomsday chicken will attack you and bring you to the Farm in that span of time" or maybe ZetaGoat breached your Fortress of Pleasentness and kidnapped the dnpc.



    going off on a tangent there but basically im saying frequency is their for the Gm just in case the character neglected a disadvantage. Plus not all characters want their disadvantages coming into play. Mine certainly didnt.

  12. Re: Disadvantage based XP


    i think this is a pretty good idea. But like the others said i wouldnt penalize for avoiding the disadvantage. If the disadvatage doesnt come into play oh well if it does and he deals with it then he has brought it into play and dealt with it.


    The Xp system for hero is loose enough that you can give xp for pretty much anything so this isnt a problem.


    Id just worry about how much xp you give out.

  13. Re: I made the GM cry....


    hmmmmmm on the zombie/horror house note. id have let them go through the house and destroy all the zombies. Job well done good for you thats how its sposed to be done.but thats the point where the scenario becomes horror. the point where the players thought they had the baddies licked and so easy, the point where they thought they could relax and go home, the point where they realize that they use up almost all of their amunition clearing out the house.


    It was a good plan and it would have worked. If all the zombies outside the house hadnt heard the gunfire.


    Im not an evil gm i just dont plan my works in great detail. i just plan enough that i have resources avaliable if the players somehow do something i dont expect. The players will always think of ways to mess up an adventure. I just have to provide them with the props, extra's, plot, and fancy special effects. :D:D:D

  14. Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


    couldnt you make this an ai of some kind which controlls the tk?




    Telekenisis str 20 base cost (30), OIF (inanimate objects of opportunity) -1/2,

    concentration 1/2dcv -1/4, gestures -1/4, incantations -1/4 RC:13


    Animated Objects Intelegence


    Int 10

    Ego 10

    Dex 10

    Spd 2


    Attack Abilities

    Disarm -1 ocv +1dcv Disarm+10 str

    Kidney Blow -2 ocv +0dcv 1/2d6hka

    Low Blow-1ocv +1dcv 2d6nnd resistant pd on groin

    Punch +0ocv +2dcv str+2d6strike

    RoundHouse -2ocv +1dcv str+4d6strike

    Throw +0ocv +1dcv Str+vel/5 Target falls

    Weapon element Telekenisis

    Weapon Familiarity telekenisis

    Cost: 26


    AI cost :5


    Total ability cost 18



    its prolly just a silly way of doing it but i do silly well :P

  15. One major factor in our teochnological developement is lack of an easier method. In a world with high magic technology would be magic and magic would eventually be technology. Most things would be created, powered, and controlled by magic because it is a tool like any other. in those worlds you might have someone make firearms or many other inventions but they would be just another tool. In a high magic world sword daggers bows crossbows and gun are not very effective weapons.


    In a moderately magical world a firearms would still only be just another kind of weapon. It may replace the bow in some respects but some people might still use them. I would imagine people would use bows because they are cheap and easy to get ammunition for a firearms would be more expensive. They may also be regulated by whatever principality is in charge.


    In low magic worlds the progression of technology would be close to our normal historical technological progression. With ebbs and flows of technology like the tide coming in and going out. but constantly moving.


    If magic where to exsist it would change things in extrodinary ways. Maic wouldnt change a few things it would change almost every aspect of the society in the same measure with which it is prevelant in the world.


    This doesnt mean technology and magic arent compatible. I have always taken the route that magic and technology could work in tandum. both fufilling particular needs of the societies which they where in. Wizards would study thaumaturgy and engineering because they wouldnt want to waste magic on something that just requires a little brain power. eventually in the distant future because the scientific mind exsisted and the prevelancy of magic magic and technology would merge into one another and there would be neither there would be science and magic would be just another aspect of it.


    On another note technological developement is spurred by many things. if the Nations of islam hadnt invaded europe and prussia there would have been no renisaunce. If Budhism and zen hadn't entered japan the bushi would not have been contemplating the philosphical implications of their servitude to the local land owners and would not have developed the way of the bushi and would have never become samurai. without samurai the major motivating force behind the authority of the shogun would not have exsisted and would have degenerated even more rapidly into structural decay resulting in even more war and strife in japan which would have slowed technological developement until around 1540 when the spaniards would arrive and promptly invade and conquer japan destroying not a prosperous honorable society but a loose unorganized psuedo feudal governing body.

  16. i posted something on a samurai ability that would allow him to strike a blow after he was struck down. it was followed by someone posting a reply which had it set up as an killing attack with trigger. This is something which is more of a thing to flesh out the character. i personally might use it even though it would only be 1 charge which cant be replenished . and of course he is dead but it is something some samurai would have because of their powerful spirit. things like that

  17. id would do a bit of research


    There are many many differant varieties of heart problems that exsist. Hypertension, heart murmur, damaged valves, conjestive heart failure, clogged arteries, and many many more. some of these are not straight forward as their name appears. conjestive heart failure, which i have, isnt a heart condition that will cause you to have a heart attack nore does it mean you have had a heart attack. What it means is that your heart is not performing up to the level that it should be and isnt circulating blood effectively. This causes liquid to build up in the ankles, lungs, and abdomen. This is caused because the kidneys are not getting enough blood to properly function themselves and cause you to retain sodium which makes you retain water. with proper medication you can get the heart pumping properly and regularly but some of those medicines make you tired. another is a diaretic which make you have to urinate more often so you are sure not to build up liquid. another thing is you have to cut the amount of salt you take in very low. some people also have to watch how much water they take in also. so one heart problem can cause differant things.


    Hypertension for instance if untreated can cause kidney damage and in time absolute kidney failure.


    All in all it would be best to do some research on the various heart conditions out there and select one that fits the character or limits him in the way you want. The american heart association would be a good place to start.

  18. dont have hackmaster


    but im assuming it does what a normal bouncing betty does and shoots up from the ground and explodes at head level.


    I'd say indirect or area effect with a does body nnd defence (solid cover) or maybe all of them. or maybe explosive nnd same defence

  19. If i remember correctly in the old GiJoe comics Cobra usta have an entire small town as a cover for its center of operations. Everyone there was a part of cobra. If i where a villian i would do something like this i would find a small town with very little traffic in or out and i would but it up and slowly remove the native population transplating my own personnel. After that i would install an entire underground complex hidden under the town to train, house, equip, and turn out my Evil Commandos. of course everyone on the surface would be the people i feel can be trusted to act normal and spy on anyone who comes and goes. :D

  20. Of course... Steve's wrong, but what ya gonna do?


    This is more of a personal veiw point. I usta play using 4th edition rules and thats how i always ruled it. You could buy your speed fraction up to the next level but you couldnt buy it down since it is rounded down anyway. since it is rounded down there technically isnt any fraction. Its really only by the GM's graces that he allows you to buy the fraction up. I usta play with GM's that said it rounded down and then you had to buy that one point up regularly, for 10 points.


    But melessqr if you feel in your campaign that your players should be allowed to buy it down then you bought the game and you are running it therefore you have to right to run it in any way you feel. If your playing in another persons game the same thing applies he is running it and how he rules it is as valid as your method. Most people seem to see logic in not being able to buy your speed fraction down and i admit i also see logic in it but thats merely a matter of opinion.


    Does this need to be changed in the rules or in the next printing or edition. No, why would it if people dont like the rule theyll ignore it anyway. But that decision is up to the GM running the game he has to deal with the consequences of the rule he omits or changes. In general though when people ask about a rules question they want to know the official Hero system ruling on it.


    Lambasting steve for a rule he wrote in The Hero System is not helpful in any way and in some ways can be rude. He had to make a decision and no matter how he ruled it he would be laughed at, ignored, or ridiculed for it. Yet he still made the decision and put it into the rules, like everything else, to clarify the rules, smooth them out, and present them in the nice, neat, cleaned up volume you paid 39.95 +tax for.


    Now if you feel cheated out of your 40+ dollars because of one rule then please send me your copy. Ill keep it for awhile and probably pawn it off on another gamer and let him enjoy all the crunchy goodness. There are no roleplaying games with which people have not disagreed with the rules or disliked in some way. If there ever where a perfect roleplaying game it wouldnt require second editions and thirds and fourths and fifths and sixths and especially not 3.5's. :D


    But on that note perfection is only a matter of personal opinion. One person may think its good while another may think its is toilet paper. but like i stated its all a matter of personal opinion and taste As far as i know there is no scientific measure for calculating how good a roleplaying game is and i would venture to guess that if there where it would end up being something thats horribley time consuming and brain numbing like "rolemaster".


    Again thats about all i have to write in this reply. And again id like to ask that before you start tearing it apart that you read it entirely and take in every bit rather then a peice here and a peice there. Thank you.

  21. I have no problems with tolkien and his works they where good reading. But that doesnt mean that other works are worse then his. But Tolkien is not the standard for other fantasy fiction. Tolkien because a standard for fantasy role playing games because D&D was created during a high point in the popularity of his books. But since then people have become addicted to fantasy roleplaying game settings have definate similarities to his written works. This is not because he is the standard in fantasy literature it is because D&D was the first Fantasy RPG. This has caused it to be the fantasy game all games are compared to. It has also caused another problem and that is copykating and cloning or whatever you wish to call it. People decide to make a setting for a game. campaigne, or adventure based on what they have played before which was a clone/copy of a copy of D&D which was roughly based on Tolkien.


    I personally have gotten very tired and bored of some of the settings that people create, because of the "dungeon cloning". They create settings which use the same barely defined cultures and stereotypes as some i have played before. Nowadays i enjoy something new and original something that keeps me on my toes. I cant really get that in most peoples settings. thats also why i like making settings for the games i run which are fresh and new. The players dont automatically know whats rude to an elf or where they live or how they conduct themselves. This can create excitement and can be rewarding when the players feel they are learning something new and exploring a world they dont know by heart.


    In essence it isnt tolkien i dislike but instead i dislike the abberant clone of his work also being cloned over and over again. After a time it becomes diluted and doesnt retain the same strength it had originally. These games are good for a passing bit of fun but for a long term story driven game i always prefer revolutionary ideas in those settings. There are so many variations of fantasy and fantasy settings that you end up with many differant worlds that can be explored.


    Im not sure if these arguements or assertions will cause a pause for thought or discord. Whether they make a sort of sense or are rambling misplaced lines. I do know what i personally enjoy playing in fantasy settings and what i enjoy running in fantasy settings. I am not trying to devaluate anothers likes or dislikes nor am i trying to enhance anothers position or diminish anothers views. But i think you should always approach a setting with the expectation of being suprised and the desire to explore that setting rather then know everything about it.


    Thats about all i have to type in this reply you can attack, it rip it apart, destroy it, and throw the peices into the fire. But i would like to ask you read it thouroughly before you do. Thats all. :)

  22. well for alot of the classic d&d spells the focus isnt the bit of twig or the slip of spider web or the shiney shiney dust and such little things like that most spells would instead have an Inobvious inaccesable focus which is "(material component) from material component pouch" this solves the problem of keeping track of the individual items as long as you have the pouch. and because its a pouch full of miscellanious bits and pieces a gm could say that you may or may not be able to find a particular component if the pouch is taken away.


    In D&D only the bigger more expensive stuff had to be accounted for by themselves all a wizard needed for small time stuff was a component pouch.



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