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Everything posted by Ragitsu

  1. Re: Ctrl+V SWD6: In the Middle
  2. Re: Ctrl+V http://tech.military.com/equipment/view/88662/an-pvs-5-goggles.html
  3. Re: [Xenozoic Tales / Cadillacs and Dinosaurs] Lost technology idea needed. The iguana would have to be dog sized or larger.
  4. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.wizards.com/DnD/Article.aspx?x=dnd/dreo/20071003a
  5. Re: Ctrl+V Avernus: Giant fireballs from the sky. Dis: Superheated environment meets government that makes 1984 look like happy flower hippies. Minauros: Acid swamp perpetually absorbing the structures built on it, largely a wilderness in which giant things lurk which the devils are afraid of. Phlegethos: Fire-dominant environment. The landscape is made of volcanoes and magma. The entire landscape. Stygia: Cold-dominant environment. The entire landscape is glaciers and stop-your-heart-in-seconds water. That also rips out your memories. Malbolge: Before Glasya, a land made entirely of hills suffering perpetual landslides from mountain-sized boulders. Now, the entire landscape is alive, and guess what it wants to do to you? Maladomini: Breathing kills you. Cania: Major cold-dominant. Breathing kills you, or you freeze to death first. Nessus: One big flat plane, with some canyons. You have nowhere to hide from all the forces of the heart of Hell. No, the canyons are worse.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I want this game.
  7. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.giantbomb.com/profile/zanzibarbreeze/why-metal-gear-solid-4-is-nowhere-near-as-good-as-you-think/30-56064/
  8. Re: Ctrl+V The track "Cavern ~ Twin Snakes"
  9. Re: Ctrl+V nastasha romanenko
  10. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.giantbomb.com/profile/daneian/mgs-structural-analysis-part-1-the-twin-snakes/30-88889/
  11. Re: Ctrl+V Angel Template 385 / -110 Attribute Modifiers [240] ST +4 [40] DX +4 [80] IQ +4 [80] HT +4 [40] Advantages [145] Appearance (Very Handsome/Beautiful) [16] Close to Heaven 1 [10] - +1 to Exorcism, Meditation, Religious Ritual and Theology (note: does not bestow skill points - if you don’t take supplemental skill points you’ll have +1 to your default) - +1 to reaction bonuses with Members of the Clergy. - Hidden Lore (Demons) IQ/Av IQ+0 [2] - Hidden Lore (The Secrets Of Heaven) IQ/Av IQ+0 [2] - Occultism IQ/Av IQ+0 [2] Combat Reflexes [15] - +1 to all active defense rolls - +1 to Fast-Draw - +2 to Fright Checks - +6 to an IQ Roll to wake up, recover from stun or surprise. Detect Evil Supernatural Beings [10] - Take a vague impression on the focus of great evil in your general area. 1 KM or 6 Block radius - whichever is more interesting and useful to the game at that time I guess. - When you’re in line of sight with the Evil Supernatural Being you see through their disguise to find their true nature. Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30] Innate Attack 4 [12] - Burning Damage 1D/5 Points - Melee Only (Close Range) -30% - Can Parry, Rapid Strike, Feint, etc. - Can be Stolen -30% - Feel free to design your own to a minimum of 10 points and maximum of 25 points. The above is just a suggestion. Language (Adamic; Native) [0] Language (English; Native) [6] Regeneration [25] - 1 HP per 1 hour. Shtick [1] - Can hide wings under clothes thicker than a T-shirt - Sudden revelation of wings give +2 to influence roll on religious people. - Sudden revelation of wings give +1 to intimidation roll when in subjects presence for first time. Very Fit [15] - +2 to all HT rolls to stay conscious, avoid death, resist disease or poison. - Recover FP at twice normal rate - Lose FP at half normal rate Patron [5] - Local Clergy - Will set you up with a place to stay, tend to wounds, help in ways that a priest can. - May supply you with some gear and equipment. Likely nothing lethal. Disadvantages [110] Code of Honor (Angelic) [-10] - Never lie to the Clergy or your fellow Angels - Anything you swear to God to do must be done - Do not take the Lords name in vain - Keep the secrets of Heaven safe. - Enforce the will of God. Duty [-20] - All the Time - Extremely Hazardous - Defend humanity from The Darkness, The Destroyer and The Tempter. Enemies [-40] - The Darkness - The Destroyer - The Tempter - Formidable, Very Powerful Fanatacism [-15] - The Mission Nightmares [-10] - Your exit from heaven - Earth is a very cold, desolate and lonely place after being in heaven. - Functions as Flashbacks - Roll once per day - 12 or less and you dreamt of home. - Stat penalties are -1 for first two hours of wakefulness. Destiny [-15] - God works in mysterious ways. Quirks [-1] New at this [-1] - You’re not used to this whole physical-form thing. Everything seemed so much easier when you didn’t have to eat, sleep and didn’t have free will. Features Affected by Path of Spirit (instead of Body/Mind) magic No -4 penalty to use Exorcism. Vestigial Wings (this feature can be bought off to give functional wings).
  12. Re: Ctrl+V http://guns.wikia.com/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_MK23
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