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Posts posted by Chuckem

  1. Re: Best/Worst Characters?


    I'm sure that 'Headbang Man' -- sorry, Migraine -- did his signature thing on some poor NPC the plot needed you to keep alive. Dead men don't tell tales, and when their heads are decorating the walls and ceiling, questioning them is not an option...


    ~~ Yes, of course he did, lol..


    Hmm. Did he have Does Body on it as well? If not, he wasn't killing anybody with that power ...


    And i am pretty certain "around 5d6" with 2-3 level avad (to get agaisnt mental defense) and does body (+1) was slighty beyond any campaign limit...


    Edit: Yes, 75 Base Points with +2 Advantages (2 steps down avad + does Body) would have been worth about 225 Active Points. In a single power that could indeed unbalance the game...


    ~~ We had 375 points and I had bought it with some Limitations too. I created him on 4e when 4e was new. I can't remember the details, do you know how long ago that was? And YES it did unbalance the game which led my GM to not allow mental killing attacks anymore...


    ~~ Yes, it did Body.

  2. I am still waiting on my rulebook to arrive but have started creating my first supervillain team. They are sort of between the Get-Rich-Quick and World Domination ambition. Since I don't have my book yet I have only given them rough ideas on powers and abilities.


    Junkpile: magnetic guy who can attract metal to himself and use it for many different physical applications from healing and protection to growth and strength. Probably hard to build.


    Bianca: pure white skinned albino brick chick. Easy build.


    UnNamed Native American Guy: Wings, claws, scream and eye blast of some sort.


    Kitsune: Asian stealthy chick. Minor stealth powers, skills and minor martial arts with some nasty equipment. Very deadly but not a toe-toe combatant.


    Ulitharid: Psionic, shapeshifting, weak hand to hand ability.


    Wither: Drains/transfers, decent hand-hand combatant.


    Mr. Perfect: The leader. His ability is money and followers and a very secret special ability... He will provide the transport and most of the goons.


    I'm looking forward to building these characters with the new rules. I am more than certain one or more of them will suck :confused:

  3. Re: 6e Rule Book


    Starting off with soopers but I plan on delving into pulp and maybe starjammer-esque. I still prefer 2e D&D for my fantasy fix though. I am the only person in town with a Champions rulebook and it is 4e. I am hoping to create some interest in Hero system here...

  4. Re: Best/Worst Characters?


    Had an idea for a morphing character who was basically a big pile of goo. A gelatinous slime that couls shapeshift, duplicate, go desolid, and take on *all* the properties of what he turned into on a slightly weaker state. I never figured out how to build him with 250 points... or even 375 points. Then I thought it was a retarded idea.

  5. I would like to know what all of you great Champions gurus would consider your best and worst characters are. As I have stated before I am not well experienced with the game. I played 4e a bit and then years later picked it up again and have now ordered the latest edition as my local gaming stores are not aware of its existence. Several of my characters turned out pretty lame but I have had a couple of good ones as well


    My best character was a mentalist called "Migraine" whose signature attack resulted in my GM re-reading the rules and forced me to re-work the character. I no longer have the character but his attack was a ranged killing attack based on ECV--a mental killing attack which was about 5d6 and easily killed most things/ppl we encountered.


    My absolute worst character was a character called "Moonchild" whose powers were based on the phases of the moon. He was most powerful on a full moon but was basically a skilled normal during a new moon with power fluctuations between. He was quite interesting and powerful on a full moon but was a stinker throughout the campaign.


    Both of these were 4e so I don't know what is still relevant. I will probably rebuild these characters for you folks if I have time and can find my 4e book.


    So what are your best and worst characters?

  6. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store


    Magneto is right? He's right that mutants are the superior to humans and should rule the world and treat everyone else as slaves? He's right that genocide is justified because caucasians, err, sorry, I mean mutants, are naturally superior? I disagree.


    He is right in that normal humans will never accept mutants and that mutants *are* superior because they are the next step in human evolution. He tried the good route and it did not work. He is not a bad man, his methods are bad. Humanity created him.

  7. Re: Arabic/Middle Eastern based Character


    No specific scene. Just randomly letting others guide me into a totally random character. Character will be an NPC to loan out to on-the-spot players who are new or want to play and not have a character ready. I like the flying carpet idea. I want to keep the character simple in the event new players show up.

  8. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store


    Only one costume to a customer, and you must agree to being a hero or villain. You can't choose both. The reason for this is part of why Icons exists.


    So where do characters like Punisher and Magneto fit in? Neither are heroes and neither are villains. Punisher does what he does to punish criminals who seem 'untouchable' by the law but he is far from being a hero. And Magneto does what he does to protect his people.

  9. Re: What's *your* superpower?


    I have the power to end all conversations. Whenever people are talking and I add my contribution to the discussion everyone pauses and starts discussing a different topic. Kind of annoying until I do it on purpose...

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