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Posts posted by Chuckem

  1. Re: Assigned Cities... and stuff.


    Thanks, Assault. I just killed Big Bubba Bigshot (the hero) with the interdimensional/weirdness idea, lol. Either he needs better defenses or I need to tone down on the small penetrating attacks...


    The short story is there was an ancient item of great power which awakened and took over a local drunkard and gave him a few psionic abilities. This drunkard named "The Apparition" (for lack of a better name) quickly gained control of town members who BBB had to subdue without seriously hurting them but they ended up killing him due to a combination of his (5d6) of Unluck and some of the townsfolk using small arms and some meddling by The Apparition.


    I am considering using some "divine intervention" and letting him keep his character due to the fact that this was my first GM session with the game and his first game period using Hero. We both had a good time, though and he has a decent (if very basic) character who has Beast level strength and wrestling style martial arts combined with some other minor powers. I will be running a solo session with my only other player tomorrow and hopefully it will turn out a little better.... Wish me luck :)

  2. Re: Female Master Villains


    Eye Candy is a master villainess who I am currently building for a global domination group. Whilst being a competent fighter her main power is in her eyes. She has a wide array of abilities which she can only perform if she makes eye contact with someone.

  3. I am building my campaign world aside from the fact that I have only 2 players. I have taken a page out of the Tick and Mystery Men. Cities are assigned heroes or have adopted one. All of these cities' heroes are near omnipotent (Superman) but are arrogant snobs who do the job for status rather than for the safety of the people. The Player Characters are considered misfits and scrubs at best and are far, far less powerful than the real heroes but they have done something unheard of: teaming up. I need to build something for them to go up against that is quite the challenge yet beneath the Supermen's notice.


    I am running a few one on one scenarios for the players to start them out. One of the players character is the protector of the town he grew up in and lives in. Problem is the town is so small it only has one traffic light. Extremely rural area. What challenges/villains can I use aside from a couple of losy bank robbers? Looking for something interesting.




    Please keep in mind that I have played the game a few times but am far, far from being well-versed at it...

  4. Re: Big Hair


    Wow. Thanks. That is VERY close to what I have done with her so far. Almost identical aside from me not using an EC for the powers and some stats.


    Thanks again.

  5. Question for all the well versed Hero players here. I don't have a lot of experience with this system and I am new to this forum. I have played Champions off and on for years but never in depth. I have a friend who wants to build a character whose main ability is her hair. She can control it and make it do stuff. Her physical abilities will by quite athletic but still within the realm of normal human ability.


    I first thought of stretching but there are other things she could possibly do like use it to launch herself (super leap), entangle...??? What else???


    We are both playing 4th edition until someone breaks down and buys one of the newer editions. Any advice on how to make this a useful character and keep it simple for myself who has mediocre understanding of the system and a noob with no understanding of the game?


    Thanks in advance.

  6. Re: "Alternate" Ideas for Freemasons?


    I have a vigilante group in my game called Protectors of Humanity who are do-gooders but are just ordinary people sort of like a (global) neighborhood watch. I also have a global domination organisation which the heroes sometimes have to work with to accomplish their goals but every time this group helps the heroes it is solely for the group's benefit...

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