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Posts posted by projecktzero

  1. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming


    PCs shouldn't have a perfect knowledge about the magic system


    That sounds like a great idea. It really adds mystery to magic. Much better than "oh, Gendulf casts a fireball".


    As long as the other players don't suspect the GM bending the rules for the magic users, it'd probably work out well.

  2. Re: Five magics


    Have you read the book "Master of the Five Magics"? The magic schools were Thaumaturgy (sympatheitc magic)' date=' Alchemy (item creation), Magic (elemental powers and enchanting items, IIRC), Sorcery (illusion and psionics), and Wizardry (summoning and controlling demons).[/quote']


    There was also a cool Megadeth song most likely based on the book. :)

  3. Re: Ambrethel Map in Free Stuff


    I went to 3 hobby shops in my area looking for TA. At the 3rd shop, there was quite a bit of Hero stuff, but I didn't see TA. Just as I was about to leave, I saw TA on a display of new books.


    Anyway, I downloaded the map. Very nice!


    Question: At first glance, the map kinda looked like a distorted/morphed Europe . Without any prompting from me, when I showed the map to my wife, she commented that it kinda looked like Europe. Is this map intentionally made to look like Europe?

  4. Re: Star Wars Hero : Ready for Comment


    Looking forward to seeing more of this great stuff. Although I probably won't be running a Star Wars campaign, there seems to be some good stuff to mine for any star hero campaign. I appreciate the effort you put into this.

  5. oh wise Hero Gamers,


    I'm slowing working on a Fantasy Hero campaign. Actually, it's an old Rolemaster campaign that I managed to lose most of the info save a couple of maps and a brief history.


    Anyway, I'm struggling with the magic system. I want a magic system that allows the mages to be like many of the fantasy novels I've read. What does that mean? Well, it's very dynamic in that they can usually cast what they want when they want yet it is exhausting to cast spells. None of this spell memorization DnD stuff. Here's some of the things I'm thinking about...


    The exhausting part might be an End Reserve that recharges slowly or maybe 2X End Cost or more or both. All spells must cost End.


    All spells must have at least two of the following limitations:




    Focus(Not material components but an item such as a staff or holy symbol)

    Extra Time


    I'm thinking of only two types of spells, magic and divine. The character must have "The gift", most likely a talent the PC must purchase. One talent for Magic and one for Divine. For 1 point, the PC can buy a Latent Talent at character creation..i.e. kind of a place holder if the player envisions the character to eventually to be able to cast spells.


    "The Gift" in FH comes the closest to what I'm thinking of but without the multiple schools of magic and without keeping track of every spell the character can cast. Since there isn't multiple schools of magic, I was thinking of doubling or more the inital cost of the VPP as well as increasing the cost of increasing the VPP. i.e. For every 2 or 3 points put into the VPP, the pool is increased by 5 points. The GM will have to approve of any spell to make sure it fits in the campaign.


    I will have Hero Designer on hand during play as well as FHG, so whipping up spells shouldn't chew up too much time. Also, the player and I can whip up a list of spells that the Wizard or Priest usually casts.


    I'm planning a Heroic campaign.(75+75 disadvantages). It's been a real long time since I played Hero(Anyone remember 1st Ed Champions?), so I'm a little concerned about getting bogged down in the rules. I'm also concerned about using a VPP since so many seem to have issues with it. I hope to recruit a group of players that are more concerned about roleplaying than min/maxing.


    Any ideas on this subject? Will this magic system be unbalancing? Time consuming? Difficult for the players to wrap their minds around?

  6. Re: How do i start my story?


    How do i start all of my people meeting in my story? Do they all try do stop evil and find out and form a group? Or is that a nonpro way? Whats a good way to start


    • Yawn..you are all in a pub/tavern when an old wizard hires you...
    • Have a couple of the PC's already know each other. It is possible to introduce the other players as the story progresses.(Hopefully earlier than later.)
    • A god summons all the PCs and give them a quest.
    • um...actually your idea of them forming a group isn't bad. One team in Fantasy Hero is presented that way.
    • Perhaps all the PCs have the same Hunted or Patron or Contact.

  7. Originally posted by Snarf

    You've laid it all out clearly. Sounds like it's going to be a great game.


    One thing you could include is a direct statement of what you seem to be opposed to in your introduction. By that I mean something like "This won't be like D+D."


    or Diablo II.


    Thanks for taking the time to read my long post. I'll add a direct statement. Just wanted to know if I was on the right track.

  8. As I assemble my campaign, I'm working on a web site for it. I want to have a page that describes the Style/Type of Campaign I'll be running so potential players can review it and decide if that's the type of game they'd like to play in.


    Can you look it over and see if it conveys what type of game it will be? Do I need to add/remove/clarify anything?



    The bottom line is FUN. The game must be fun for both the players and the GM.


    It will be an epic medieval fantasy campaign.


    In an attempt to get the feel and atmosphere of epic fantasy novels that I've read[1], there are a few things that will be different in this campaign compared to the stereotypical fantasy campaign.


    There won't be magic items for sale at your local shop. Magic items are hard to make and drain the creators. They are rarely for sale.

    You won't find a orc in a room with treasure chests stocked full of magic items and thousands of gold coins. Characters in fantasy novels usually don't worry about cool loot. They are too worried about saving the world, stopping evil, ...

    This doesn't mean there won't be magic items. It's just the way the characters come across them that will be more like fantasy novels. Think about where most characters in fantasy novels get their magic items.


    There won't be dungeon crawls for the sake of dungeon crawls. The characters hardly ever will need to kill every last monster, search every room, and pilfer every last item.


    I'm hoping to give a sense of atmosphere and mood in the game. Help me out once in a while by asking "What does it look like around here?" or "What does it feel like in here?"




    I'll emphasize the role play in RPG. I don't expect funny accents or acting. I'm terrible at both, so I don't expect you to be good at it either. Instead of saying "My character attacks the orc," say "I grimace, raise my shield, and swing my sword at the orc." Saying "I grimace, swing my sword while yelling FOR TROTHGARD!" would be great. Instead of "My character orders an ale," how about, "Barkeep, your best dwarven ale."?


    Good role playing means doing things IN CHARACTER. Ask yourself, "What makes sense for my character?" When picking skills and abilities, stick with the character concept. If your character is a scrawny elven wizard, don't give him lots of BODY or PD and ED just because it will make him harder to kill. It doesn't make sense for the character. Ask, "What would my character do?" If your character prefers stealth and trickery, he wouldn't go charging into battle screaming like a barbarian. He'd sneak up on the enemy and attack from behind or set up a trap. Sometimes the answer to "What would my character do?" means doing something that isn't best for the adventuring party. On the other hand, there's a happy middle ground on this. Sometimes you'll need to rationalize why in the world your character would be doing this. We need to keep the party together or the game falls apart, so don't take it too far where it becomes nearly impossible to justify your character's actions to stay in the adventure. A character who's a loner and hates working with people isn't going to work out in this game where a group of adventurers is essential.


    You could throw in some personality traits, habits, or phobias to make the character more interesting. Maybe your dwarven fighter is afraid of water. Maybe he fell in a lake and nearly drowned as a child. Maybe he's never been on the water, so he's just afraid of sailing on it. Maybe your character collects weapons-all kinds as long as they're different. Maybe your character is a drunk and rarely sobers up. He might drink on adventures not just at the local pubs. These can also be great Disadvantages for your character. Check out Uncle Figgy's Guides to learn more. Yeah, the name Uncle Figgy sounds corny and funny, but these guides are pretty good. Uncle Figgy has been playing RPGs for over 17+ years, so there's something to learn from him.




    After a gaming session, let me know what you like and don't like about the game. I won't learn how to make my game better unless I get some feedback. If you're not having fun in the game, let me know and tell me why after the game session. Try one more session. If you're still not having fun, maybe our gaming styles don't match.



    [1] J.R.R Tolkien, Terry Brooks, Terry Goodkind, Mary Stewart, Raymond Feist, Ursula K. Le Guin, David Eddings

  9. I've read many who like the Conan soundtrack, so I picked it up. It just doesn't do it for me.


    The LOTR soundtracks are good.


    I do remember Bakshi version of LotR, and the soundtrack was pretty good.


    David Arkenstone's Celtic Book of Days


    Jethro Tull


    I'll probably think of more after I click the submit reply button.

  10. I'm one of the few who like Shannara. The Sword of Shannara was pretty good. Elfstones was good, but Wishsong seemed like a contractual obligation. Years later, I read the prequel, First King of Shannara which was written sometime after the 1st trilogy. The writing was much improved. I like that Sword of Shannara eludes to a past that is like present day but something happened.


    I read the first Sword of Truth books, and I started the second one. Most of it was pretty inventive, but I couldn't handle 100+ pages of the main character getting tortured. It was a little too graphic, and it went on too long. I put down the 2nd book when some witches/wizards started torturing a couple of new wizards.


    Oh, my vote for worst would be nearly any low budget sword and sorcery film with bad acting, bad effects, and confusing swiss cheese plots. You know that ones you wasted money at the theater years and years ago.

  11. Long ago in a galaxy far far away...


    1980's - A friend invited me over to play Champions(1st ed). My 1st character was an alien(humanoid bug with Ace Frehley like costume) bounty hunter with the most complicated name ever: Alien.


    He got his but kicked pretty quickly, but it was fun.


    My first time GMing, I took Cobra from that villian or enemy book and created a team to go with him. Unfortunately, the super heros had probably a couple of hundred points more than my villians, so the villians didn't wake up for months.


    We were going to switch from Table Master(er..Rolemaster) to Fantasy Hero when it came out, but I don't remember if it ever happened.

  12. Great idea


    I think it's a great idea. Great oppurtunity to roleplay. Maybe the player can buy it off eventually when he's called on the shaman one too many times. On the other hand, maybe the player starts learning the secret of the shaman. Maybe the shaman gets tired of saving his hide, so he shows some of the "magic".


    It can definately work for a fantasy game too.

  13. Hindsight is always 20/20


    I'm no expert on this, but the GM and players need to know what is expected of each other.


    The GM and players need to understand what type of game they are going to be playing. i.e hack 'n' slash, long campaign, series of unrelated adventures, roleplaying, highly lethal, humorous, ...


    The GM should discuss with the players what type of game the GM would like to run. Create a handout or put up a web site.


    Bottom line is that everyone should have fun. If they aren't having fun, then there's a problem.


    Robin's Laws of Good Game Mastering is a good book that helps the GM determine the types of players in the game, so the GM can tailor the adventures to make all the players happy.


    GM Secrets is pretty good book too. It covers many aspects of GMing.


    Rolplaying Tips Weekly is a great e-zine with a wealth of information.


    Finally, Uncle Figgy's Guides are a must read for anyone who's interested in RPGs.

  14. I've been toying with the idea of running a Star Hero game. Something like a lower tech Star Trek. I thought I'd get my hands on GURPS Prime Directive and translate to Hero sys, but then I remembered TrekHero.


    Thanks for all the effort you have put into this.

  15. I've been very slowly reading Star Hero, and I came across this:


    "A con man has just sold the party's starship to four different customers and skipped out with the loot."


    I thought of a spin on this in that the con man sold the starship to each of the PCs and skipped out with the loot. This would be a great way to start a campaign or game. It seems somewhat better than the old stand by "your in a tavern/bar ..." to get the PCs together.


    BTW, what ways have you used to get your PC together in your games and campaigns?

  16. Here's my $0.02. I haven't GM'd a future campaign, so take this with a grain of salt.


    Play up the technological conveniences. Like when ST:TNG's Picard orders "Tea Earl Grey Hot" and it magically materializes in the fabricator thingy. Those annoying targeted ads in Minority Report are another example.


    Language could be fun too. New slang for different things. TANJ from Larry Niven's Known Space.


    You might take a look at roleplayingtips.com. There's probably something about Sci Fi settings.

  17. Originally posted by Dr Rotwang!

    All I remember is trying to read The Cat who Walked through Walls, being hideously confused, and stopping.


    *sigh* Oh, my. How embarassing.


    I got a ways into Number of the Beast, got bored, and stopped. Not my cup of tea.

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