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Everything posted by projecktzero

  1. Re: Transhuman Space HERO yawn. I'd rather do Lost In Space HERO. :p Just kidding. Actually Transhuman Space HERO sounds really interesting. Nothing turned up in a short search on Google. Is there any GURPS to HERO conversion stuff out there? I haven't looked.
  2. Roleplayingtips.com has an article on DM binders. http://www.roleplayingtips.com/issue69.asp Also, Johnn Four had a article in Dragon mag about DM binders.
  3. On the other hand.... this kind of info could be handy for a time travel campaign. If you enjoy doing this, then there really isn't a problem. I assumed incorrectly that you were stressing out over getting the world scientifically accurate.
  4. Will your players even care or notice that you spent all this time making the planet scientifically accurate? Is a significant portion of the campaign going to take place on this world? Would the time be better spent on working on adventures? Fleshing out NPC's? Is the planet a "big dumb object" and these details are important to a campaign or adventure?
  5. I'm not going to put a lot of hard science in my campaign. For one thing, I don't know it very well, and my players would call me on it all the time. I don't want the science getting in the way of the fun. My campaign is going to be space opera in more ways than I'm willing to admit. One thing I'd recommend is to stay consistent. If the wazoo drive needs folgers crystals as fuel, then make sure you stick to that.
  6. I'll definately get FRED and Star Hero. After I digest that, I'll see about TUV. No Cyberpunk HERO? I would think that much of that depends on the GM, but I see your point. Thanks for the help.
  7. I'd agree with the "techie" part. I'm also concerned with the lethality of GURPS. Since it strives for realism, I think it'd be easy for a character to die. From what I remember of the Hero System, it was a lot harder to die. Granted that was 1st ed Champions, but even normals could hang in there. They'd be in a coma, but they wouldn't die like flies getting swatted. I'm looking forward to picking it up. I really like GURPS Space. It does get you brain storming. Thanks. I'll wander over to the Star Hero forum and check it out.
  8. After LOTR, NWN, DND3E, and AOM, somthing snapped and I reached Mideval Fantasy Burnout. I decided I'd like to run a Space RPG. I thought GURPS was the answer, so I picked up several GURPS books. Later I noticed Star Hero on the shelves of a comic book store. GURPS seems like a good system, but there are a ton 'o rules. GURPS Vehicles made my head explode. I used to play the original Champions long long ago, and I had a lot of fun. I also remember the 1st Fantasy Hero, but we never really got into it. Anyway, I'm wondering how the Hero System compares to GURPS. Do you find it easier? Harder? Just different? Also, how much has the Hero System changed since the original Champions? How much of it is still the same? For someone who's thinking of running a Star Hero game, which books would you recommend? FRED, Star Hero, and ???
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