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Posts posted by digeridork

  1. Thanks for the advice. I sort of got blinders on with respect to a single END pool being easier on me the player. MY original intention would be that it would be some limitation that I could tack onto the character to make character creation and designing powers easy to. I need to remember that there are probably easier ways to do something and not to go with my first thought. Thanks for that reminder as well. 

    After discussing with my GM I'm thinking the two END pools is going to be what I want to do. Thanks again for the options.

  2. I recently suffered defeat at the hands of fickle dice. I had a choice between sticking my character in a machine and maybe bringing him back or creating a new character. I chose the section option. 


    I want to play a blaster with fire-based powers and a couple electric-based powers. They'll both draw from the same END pool, but thematically I want the END from electric-based powers to recover at a slower rate than the fire-based (primary) powers. Is there a way of doing this without buying a new END pool for use with the electric-based powers? I'm sort of drawing a blank.

    1) I'm using the Champions Complete book because that's what I have available (because three someones managed, as a group, to forget to pack their laptops), 
    2) I'm thinking some sort of Limited Power modifier on the electric-based powers,
    3) Or some sort of Recoverable Charge,
    4) Or I'm likely missing something very obvious

  3. Update: It looks like I was, in fact, overthinking this. I was looking through the forums and found a comment about it having a character sheet and someone else mentioned Hero Designer. I remembered there's a vehicle builder for Hero Designer and put it in there. Sure enough the HTH damage was right there.  While I'm not sure why I made so much out of it, I will note that Hero Designer has been a really awesome tool that I should really use more often.

  4. A situation came up with my novice GM and myself that I need some clarification on. I wanted my character to ram someone with a handy idling truck, which we figured was a Move Through attack. 


    We figured Move Through right, but were fuzzy on the vehicle STR. The chart on 6E2, pg 196 says that the STR listed is for figuring it's max lifting Strength. It wasn't clear if it used that STR also for damage when doing attacks like a Move Through.


    Did I figure it right with my pickup truck's Strength (40 STR) + the Move Through damage or is there another way to figure a vehicle's strength for doing damage? That was our solution and I think I'm worrying overmuch about it being wrong, but it just doesn't seem really clear to me.


    I've been looking this morning, but either my Google-Fu is really that bad and my ability to search through the PDF is lacking or I'm proving that there really is such a thing as a dumb question.

  5. So Tasha, you want to actually have a full game built upon the foundation of Hero, sans the part of Hero that is supposedly the big draw to the system? That is both bold and, coincidentally, sort of like the project I am working on. I admit that I never envisioned keeping the Power building rules out completely. I always figured a sort of mini-rules presentation, methods of pre-generating characters with a very D&D-esque Race/Class system (mechanically done for my project), and the support material to tweak interest in the system. After that, I thought about tutorials on how to do it yourself by starting simple and increasing complexity. The idea of expanding that idea to an entire product line and omitting the "here's how YOU do it" aspect did not occur to me. Interesting.


    I really need to get some more information of Savage World's Plot Points. What book(s) would be a good place to start looking? 

    I would suggest you motor over to the Savage Worlds forums, but they've hit a snag getting those back up it looks like. Almost any setting book has a Plot Point campaign to go with it. 


    I had this bookmarked because I generally try to write Plot Point Campaigns for every game I run (I suck at it so the results are mixed, but there it is). https://www.peginc.com/plot-points/ should get you what you want to know.


    Forgot to add that I think the best Plot Point Campaigns take players all over the setting (or a very variably sized chunk of it) and gives them a chance to experience all the cool stuff that your setting has to offer.

  6. The closest comparison I could make between the Hero System and any of the games that you have experience with is Shadowrun 4e. Hero is pretty much a classless system, but you can build roles within the group to mirror D&D roles. If you want a fighter to be big and tough you have to buy the proper stats to reflect that.


    They make the Hero Bestiary that is chock full of mythical monsters, you could say an entire compendium's worth. I suggest it because it was useful in showing me how they make the powers and abilities that made it easier as a player and as a GM running my first game.


    You don't have as much a problem with the 15 minute work day as you do in D&D because your abilities are more frequently available (depending on how you write them) and the downtime is negligible in most cases. Haven't used Hero for fantasy yet, but I can see where it would work very easily.


    There aren't any levels, but with CP you can increase what you want to increase in a way that is not restricted by class. Brainy fighters, buff wizards, and everything in between are completely possible with the system.

  7. As it's been explained to us in our game setting there are devices about the size of the full body scanning machines you'd find in an airport that scan the person that walks through to determine if they are a mutant or not. That's as small as they get without the aid of very limited super-science devices that can't really be mass produced at a small scale. They're in airports, courthouses, city offices, hospitals, police intake stations, and a few privately held establishments. They cost about $10,000 to install and they have to be calibrated frequently enough that it is expensive to maintain. In our setting they've become a part of the security theater rampant in post 9/11 America. 

  8. The concept for the character I've been making is an alien visitor with the equivalent of a galactic flat tire who's waiting for his version of AAA to come by and bring him a spare. He's fighting crime as a way of killing time while the repair tech clears out their schedule... the only tragedy is subscribing to a starship assistance program with a limited service range and only a couple of techs.

  9. How would that be received by the general public? Things like insurance operate because your doctor might be a glue sniffing maniac with a penchant for unnecessary surgery (or maybe he just made a mistake). The public looks at general malpractice insurance and can rest easily knowing there is some sort of protection or oversight in place. With mutants that heal with the wave of a hand or something there's no protections in case something goes wrong.


    What about pushback from fringe groups (hardline religious types, anti-mutant racist types)? How would the MAMA address these concerns?


    This idea has a lot of potential for interesting roleplaying themes and situations. I like it a lot.

  10. The Dastardly Digest

    - 21 True Life Stories of Crime that Pays

    - How To Tell If Your Henchman's Cheating

    - Simplify Your Next Crimewave

    - Monologuing: When You've Said Too Much

    - This Year's Hottest Ray Guns! These Aren't Your Grandpa's Blasters


    The Conspirator's Copy

  11. I'm starting to think this was a neat concept born of inexperience and execution might be more than I can deal with at the moment.


    Thanks for the advice. I might have to reconsider this line of thought entirely and just shelve this idea for when I'm more comfortable with the rules.


    We've got a brick already. Maybe I can focus on making a healer type character. I figure everyone would want someone like that around.

  12. So I'm supposed to be making a character for a Champions game and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the choices that are available. 


    I took a number of concepts and finally landed on one that I like - a character who acts like a walking Mirror of Opposition from D&D. The way that I imagine the character will work is that he uses the power to make a copy of the target who is the same as the target, but a good guy. So he wanders up to the big bad guy and makes a copy of the bad guy who acts like a good guy. Not sure that makes a lot of sense.


    From what I read, this would work like a Duplicate power usable as an attack linked to some sort of Severe Mental Transform. 


    Is something like that possible? If so am I on the right track to making a character that can do that? Is there any advice for where to go with that line of thought?

  13. I'm new too.


    My forum name is digeridork. I'm a bit of a dork and I like the sounds you can produce with a didgeridoo.


    The first tabletop RPG game that I played in was Star Wars d6 sometime around 1990. 


    The first tabletop RPG game that I ran was a very short lived d6 Star Wars game about 1991. Been running games ever since.


    I am currently in the character creation stage for a Champions game. 


    I am currently running a 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons Birthright game. Next week I will be running a Savage Worlds Scooby Doo game for some friends as part of our traditional Halloween scary RPG session.


    I was first introduced to Champions sometime in the mid-90s working graveyard at a call center. I played a pool cleaner that tossed lightning balls and fought with an electrically charged pool hand skimmer . It wasn't a well thought out character, but he was made between handling two irate callers so there's that. I didn't actually play again until 2010 when my roommate brought home a copy of 5th Edition Hero.


    I've enjoyed learning a system that I was initially very overwhelmed with and this forum has been especially helpful for that, so thanks.

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