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Posts posted by knightwriter

  1. I have read through the submission guidelines and am eager to contribute, once I have a frim grasp of the rules. Since the submission guidelines are dated from 2003, I was wondering if there were updates to this information? Are they good to go, as is? Or is it possible that unsolicited submissions are not looked at anymore?


    Thanks all for any information you can provide.


    Game On!

  2. Like the title states: I'm new to 6e, but have about twenty five years of gaming under my belt. I picked up 6E last weekend and starting reading through it. At first I was overwhelmed by the material, but after a few deep breaths with my head between my knees, I got past the initial shock and started to assimulate the information.

    I love how free form this system is.

    For the first time, in my gaming life, I have created the noble Knight that I envisioned in my head, without having to box him into an existing class with a rules structure stating he can do this but not that.

    I am really excited to create my own world and feel like I have the tools to do anything that I wish now without being boxed in by someone elses idea of how the game should operate.

    After all this gushing, sorry, I was wondering if anyone had a good idea of how to gently bring my group into this game system? I was thinking about starting with a heroic game (fantasy), there in possibly only using the combat system without the optional rules and working closely with the person who wants to be a wizard, as it will be the first time either of us have worked with the powers in this system.

    I would be greatful to hear what others did to get players into this system.

    Game on!

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