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Posts posted by AirborneRob

  1. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if...


    If your team upgrades the Infinity Gauntlet as a side project while the they are on vacation.


    The cosmic deities watch from their domains as the team upgrades the Infinity Gauntlet and take notes.


    The team pimp slaps the being that created the Infinity Gems for not working the bugs out ahead of time.


    I'll apologize now if the Infinity Gauntlet/gems have already been utilized in this thread :)

  2. Re: How do Hero System players/GM view DnD?


    Thanks for all the opinions and information. I don't want to start a war here' date=' because for one it's stupid, and two, everyone is going to have their opinions. I just happened to be interested in hearing about the opinions of both sides of the fence. All good stuff here though![/quote']


    Bwahahaha, little did you realize the debating and opionion tossing you have wrought here with this thread of doom ;) Im just kidding, lol, this has been a great deal of fun for me :)

  3. Re: Tell me what you think


    To me, the whole idea smacked of laziness. "We're not putting any sensor designs in this book -- but here's a VPP so you can design your own. Good luck with that."


    Yes, they could have done better. The only purpose the Sensor-VPP serves is as a placeholder for realpower constructions which should have been included.


    Lol, dont hold back, tell me how you really feel ;) No, in all seriousness, designing true to genre sensors for a Starship doesn't feel like a VPP is necessary. Thats why i cant wait for the Starhero book to come out, never seen any version of one and would like to see what they consider proper.

  4. Re: Tell me what you think


    its one thing I have hated with a passion about Star Hero' date=' VPP based sensor arrays, I prefer the old school of fixed function arrays. and fixed weapons systems too... but thats just me[/quote']


    Im not sure i fully understand. Buying different sensor systems outside of a VPP is a better way?

  5. Re: Tell me what you think


    I would go with heavier defenses' date=' and some kind of point defense capability, one idea would be to add a couple of 360 pulse phasers, does she also carry admin shuttles?[/quote']


    Thank, lol, i did forget the shuttles didnt i. Thats one question i do have, i assumed certain weapon systems from Star Trek into HERO default to 360 degree firing arcs, is that something that you have to specify for HERO?

  6. Re: Tell me what you think


    how are you defining a "Heavy Carrier"? lets talk current modern design philosophy for a second, you have designs like the Nimitz and Degaulle classes, which have minimal defensive armarment and lots of small craft, but require a lot of escorts to defend them,

    or something closer to the soviet Kuznetsov which trades off carried craft for a heavy offensive and defensive armarment. I prefer the soviet philosophy myself.


    This Heavy Carrier is defined as a Frontier starship for force protection and projection. With the ability to deploy 2 heavy escorts and 4 squadrons of fighters, it allows for staying power in the face of a threat race. The ship itself is also designed with self-defense in mind. Trying to use current naval carrier doctrine as a model is not accurate though i understand why you asked it. At that level of technology and the fact that Starfleet is a bit on edge post Dominion War, a ship that allows for the types of missions this one can undertake is very plausible. I look at the after effects such as post Dominion War, Starfleet no longer has the ships available to range its own borders. A Starship like this was intended to accomplish ranging mission, exploration, force protection/projection.

  7. Re: Tell me what you think


    Talk to Eodin about this,hes done a whole crapload of Star Trek Hero stuff, both original and next gen, he had it posted at Starhero fandom, but theres something wrong with that site now

    I've never done any work on Star Trek ships, too much voodoo science for my tastes.


    LOL, voodoo science huh ;) Hey just because 80% of a ships systems can be repaired with a Phased Flux Inhibiter or Self Sealing Stembolt, doesn't mean its a problem :)

  8. Re: Tell me what you think


    Oh' date=' so they officially introduced "fighter craft"/combat shuttles in DS 9? I missed that... It strikes me that a Star trek Carrier or Heavy Carrier would have a decent amount of firepower itself, on top of the fighter craft it carries.[/quote']


    Yea, they were only shown in DS9 and in only a few episodes. Sacrifice of Angels is one i can remember off the top of my head.

  9. Re: Tell me what you think


    Based on a conversation regarding a conversion of Star Trek into HERO, a friend of mine wanted to actually see a Carrier Class Starship. It is still a work in progress for me but i think it has the big stuff covered.


    Class/Type: Andromeda/Experimental Heavy Carrier

    Shipyard: Utopia Planetia

    Commissioning Date: 2376

    Size: 890.03 x 500.65 x 220.15 meters; 7,600,150 metric tons; 58 decks

    Crew: 2000

    Propulsion: Epsilon Mk-1 Warp Drive (Cruise@7.5, Sustained@9.85, Emergency@9.992 for 16 hours)

    Sensor Systems: Long-Range@19 LY, Lateral@3 LY


    Weapon Systems:

    Pulse Phaser Banks: 6 (3 Port, 3 Starboard), 12d6 RKA, Autofire (5 shots Max), Penetrating, Megascale (1m=200km) 360,000 km max range, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END)

    Type XII Phaser Array: 10d6 RKA, Autofire (5 shots Max), Penetrating, Megascale (1m=200km) 300,000km max range, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END)

    Torpedo Launchers: (2 Forward, 1 Aft), 15d6 RKA, Autofire (5 shots max), Penetrating x2, Megascale (1m=2000km) 4,500,000km max range, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END)


    Deflector Shield:

    36 Resistant PD/ED (Hardened, Impenetrable)

    Hull, 25% Resistant Physical/Energy DR


    Craft Supported:

    2 Defiant Class Heavy Escorts docked in the secondary hull

    24 Starfleet fighter craft (4 squadrons of 6) docked in the secondary hull

    10 Runabouts


    When we were tossing the idea around, i settled on the concept of the Heavy Carrier being a more frontier vessel. This is really the first attempt at doing a basic write up of a Starship and the core idea behind the conversion into HERO is so at some point, i will run a heroic lvl game. I wanted to introduce something different yet plausible for a Starship concept and we settled on the idea of a Heavy Carrier. By all means, if you folks have any thoughts, i would love to hear them. I didn't try to build this using points for 2 reasons: First, the core books for 6E didn't really give me the impression that it covered something of this scale; Second, because the characters will be built on heroic points and Starfleet owns its ships, didn't see a need.

  10. Re: You are unappreciated when . . .


    ... When you are billed by the city everytime you use a power


    ... When the world is threatened by a meteor and they ask the villains for help first


    ... When you arrive on the scene to help the police stop the bad guys and the police attack in both directions

  11. Re: You are unappreciated when . . .


    ...Uwe Boll refused the option to make your movie on the grounds that it was beneath his dignity.


    ...Your base is repeatedly "mistaken" for a public urinal.


    ...your school-age DNPC is assigned to write an essay on "my hero" and chooses your archenemy as the subject.


    ...No, lol SKJAM!, its when he/she switches sides and becomes your Arch-Enemies DNPC so the kids will stop taking his/her lunch money ;)

  12. Re: Political/Religious Space Colonies?


    I think groups like the Mormans would have a desire and the funding to start their own colony. Also Hippies/Back to nature types would want to go but someone else would have to foot the bill(unless they steal a Starfleet shuttle:))


    Lol, i tried to rep you for the reference to that particular ToS episode but its not letting me. Maybe i already repped you for it, lol, cant remember.

  13. Re: How do Hero System players/GM view DnD?


    I have fond' date=' albeit ancient, perhaps nostalgia obfuscated, memories of D&D, esp. Al-Qadim. System-wise, AD&D 2nd edition with 1st Ed bards ported back in was the apex of the system, but I wouldn't play it today. I'm skill centric and the class/proficiency mix doesn't pass muster. When I create a character these days I heavily leverage skills, perks, and custom "heroic talents." True, 3E did introduce a skill system and feats, but it was also disparate, hard to keep track of, and stacking-centric, which doesn't do it for me. I don't want to map out progression for gamist efficiency. I want to build what I want and start playing. As a result, my attitude is "smoke 'em if you've got 'em." If it works for you and your play style, great. But I'm not going back.[/quote']


    In short, you have good memories. I never tried Al-Qadim and never really had any feedback regarding it though im sure it was good. When i was introduced to the HERO system, i have to admit i was damned impressed. The whole idea of numerous building blocks to maneuver to create the character you want reminded me of an RPG jigsaw puzzel at first. As time went on and things became clearer, the system became much more enjoyable and indepth. HERO will not at any point i can see, be the only game i'll play but it will be the one i prefer to play when afforded the choice. Vondy, lol, thats why if i do play D&D, i would rather it be 2.5....less book keeping. We are in a Pathfinder game and i'll admit that so far i'm pleasantly surprised.

  14. Re: How do Hero System players/GM view DnD?


    Yeah' date=' those parts were pretty neat, though some of the requirements and interactions with other abilities were a little messed up. And in the ways those things shined, I noticed a distinct similarity to things like Hero's CSLs and Martial Arts and such. ;)[/quote']


    Oh, the fact that a warrior could get to the point of increasing his base weapon damage was fantastic. The extra hit/damage was nice as was the extra attack, but take all that plus increased weapon damage, lol, oh yea. The requirements for the weapon, armor and shield stuff wasn't bad, really the only thing you were required to do was have the prof. slots to pay for the abilities if i remember right. The fact your overall movement was based on the STR to hit modifier and DEX reaction adjustment i believe, that was a good call. It allowed such characters to have a little more battlefield command and control.

  15. Re: Ballad of Ardor


    If you're building it as Characteristics UOO' date=' then you don't need Expanded Effect. That's only for Adjustment Powers.[/quote']


    Yea, after I posted that i knew I erred. I took a long look and came up with +2 OCV, +2 DCV, +1 SPD ( 30 character points of characteristics), UOO ( Affects up to 4 recipients +3/4, Recipient must be within limited range of Grantor for power to be Granted +1/4, recipient must remain within line of sight of Grantor -1/4 ), Requires singing throughout -1/4. I started on the basic multipower and already have incantations -1/4 which is why i left singing throughout at a -1/4. Lol, very similar to Seans post, hope i got it right this time :)

  16. Re: How do Hero System players/GM view DnD?


    Skills and Powers' date=' and Combat and Tactics, actually gave me a pretty bad taste, and made it really difficult for me to look at 3rd edition D&D with any kind of interest. While the (vaguely Hero-like) concepts were neat, I found that the execution was terrible, and really started the corner-case ability-chaining munchkinism that D&D was evolving into. And the introduction of game-changing "Attacks of Opportunity"...shudder (yes, I understand some form of attack of opportunity might have been present before Combat and Tactics/3E, but that's the point at which it started to become THE major tactical consideration of all combat, and you had to start thinking 6 times about each planned bit of movement or attack lest you enter or leave or cross or look at someone's threatening squares or whatever, and try to remember which enemies had already used their AoOs and which have extra ones and what maneuvers might give someone an AoO against you and...). Once I finally did look at 3rd edition with the slightest bit of interest, I found that the "feat chains" and crap left an even worse taste (the way skills evolved was a great--albeit partial--step in the right direction though).[/quote']


    Cant say i disagree. Some of the extra book keeping i could do without and like most any book, D&D or otherwise, we took what we liked and left the rest alone. I thought the Knockdown rules were decent but i have to admit the critical charts were fairly convoluted at first blush. It's been too many years since using those rules but overall we enjoyed some of the changes. Lol, i am unwaivering in my satisfaction with the expanded weapon specialization, style specializations and Armor/Shield Specialization rules ;)

  17. Re: Ballad of Ardor


    Allocating Skill Levels is a 0-Phase action. The bard can still move and fight while singing (although taking damage may interrupt the song).


    Nice, i didn't know that. I thought once the singing started, you were comitted. I think i have found a happy middle ground. It's a slight tweak from Sean's recommendation early in the post, tell me what you think. +2 OCV, +2 DCV, +1 SPD ( 30 character points worth of Characteristics), Expanded effect ( OCV,DCV,SPD) +1, UOO ( Grantor can give power to one recipient, recipient must be within limited range for power to be granted) +1/2. With this, i lose the AoE effect, but i can keep the intended effect and then apply it one person at a time. Like i said, the group size will be small and having to cast it a couple of times is not a major issue for me. I still have to put the limitations on it, i just wanted to make sure the intended effect would fit within our 80 AP cap.

  18. Re: Ballad of Ardor


    Don't forget that +2 CV/+1 SPD is a powerful buff. Assuming the opposition had equal CVs, the PCs have gone from hitting or being hit 63% of the time, to hitting 84% of the time while only being hit 38% of the time, plus getting an extra Phase every Turn. If I may suggest something more modest:


    Ballad of Ardor: +2 with All Attacks, Usable Nearby (+1) (40 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; singing; -1/2) (20 Real Points)


    All party members within 4m of the caster get 2 CSLs with all combat to allocate as they see fit for as long as the bard sings. Note that this is tiring - the bard is spending 4 END/Phase, which should keep him from singing through the whole combat.


    I like the build, singing throughout is very appropriate. The only real trick is that we may end up with a party of 2, so singing throughout effectively eliminates 1 from the fight while he maintains the buff. If push comes to shove, i may just alter the overall buff. I may be trying to squeeze to much into one song.

  19. How would you folks view a Heavy Carrier Class starship in a Star Trek conversion to HERO and what would you want to see with a ship like that i.e. defenses, size, should it be able to carry something larger than the standard starfleet fighter craft or a combination. Should it be a part of a task force or could you see it as a stand alone vessel. I have a basic write up that a friend of mine wanted to see done and i'll post it when im able. The time frame for this class of ship is 2376, about 6 months post Dominion war :)

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