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Posts posted by Newbie

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Do you suffer from long term memory loss? I don't remember...


    I see that someone else listens to Chumbawumba for songs other than Tub Thumping. I believe that is an excerpt from "Amnesia". A very good song, I must say. I also heard that song on an NFL commercial once.

  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Heh...well, there's the negativity thing (the worst of the bunch, IMO), and the judgmental thing (she tends to be very judgmental, probably stemming from being a sheriff), the communication thing (not opening up often or easily; also probably from being a cop so long), and the needy thing (relatively minor, but she needs to get some friends and learn to do things on her own instead of ALWAYS wanting to do something with me).


    I think that covers it. Nothing's insurmountable at this point, but I'll be expecting her to meet me halfway on most of these issues in the near future (and yes, I'll be polite and reasonable and non-antagonistic).


    The communication thing will make it difficult to talk about the other things at first. When does the judgmental thing kick in? After you have been drinking all night with your band? The needy thing - yeah, I bring this one up to my wife as well. She has just now started making friends after being down in Florida for 4 years. Of course, when she goes out that means I watch the kids.


    The sex is good, though.


    Well...everything else is just icing on the cake. Although Dave, she DOES need those handcuffs back to do her job.

  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    ^ v ^


    That's what we called theft n stuff at Suncoast. My managers would tell me, "We have a huge problem with shrinkage."


    Man, I have NO idea how I got through those conversations with a straight face.


    I'm immature...I admit it, but I have more fun that way. I could be like the other engineers I know and sit back while the world goes by around them. I choose to give in to my inner child. My wife can't believe some of the words that come out of my mouth.


    My immaturity even came up on a recent performance review. I was told to be less humorous in serious design reviews, to which I replied, "Well, that's not going to happen. What's next on the list?" If they start docking my pay for my quips and stretching out meetings past their time allotted then maybe I will do something about it. Considering they still give me very good raises the chances of me changing are slim to none.


    So, in reference to the conversation you had, I would have replied, "Do you now? Well, I hear shrinkage can be a huge problem."

  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    And familiar, too.


    But having one's brain deeply embedded in the gutter sort of makes civilized conversation difficult. When I stifle a giggle, I can still hear it in my head, and it tends to drown out whatever the other person's talking about.


    Speaking of which, try attending a meeting where ordering extra parts for spares is known as "shrinkage". Some people have no tolerance for someone adopting the George Costanza voice and quipping, "shrinkage" in a meeting in response to tallies of extra parts available.

  5. Re: Role play during combat


    I'm slightly surprised by this.


    Some of the best role-playing (in the non soap opera sense) has taken place during combat in my FtF games. It somehow seems more natural to have a tete-a-tete with the villain while you are fighting. My favorite GM allowed lenghty soliloquies during your phase as long as you were not giving combat orders to the rest of the team. Some of my favorite characters were very cocky during combat and taunted the villains incessantly. Taunts often kick off the role-playing since villains can't stand for the superhero to have the last word. Get it kicked off with some good taunting I say.


    "There's more where that came from."


    "Who's Laughing Now you little nancy boy!"


    "I would have chosen a different color spandex for your outfit. That color makes you look fat."


    "I hope you like the taste of brick because you are going right through that wall."


    "You may as well lie down now because that is where you will be when I get through with you."

  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    I sit here reading the "Musings on Random Musings" Threads and then realize I have no frickin' clue how to quote from one thread and put it into another. So, I lamely wait for someone else to start a string and then pounce on it.


    On another note - What, does everybody stay up late just to post?

  7. Re: Aberrant Hero!


    You really only have to deal with Taint if you, as a player, feel like it. It can give you a minor power boost at character creation, and can result in a power boost in play, for a cost that can be severe.


    My GM for Aberrant liked a dark game, so the taint was a major factor in role-play. Temporary taint was almost non-existant and the only way to get rid of taint was to see a phychiatrist and talk out the problems you were having. Since we were a superhero team formed from a crime family, there was plenty of taint to go around. I can see adding disadvantages and quirks in the HERO version, but I still don't know how well that transfers.

  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Yes and no. She was getting pretty bad, lots of negative vibes, but things started turning around for her and I had to resist the urge to say "Told you!" a couple of times. A good example: money problems (which prompted the move) were mostly handled by a rather large tax return on her part. She bailed herself out of trouble and gave herself enough breathing space to get a handle on future problems.


    Then she turned around and bought a couch and loveseat. Nice stuff, and yeah, it was probably needed, but I'm not sure dropping a grand two weeks following a seriously emotional tear-fest of money woes is the ideal way to go about things. Especially right before a move. She couldn't have waited another week? Sheesh.


    She's also bitching a lot about her job, but she finally put in for a transfer. She might not hear anything for a few weeks/months, but at least she did it. To give her credit, though, she is doing better overall than previously. It's just a matter of keeping her looking at the positive.


    Dave, didn't you have the most problems the LAST time she moved? It seems something about moving makes her on edge. Perhaps going on a "business trip" somewhere when it is time for her to move again is the answer. Or maybe moving time is when all the feelings that have been bottled up come rising to the surface. I know I am pretty cranky when moving heavy crap because I am hot, sweaty, and worried that at any moment my weak ankle will snap. (sadly, this is true - I have the right ankle of an 80 year old with osteoporosis (sp))


    Anyway, I told this to China, who reminded me that last time you were thinking like this was when she was moving. I don't know if you put two and two together like my wife did. Just trying to help man.



  9. Re: Aberrant Hero!


    In general' date=' what would be a good starting point total for game of Hero set in the Aberrant Universe?[/quote']


    How do you do character conversion between the two Universes? One thing I remember about Aberrant was the huge jump between levels to make things simpler:


    1 pip of Strength - Lift 50 lbs.

    2 pips of Strength - Lift 250 lbs.

    3 pips of Strength - Lift 1 ton

    (or something like that)


    There was no gradual increase for any skill or characteristic.

  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Well, I probably should've made it clear that we didn’t move in together or anything. We’re not there yet (or rather, the kids aren’t).


    I guess I’m just feeling a little taken-for-granted. I deal with things a lot differently than she does, and I don’t think she handled this move well (nor did she handle the last two very well, and she didn’t learn anything this time). When I’m asked for help, but my advice/options/alternatives/questions are rebuffed—not politely acknowledged and decided against, but flat out ignored or criticized—and then I’m made to feel like somehow I didn’t do enough, or did something wrong, or in some way failed in my responsibilities…



    Is she acting like she did just before the last break that you two had? I remember you saying that she was going to work on things. Is she back to the same person that you wanted to leave before?


    I’m just seriously peeved. And not to belittle your advice, cuz I completely understand it, but my peeved personality immediately thought “F*ck that! What about giving me a break?!†I’m just like that sometimes, I guess.


    Define Sometimes... :whistle:

  11. Re: Hero System women are all insanely attractive


    Good observation. Check the comic books... you'll be hard pressed to find ugly, or even below average, women. There's a reason for this, I think. Look at the target audience... how many young men will look at comics if the women are less-than-staller in appearance? :nonp:


    The game is emulating the comics (at least in the super-genre).




    This is a concept that my wife carries throughout her character creation. If you look at comics you won't see ugly women, especially superheroes. Therefore, she makes all of her characters very nice to the eye. I know of at least one Maker of Worlds that can not stand the practice of having nothing but gorgeous women as superheroes. Most arguments are along the lines of comic book perception as you mention above, but it also goes further:


    Who really wants to play an ugly woman in their fantasy world?

  12. Re: At what point can HERO sue?




    This is getting a little crazy. Skills, then half-move and attack, feats (talents), now the bell curve, too? On 3d6? :angst: Inconceivable!!!



    I remember the first edition of AD&D, either PHB or DMG, had a bell curve listed for 3d6. It was one of the first few pages of the manual. Of course, everyone knows that PC stats blow the bell curve WAY out.

  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Why is it that when I think of Valentine's Day, I think of Hallmark and all the nice cards and gifts you can get for your S.O.? Then, the second thing I think of is a bunch of dead bodies in front of a wall that has just been "painted" with their brains. Are these two things so vastly different, or are they truly juxtaposed?

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