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Posts posted by PerennialRook

  1. I'm trying to build something and have started off in a few different directions only to run into problems with every avenue I try. This probably stems from my newbie status.


    I'm building a character, most of the information about him is unimportant. Suffice to say, he is a thrillseeking multibillionare genius media icon and has built robots far advanced from anything else in the world. He has built at least two robots (I don't know if i'll have the points for, or want, more). The first robot is a personal assistant of sorts, her main feature being interaction skills and an ungodly comliness. The second is more robot like, a body guard of sorts, which is where I run into trouble. The second robot, an atomaton follower, is also an exo suit, which both the character and his assistant can ride in. The most likely setup being one driving while the other uses the weapons system.


    Where do I start?


    As a side note: transport familiarity is prohibitively expensive if you want to know how to pilot/drive everything. Can you just buy a Cosmic VPP just for TF?



  2. By the follower rules you have to pay a 1 to 1 for every point over the cost of your character not including the follower


    Let's use an example:

    The character Character is built on 200 base points plus 150 points in disadvantages. Character wants a follower, aptly named Follower, also built on 200 base points plus 150 points in disadvantages. Follower costs 40 points (200/5), so Character pays 40 points. Now Character's base point total, not including the follower Follower (like you said), is only 160 points. Follower now, instead of costing 40 points, costs 72 points ((160/5) + (40/1)). Wait, now Character's base point total, not including the follower Follower, is only 138 points. Follower now, instead of costing 40 or 72 points, costs 100 points ((138/5) + (72/1)). But wait, there's more. Now Character's base point total, not including the follower Follower, is only 100 points. Follower now, instead of costing 40, 72, or 100 points, costs 120 points ((100/5) + (100/1)). Uh-oh, now Character's base point total, not including the follower Follower, is only 80 points. Follower now, instead of costing 40, 72, 100, or 120 points, costs 136 points ((80/5) + (120/1)). Oh no, now Character's base point total, not including the follower Follower, is only 64 points. Follower now, instead of costing 40, 72, 100, 120, or even 136 points, costs 136 points ((64/5) + (146/1))...


    Do you see why I might have thought you were wrong about that point?



  3. By the follower rules you have to pay a 1 to 1 for every point over the cost of your character not including the follower


    Huh? I'm not seeing this anywhere in the follower rules.


    As a follow up question: If I buy a vehicle on which both the character and his follower ride, can they share the point cost? Also, does a character buy movement skill levels to use a vehicle, or do you buy them for the vehicle itself?



  4. PerennialRook, are you doing a write-up of the guys from the show or just trying to make a 200+150 point character?


    The specific characters from the show? No.


    Is the character I am trying to create a gargoyle like those from the show? Yes.

  5. No resurection or limb regeneration, just good old fashioned healing. He would have to be alive to turn into stone (though not concious), and a missing limb would not just re-appear. He also, I think, will have more than 10 body.


    If it's like the show Gargoyles, I think there's no resurrection.

    Yes, like the show gargoyles, that was the inspiration.



  6. I'm tring to do a full instant heal. Someone told me, however, that there are no absolutes. How would I then build a character that, once a day, is fully healed of any and all damage and effects?


    For instance, this character turns to stone during the day, at dusk he awakes, bursting forth full of energy and fully healed from any previous damage. The effect has to be instant because there are instances where, rather than turning into stone, he turns into a human, though, when reverting to the origional form at dusk, is fully healed.



  7. Just tangentially, while the basis (I assume) for this character works fine on TV, you're kind of assuming your GM will not have any action during the day. If he does, then your character obviously misses it. If he doesn't, then the "statue by day" disadvantage isn't really all that disadvantageous.


    I'm just trying to make characters at this point. My DM already warned me about trying to switch characters every week.


    The 'no action during the day' is why I said that bit about perhaps later becomming a human during the day. Stone during the day is just the racial default.

  8. I've got a lot of stuff figured out now, being a newbie to the system. The thing I am having the hardest time with is bringing it all together. Actually creating a character. Is there anywhere that I can find a concept to concrete character creation document?



  9. I have a character I am trying to create (the gliding brick). He is a Gargoyle who is living flesh at night, but during the day is a statue. That in and of itself I have no idea how to pull off. On top of that he has to instantly heal and and all damage/drains/etc. at dusk when he breaks free of his stone slumber. It is important that the effect coincide with the transformation at dusk because it is possible that at some point, rather than turning into a statue, he will turn into a normal human, though still fully heal at dusk as he transforms back into a gargoyle.


    How do I do this?


    The character, interestingly enough, is immortal, and has seen much of the world. He was at one time the statue on the front of a pirate ship by day, and captain of said vessel by night, until the boat sunk and he awoke several hundred meters underwater.



  10. How about diving for cover, not knowing of any attacks as of yet, after a full move.


    Raven, after having been shot at by 30+ guards and a tank trying to walk out the front door, decides caution is his best bet when he tries the back door. Turning invisible, he hits the back door and dives to the side as the closing door is riddled with bullets from the other half of the building's security team.





  11. Ouch... 4d6 unluck... aren't I glad I made another character.


    Yes, I was the player who held the captive prone to be killed. My bad.


    In my defence this was my first time ever playing with the HERO system. First session, first encounter, first character.


    Now that I actually have FRED I understand what actually happened. I was wrong. From what I had understood, CvK meant that I would not kill someone. I also didn't yet understand pulling a punch, and ended up killing several other gang members on accident.


    Suffice to say, my new character doesn't have a CvK.



  12. Hi, I'm new to the game and these boards. My DM from a D&D game suggested we try this system after I accidentally killed a major character, ending the campaign. Having played twice now I've decided that I absolutely love the system. I purchased the 5th edition book and will be buying more.


    I am currently trying to build a gliding brick. A 400kg gargoyle with wings, claws, and a tail. The claws were easy enough, Reduced Penetration on a HKA. The tail is a Prehensile Extra Limb with 1" of Stretching. The gliding I'm having a bit more trouble with. He has a jump of 12" with his 60 STR, with that I want to give him Fly at x4 END and then Glide.


    I guess what I am wondering is: How does glide work? What is segmented movement and is it apropriate in this case? And how do I give the character a stall speed?


    Thank you,


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