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Everything posted by TrickstaPriest

  1. Though problems, specifically global warming, are definitely something that the new generations are fighting the prior generations about. Then again I'm a diehard environmentalist, so I'm always looking at those conflicts through that lens...
  2. I mean, I know which side of that range I'm on. I do want to keep it civil though I have my sympathies for what the elder generation went through. As much of a grudgematch it is, the worst that's been slung out has been "Ok Boomer", so I'm sure it's not that bad ;D
  3. Yeah, unfortunately everyone I know under 35 is basically struggling to make ends meet. I don't think I know a single person who wasn't (very) wealthy to 'start' is cruising on by in our economy. But that's how it is... edit: and that's probably why people in that age range are having the problems they are. I should dig up studies about that...
  4. It bothers me how close we are to the brink of climate disaster, and how impossible it is to get any progress on the environmental front at all. By any government. So I don't know about "always shall be"... 😕
  5. It's supposed to protect you from shards of glass. If the bomb went off far enough away, your windows were the most dangerous thing to you.
  6. This probably explains my recent trend of wanting to run a 'gentlemen thieves' campaign over a straight-superhero setting...
  7. Always nice to see the reality through the filter of fox news versus literally anyone else. https://www.foxnews.com/media/eddie-gallagher-navy-secretary-trident https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/24/politics/pentagon-mark-esper-richard-spencer/index.html I have a friend, and a brother, who are clearly eating up this stuff but won't admit it. I really would love to know what in the world my brother is thinking in going 'oh but he's very effective'.
  8. This. This is entirely why I am interested in asking people what they heard directly. I tried to catch most of the hearings, but I've been and out of meetings and missing the streams all week. I ask only because I want to have something substantial when I deal with people who only listen to the sound bites. What little I heard was damning, though I didn't catch all the material that's being used as 'counter arguments'. Frankly just what was in the "transcript" was bad. I'm sorry you have to deal with that, Hermit. What I recommend is looking at channels like Street Epistemology if you ever want to navigate 'that kind of conversation'.
  9. I didn't really catch the testimony from Fiona Hill or the others today or yesterday. Anything notable come up? I heard something about the funds being vetted, which should be a big deal...
  10. Managed to catch the Wednesday deposition, but none of the others. Just not healthy this week @_@
  11. I'm hearting the Kentucky thing, certainly not the latter thing. 😕
  12. True, it's a summary, but it's apparently not been heavily edited - though it may have been edited in a way to exclude a few choice or important words. I only judge this because the criticism of it by one of the reports is that there are 'a few words missing'. I'd be curious if there was a huge difference in actual content (besides a few critical points, perhaps?).
  13. Or literal gaslighting. "That conversation didn't happen!" Over and over again, so Fox news can clip it. Did they not read the transcript? >_>
  14. That's very good perspective and advice to provide. All too often people don't recognize the real-world constraints such things have. I really do hope we see more results from that investigation, since I bet there is substantial materials that were collected.
  15. I dislike the whole 'burning down the country in retaliation', but right now there's a real struggle to basically take over the country down or tear it down to pieces. It makes me feel like the (local) forces trying to do so think the general 'order of democracy' is going to collapse and they want to be on top when it happens. That's just my paranoia speaking, though.
  16. They are sure they won't die on it. They bank on limited attention span and supporting their overlords... who have much better attention spans.
  17. More interesting content. I definitely want to work on an rpg addressing this kind of topic. I try and avoid posting anything 'opinion' on here, but this IS "mr BITE" himself...
  18. Another thread prone to arguments and giving Dan headaches I've been working on writing a small RPG game involving your character being unknowingly part of a cult. Writing it is going to be... difficult. It's inspired directly from channels like Telltale and his various stories. ---- In general, I do appreciate all the attention the environment is getting from the younger generation. The big obstacle is the existing power base, and I think it's just going to take far too long for anything substantial enough to happen. But I'm more hopeful than I was a couple years ago.
  19. Not just bankrupting our children. Destroying the planet. The literal cost in damage from environmental degradation and other issues are going to easily cost trillions... because frankly, the country can and will abandon any location hit by 'too many' natural disasters or struggling too hard without external support. How much and how many times will we have cities repaired before the state or country says "eeeh you deal with it". Or "its too much work to maintain roads and ship goods to your little town, sorry." This is long before we consider food production, wars in remote locations. If you happen to be concerned about immigration from South America, boy howdy you haven't seen anything yet. And how will a government handle these costs and resources? By shoving them onto people and abandoning those people. The immigration thing is the early complaint, but it won't stop there...
  20. Given the context, I'm thinking this is "fear, uncertainty, and doubt" Iuz has it in one.
  21. The big reason for my concern (about violence in general) is there is literally radio shows in the US, popular ones in the right areas, that say the democrats are literal demons. That God is literally going to save them, and that anyone else is working for the devil, literally. And they have been saying this for decades. I'm not joking or exaggerating when I repeat this point. It's a small minority that buy into this, but it's a concentrated minority that can cause great harm. Multiple countries have been taken over by a smaller uprising. But to dispel some of the FUD... I do think that modern day accessibility has de-fanged some of this propaganda effort. Some. And there's a lot of vested (ie- rich folk) interest in avoiding this, unlike in our previous historical events.
  22. Ugh. True, he may think that. I highly dislike FUD, but I know it gets people to move when they need to. But I very much push against people suggesting anything should/would happen to a President for the very reason of pushing against FUD. None of my thoughts account for what he may be thinking, or his party as a whole turning against him.
  23. That could be said of any number of senators though. The whole reason to involve congressmen and others in boards that perform questionable governmental actions is to force the government to defend said decisions. Maybe I'm just seeing it from the perspective that there's no way he could be physically restrained while he is President. I may honestly be wrong on this.
  24. My main point/thought though is I doubt Trump has that fear, unless the Secret Service itself is moving against him. And the Republican party and its donors could easily help finance his protection. Even with the Republican party failing as a political party, even as it disenfranchises its members' own children, it still has plenty of power to (physically) protect Trump... if it chose to do so. I'm sure they could (and totally would) blame the Epstein incident as reasons to give him 'house arrest' at best, and we both know Trump isn't going to jail while in office. (All while pretending Trump and their own members weren't involved at all). Physically restraining a President while he is President would be a huge violation of National Security. So I doubt he's fleeing to Florida to stay alive.
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