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Posts posted by Bill_CCHKK

  1. Originally posted by Gary

    Why didn't he just take Does Not Add to Figured Characteristics for -1/2? That was still legal in 4th Edition.


    Because then it would still add to skill rolls? Maybe he didn't want a 17- will all DEX-based skills.


    Just a guess.

  2. If I remember correctly, Steve posted in a similar thread one time that the Harbinger of Justice started out as a normal level character (250 points, probably, given the timeframe) and that everything that was shown in Dark Champions was accrued experience.


    Now *that's* scary.

  3. Originally posted by rayoman

    I'll tell you what, Ben, Steve, Darren, Tina, Allen (I feel like I am forgetting someone), if you have copies of C:NM (1st or 2nd edition), Bay City and Alliances laying around the office just taking up space I'll gladly purchase them from you. You can contact me via email or PM.




    A question and an offer. How do you know if you have C:NM 1st or 2nd edition? And I have spare copies of C:NM and C:NM Alliances if you want 'em. I got them as part of a bulk purchase off of Ebay. Email me if you're interested, at wpwood@saifa.net. I only have one copy of C:NM Bay City and I actually kinda like it as a setting.

  4. Originally posted by joen00b

    it was fun to watch though, great entertainment:)


    It is impressive to watch. However, as someone who's spent the last seven years studying karate, calling what he did 'martial' arts just bugs the crap out of me.

  5. Originally posted by nexus

    I'm not a Christian, but I don't think its fair at all.

    I am, and I agree with you. It certainly wouldn't bother me if there were religious-based groups (Christian or otherwise) that were portrayed as villainous, as long as not *all* religious groups were portrayed that way. Lord knows there's been enough bad stuff done in this world in the name of (g|G)od(s) on all sides.


    - Bill

  6. Originally posted by Scott Destroyer

    And finally, there are a couple of the pics I don't recognize - a purple guy in a dark blue vest buttoned down his right side, with a staff in one hand and a holstered pistol lanyarded to his opposite wrist, and a cartoony-looking green dinosaur guy (who kinda resembles Son of Godzilla). Any help for me out there on these two?


    I'm not sure about the purple guy, but the 'Son of Godzilla' character is 'Leviathan' from Digital Hero #4.


    While I'm here, I would also like to see the pictures downloadable from the website. Yes, you can do a 'Save As', but it puts part of a blue oval over the legs. Obviously, these guys were colored and then the oval composited over the legs to fit in with the website background. I'd like to see the original version.


    IMHO, of course,

  7. Originally posted by Tom McCarthy

    That's a good writeup for Gambit, but the range on the energy blast attacks seems high. Perhaps Range Based On STR would be an appropriate limitation.


    I dunno. How strong to you have to be to throw playing cards a long distance? I'd be more interested in a range based on DEX :-) Them suckers is hard to throw straight.

  8. Re: Looking for Gambit


    Originally posted by Kaladur

    I have been looking for good Ideas on how I should write him up.(Website the whole 9 yards). And no where can I find even one write up on Gambit .


    Here's a 250-point version, just ripe for updating to Hero 5E:




    Odd, I checked the Great Net Book of Real Heroes (http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/index.html) and there are no versions of him there.



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