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Posts posted by Bill_CCHKK

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    So who likes coffee and how do they like it?


    I like my coffee like I like my women -- cold and bitter :D


    Coffee is my friend. I usually drink 2 to 4 14-oz. mugs a day. We get decent coffee at work, but I'm not a coffee snob, so I'll drink pretty much anything. Lots of sugar and fake creamer, until it's a nice light tan and tastes like coffee ice cream that's been melted and heated up (well, not quite, but you get the idea).


    I also really like the Vietnamese coffee where they take espresso (or something else very strong) and pour it over sweetened, condensed milk. You then mix that and pour it over ice. Delicious! Anyone know exactly how to make that at home? What specific type of coffee, milk, etc.?

  2. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome


    They are allowed up to 28, though most have been between 23 and 28.


    Re : Int -- It's probably worth noting that the two villains in the GGU who are considered to be the most intelligent beings on Earth have INT 30. I believe that the house rule is to maintain that status. Of course, WM could bump Doc Simian and Lord Doom up to Int 50 or somesuch, but for now, 28 is the limit.

  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Thanks Bill. I'll check it out when I get home then. (And you'd get some Rep' date=' but these $%^#@! rules are thwarting me)[/quote']


    I closed it pretty quickly, but I did not see any nudity. Just a very scantily clad young lady. So, might be work safe for some, but not for me :)

  4. Re: Superhero Images


    here is a short article about a shareware image processing program that is supposed to be a cheap and very good alternative to Adobe photoshop.


    The GIMP is a very nice piece of work. Took me a bit if work to learn, as I'm sure Photoshop does as well, but most of that was concepts and terminology since I had no experience with any full-featured image manipulation programs.


    Just one man's opinion, of course.

  5. Re: Superhero Images


    I am having the worse time trying to post pics. It's try, try, try again time.


    Okay, the upload function keeps giving me an error page. Could someone please tell me how I do this? Thanks!




    You attach an image via the 'Manage Attachments' button, right? Make sure that the file has one of the supported file extensions, and make sure it's not too large (there was a limit on filesize for the old boards, may still be one on the new).


    Unfortunately (fortunately?), I have not had any problems posting images, so I'm not sure what else to do to help you.

  6. Re: Immortality


    How would I go about creating these powers (mainly the immortal power). This is for a 350 point game.


    Immunity to aging is actually quite cheap in Hero. Look at Life Support, and immunity to aging is a whopping 5 points. Add in some regeneration with 'regenerate from death', and you're looking at another 40 points or so (I don't have exact numbers, my books are at home).


    All of this leaves you around 300 points to buy characteristics, skills, and the many ancient fighting styles he's learned over the years.

  7. Re: Character Background Help


    What is "Silver Age Sentinels"? I'm serious' date=' I've never heard of it.[/quote']


    It's the "Guardians of Order" Superhero RPG. GoO is the company who is co-developing "Reality Storm" with Hero Games. There is both a d20 version of SAS, as well as a tri-stat version. I've looked at the tri-stat version and didn't care for it all that much.


    Tri-stat is the original system (I believe) used by GoO for "Big Eyes, Small Mouth", which is a system for doing Japanime. It also has one of my favorite game titles. :)

  8. Re: M&M: this is a Nightmare?


    You're right about that' date=' but it's easy enough to take enough flaws to offset any extra costs. As far as I can tell, there's no active point limit equivalent in M&M.[/quote']


    There is, though, a level limit (and yes, MnM has levels, but they are only there to determine your staring points and how powerful powers can be). So, for instance, a PL 10 character can have, at most, a level 10 energy blast. There are also stacking limits, where if two powers have the same effect, such as armor and force field, their bonuses together cannot exceed level 10.


    This does mean that you wind up with a situation where many (but not all) PL 10 characters wind up with level 10 powers. I don't think that this is much different from the Hero problem where if you have a 60 AP limit in a game, you wind up with a bunch of characters with 60 Strength or 12d6 EBs.


    I will have to say that, although I have not played MnM, I've been playing *with* it, and I like it quite a bit. It seems harder to build the absolute, exact character like you can in Hero, but you can come pretty darn close. Character creation is much faster, and the combat system looks reasonable and quick. I can't compare it to other d20 games, since this is the first one I've bought, but I was looking for a less complicated and faster system to play with my kids, and I think that MnM fits that requirement nicely.


    MnM is *not*, by any stretch of the imagination, a general system like Hero is, but I believe that it fits the Superhero genre very well. Kind of like, oh, Champions when it first came out, before it was considered to be a general system.

  9. Re: Anyone got a writeup for Mallace of the Marauders?


    My players will be running into the Marauders soon. But I have never had an adequate write-up for Mallace (permenently desolid' date=' can possess others).[/quote']


    The USPD has a bodyjacking power, and one of the source books (Millenium City?) has a writeup for PSI. One of the characters there has a bodyjacking power.


    But, basically just desolid and a damned expensive mind control with a bunch of limitations.

  10. Re: Names


    Originally posted by Patriot

    Anyone here use Names they get from here as Secret id for pcs or npcs?


    What, like names of posters on the boards? No, but I do use the names of people who send me spam for the secret or public IDs of villains. Quite satisfying :) Yes, I realize that those names are all made up, but it's satisfying anyway.


    I think it was Ben who I saw suggest that on the boards, and I've been using it since.

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