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Posts posted by Bill_CCHKK

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Perhaps I can find your secret identity with... THIS!




    Hmmm... OK, this looks interesting, I'll try 'Bill Woodward'


    Bill Woodward from this day forward you will also be known as: Doctor Nutless


    Ooookay, that's not too good. Let's try 'William Woodward'


    William Woodward from this day forward you will also be known as: Admiral Dances with Chipmunks


    Ah, yes, much better, I think.

  2. Re: Shrinky Dink Heroes


    I put dozens of these on a sheet of card stock and print and cut them' date=' then fold and glue them.[/quote']

    Do you (or anyone else, for that matter) have a good source for cardstock? All I can ever find at the local Ofiice Depot / office supply store is perforated for business cards.



  3. Re: Shrinky Dink Heroes


    Um.....what is "Shrinky Dink"?

    Flimsy plastic sheets upon which one can draw (I think that the themed kits came with pictures you just colored in). After you color, you bake them in the oven and they shrink to approximately 1/4 the size and become thick and hard plastic.



  4. Re: Shrinky Dink Heroes


    It is no secret that my gaming group uses Shrinky Dinks for miniatures.

    There's some interesting info on building Shrinky Dinks minis on this page. I can't tell who created the page, it could well be your group, SS, but since it hadn't been mentioned before, I thought I'd toss it out.

  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    By looking at a picture of a person' date=' you have to decide if he is a program language inventor or a serial killer. Go with your gut feeling ... [/quote'] 8/10 The only serial killer I knew when I saw him was David Berkowitz. They should have tossed in Cliff Stoll and Richard Stallman. I guess they're not programming language inventors, but they're still scary dudes.
  6. Re: Moving through the crowds


    I wrote up something similar for a precog character of mine, and just did it using the environmental movement talent:


    3 Find the Best Path: Environmental Movement (no penalties in cluttered/cramped/crowded environments)


    The special effect, of course, is that she can predict the paths that are going to open up and move through them.


    Unless it has serious combat application, I wouldn't make it cost more than this.


    - Bill

  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    B-Movie T&A Action Queen Power


    You say this as if it were a bad thing :)


    Ya know, it occurs to me that this thread was started in order to beat the "Cat Suit" thread. It's done so, but an awful lot of the posts here are pictures that could/should have been posted over there, and comments made about those pictures. Thus I must propose the following theorem:


    "All long-running non-political threads on the NGD will eventually turn into the Cat Suit thread."


    Oh, and cheesecake does a fine job of upping the WGAC index.


    Any comments?

  8. Re: Generation Ship Campaigns


    What happens to the society that developes after six or seven hundren uniterrupted years in space with no contact with the outside universe?


    I assume that you've read Robert Heinlein's novella, Orphans in the Sky (or is it Orphans of the Sky?). Multigeneration ship has a mutiny n generations into the trip, all officers are killed, radiation is released on certain decks of the ship. After many more generations, the humans in the outer/lower decks have reverted to peasants run by a religious class who control the power, access to information, etc. The inner/upper decks are controlled by mutant groups who kill any pure humans who venture that far. Everyone forgets they're on a ship.


    Anyway, you could get some very good ideas from that book.


    Hope that helps

  9. This just screams to be used as a campaign map for someone. It has everything one would ever need:


    - A wealthy and scheming elderly man and his flunky

    - Nuclear power plant, complete with incompetent operator

    - Mountains and campgrounds

    - Several amusement parks

    - A nuclear waste dump

    - Military bases and historic sites

    - A mall

    - Sports fields

    - A state prison

    - Much more



    I mean, what more could you want? The large map is especially useful. The site is getting somewhat slashdotted right now, but if you can get to it, it's got great potential.

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