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Posts posted by farik

  1. Kenneth would devlope the Husky formula and act initially to defend the people believing that is the government. As the oppression is realized he will turn against the communist regime promoting a purer form of socialism Kenneth's idealism wouldn't let him abandon the beliefs of his upbringing completely and as a result he would be a true defender of the people protecting them from the both government and the terrorist rebels (with their aristocratic old world philosophy)

  2. Alternate Earth Characters #8

    Your GM has announced he's going to run an alternate Earth game and he wants you to make a modified version of your character to fit his "Alternate Earth Setting. The GM is being deliberately unclear about whether you'll be playing your alt character or if your regular character will be facing them.


    So what is different about your character from

    Communist Earth

    Communism captured the hearts and minds of the working class across the globe and the Soviet Union is the world's supreme government but the the ineffectivness of a large scale communist regime has led to a world of iron fist oppression with small pockets of capitalist and religion oriented resistance.

  3. Alternate Earth Characters #7

    Your GM has announced he's going to run an alternate Earth game and he wants you to make a modified version of your character to fit his "Alternate Earth Setting. The GM is being deliberately unclear about whether you'll be playing your alt character or if your regular character will be facing them.


    So what is different about your character from

    Nazi Earth

    Germany got the bomb first and conquered the Earth the world is unified under a single white supremacist government with hellish labor camps producing a bounty of prosperity for the chosen few.

  4. Kenneth and Husky would bounce from action packed setting to action packed setting seeking a world where good and evil are black and white but never feeling satisfied because what Kenneth really "needs" is a stable loving environment and his quest for recognition and escapism will simply drive him further and further from what he really needs to be happy. Ironically this is the happy ending scenario that is most tragic for a character like Kenneth who is suddenly stripped of his playful escapism and revealed to the reader to be nothing more than a fragile child who has fallen prey to an unnatural addiction.

  5. Kenneth would design a new hand, a better, faster?, stronger hand. It would look normal in Kenneth form and look all high-tech and gizmoed out in Husky mode probably replacing his current gadget gauntlets. Concealing an artificial limb would only add to the house of cards Kenneth has built around his secrte ID. I can imagine easily imagine embarassing situations at school when suddenly the hand malfunctions and changes to Husky size requiring Kenneth to conceal the oversized hand in nearby lockers.

  6. The Husky form would probably be some kind of humanoid shark with extra octupus limbs and a crablike carapace. Maybe he'd be called salty. Amphibious breathing would allow Kenneth to use his "Salty" persona to explore the dry world allowing him to escape his "normal" life beneath the waves.

  7. The Aquaman Effect


    Your GM has ruthlessly severed your (character's) hand but they'll let you decide how to replace it or if you'd like you can have a phys disadvantage and spend the points how you like. The big question is will you let this injury have a lasting effect on your character or will it be a minor blip in their biography.

  8. Alternate Earth Characters #6

    Your GM has announced he's going to run an alternate Earth game and he wants you to make a modified version of your character to fit his "Alternate Earth Setting. The GM is being deliberately unclear about whether you'll be playing your alt character or if your regular character will be facing them.


    So what is different about your character from

    Aqua Earth

    It's like earth but it's aquatic; Atlantis is on dry land and reaching the atmosphere is the equivalent of entering space in the real world.

  9. Kennethw ould use dangerous and advanced magics to embue himself with a modified form of lycanthropy the biggest difference would be Husky's "background story"


    "I am an exiled noble from a realm across the ether my parents have sent me here to defend this land until I can return to the throne. Prepare to face my steel vile demon!"


    Husky would use magical items like a sword and mystic armor.

  10. Alternate Earth Characters #5

    Your GM has announced he's going to run an alternate Earth game and he wants you to make a modified version of your character to fit his "Alternate Earth Setting. The GM is being deliberately unclear about whether you'll be playing your alt character or if your regular character will be facing them.


    So what is different about your character from

    Magi-Tech Earth

    It's like earth but magic is common and science is uncommon and/or forbidden knowledge. People use flying carpets instead of cars, crystal balls instead of phones, magic wands instead of guns; etc.

  11. Alternate Earth Characters #4

    Your GM has announced he's going to run an alternate Earth game and he wants you to make a modified version of your character to fit his "Alternate Earth Setting. The GM is being deliberately unclear about whether you'll be playing your alt character or if your regular character will be facing them.


    So what is different about your character from

    Furry Earth

    It's like Earth but it's anthropomorphic(sp?) so what animal does your character look like?

  12. Husky will transform into Kenneth wanting to build a super power detector. Kenneth will instead build a team of Super powered Robots or maybe even rescue animals from a veterinary hospital and cybernetically/biologically enhance them (including AI's) and claim they are in fact alien defenders summoned to Earth in it's time of need.

  13. The rest of your team (including sidekicks) has disappeared and they've been gone for months without any leads the "authorities" (whoever that would be) have approached you and would like you to assemble a new team to pick up the slack. How are you going to "recruit" the new team?

  14. Kenneth would have approached the government with his serum and after some training he would have headed an even more effective "Howling Commando" filled with above intelligent soldiers who could turn into slow witted but still managable powerhouses under his command. Bolstered by the confidence from being a war hero he'd have developed Power Armor for the Husky form in time for Korea and transferred his intellect into a robot body in time for Vietnam. Unable to resist tampering with his own DNA while simultaneously striving to create the idealized family life he never had; the contemporary Clarke family would be a large unstoppable team of Super Heroes each unique and specialized their biggest foes would be siblings who have turned against the family.

  15. Alternate Earth Characters #3

    Your GM has announced he's going to run an alternate Earth game and he wants you to make a modified version of your character to fit his "Alternate Earth Setting. The GM is being deliberately unclear about whether you'll be playing your alt character or if your regular character will be facing them.


    So what is different about your character from (as requested)

    Legacy Earth

    Your concept character appeared during World War II so what were they like? What has happened in the interim? Have they passed the mantle on (more than once)?

  16. Candice Clarke would be just as smart as Kenneth but when designing her super serum she would probably focus on the stereotypical female concerns (like Kenneth did) end result would probably be a gadget laden version of Power Girl who would probably call herself beauty.


    Beauty would fly around and do things insecure young girls think will make them popular. She'd prefer attention over genuine interest and use a host of techno gadgets which she didn't understand. It would be the most stereotypically offensive version of Mailbu Barbie "Gadgeteer Edition"


    Beauty quote: "tee hee, If you don't stop that right now I'll push this red button here...and..you don't want me to do that...I mean push this red button on my arm gun thingy."


    Other Super Heroines would either be disgusted by her or try to teach her how to be more "mature."

  17. Your GM has announced he's going to run an alternate Earth game and he wants you to make a modified version of your character to fit his "Alternate Earth Setting. The GM is being deliberately unclear about whether you'll be playing your alt character or if your regular character will be facing them.


    So what is different about your character from

    Reverse-Gender Earth

    It's just like normal Earth but everyone is the opposite gender.

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