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  1. Re: Ummm...Where's Mechanon? Thanks guys
  2. Re: Ummm...Where's Mechanon? Thanks guys. Left that one at home. Apparently I need to buy a pdf copy
  3. I'm back to the game after a couple of years off and for some reason I can't find Mechanon's writeup. I was sure it was in CKC but apparently I was wrong. I don't have most of my books here with me so I can't just look through them. Could someone out there help out a 20 year veteran turned newb?
  4. Re: Batman Begins Caine has said that he was doing the accent of his Sgt. from his time in the military. It was definitely quirky, but sounded ok to me. It's comic book tech...sheesh. Would you have been happier if they just called it the Water Supply Vaporizer?
  5. Re: Batman Begins Actually in the comics they did rework Scarecrow recently. I don't know exactly how it came to pass but he currently can "hulk out" and become some kind of brutish scarecrow-monster. He busted up Wayne Manor pretty good before the War Games storyline got rolling. Not a change that I care for...but they *did* try to rework him.
  6. Re: Hero Designer files for Alien Wars? Wow! Speedy. Thanks!
  7. Re: Hero Designer files for Alien Wars? Shoot....thanks for the reply. If any decision makers read this post, I for one would be happy to pay for that set.
  8. Am I just missing them or did they not do a set of .hdc files for the Alien Wars equipment/pkg deals?
  9. I hadnt bought it because I just hadnt gotten around to it. In response to this thread (finally registered to post this mostly useless tidbit) I bought a copy. Personally I'm disappointed that adventures aren't better sellers. They have always been some of my favorite RPG purchases. I believe that Battlegrounds was a step in the right direction (value above and beyond the adventures themselves). Combined books (source material with fully fleshed out adventures) seem like a good way to get adventures printed. You guys have demonstrated your willingness to print huge page count books. How about a 192pg sourcebook with 1 or 2 32 page adventures tacked onto em? Ought to be able to get that out the door for 29.99 or so (judging by previous page counts). I'd buy it I think its a serious mistake to skimp on art (at least for new characters). In a superhero game its important to have visuals for the various characters (just check out the length of the superhero images thread to see what I mean). If you had to cut art in the PDF stuff back to just cover illio, character pix and maps that would be acceptable...but cutting any of those three would be an error imho.
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