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Posts posted by Tribal

  1. Re: To all the artists on the boards


    Thanks for all the advice, just playing around with everything.


    Started using layers, just need to get a hold of all the different tools and how they work


    I did this just on the tablet, using the pencil tool to lay down everything then painting with the airbrush, Had to fix an ear that was too high on his head and this is what I got. please let me know what you think or what I may be able to do differently


  2. Re: To all the artists on the boards


    Thanks I really like you work Storn


    what software are using , I'm using Corel painter essential 3 which is what I have been playing around with now, & adobe Photoshop (which I have not ventured into yet)


    The Tablet is a 12 x 12 so I have been really enjoying sketching right on the pad. I thought I would have a problem looking at the screen while drwaing on the tablet but it hasn't been an issue so far. I started playing with the layers for coloring (using mostly airbrush or pencils), but havent played to much with it.


    I need to take some of my old sketchs to work to scan so I can play with them.


    Can you recommend any other reading material. I was thinking of looking for a class at the local community college but not sure if I can work it in.

  3. Re: To all the artists on the boards


    the cintiq tablet is wild, It's like taking down a flat screen monitor and drawing right on it. just like drawing on paper. unlike the other tablets where you draw on the tablet but have to be looking at the screen (which is taking a little getting used to)


    Here is a video of someone using a cintiq


    And the follow up video

  4. I post this here cause i'm not sure if they read the NGDs


    My wife just gave me an wacom Intuos3 drawing tablet for our 10th anniv.

    She wanted me to start drawing again and since I sit in front of the computer all the time it was a natural progression:)


    But I'm a bit overwelmed, never used anything but pencils, Inks & paint before. I barely know where to start. It came with Corel Painter Essentials 3 & adobe Photoshop elements (never used either program before)


    If anyone can give me some friendly advice or point me toward some tutorials.

    Do you tend to do your pencils normal than scan in and work, or do you use the pad for everything. some :help::help:


    here was my 3rd try with just messing with the tablet


  5. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    Just got this in my email fron NCsoft


    To all current and former City of Heroes players,


    Today we announced the acquisition of City of Heroes from Cryptic Studios™ and the formation of our new Northern California studio which we are informally calling NCsoft® NorCal (click here to read the press release). Nearly the entire City of Heroes team from Cryptic Studios has joined the NCsoft team and together we have formed the core of our new studio.


    The City of Heroes franchise has been a tremendous success for both NCsoft and Cryptic. More than three years after the City of Heroes launch, our community is strong and thriving. There are so many great ideas and plans, both from our development team and from the players, and we can’t wait to make them a reality. Our team is 100% dedicated to City of Heroes and we are extremely excited about the present and the future!


    Click here to read the Dev Corner chat with General Manager Brian Clayton and learn more details.




    Now back to you, the players. You are the lifeblood of our game. In celebration of our new studio and our exciting plans, and in order to thank you for the fantastic community that you have built, we are pleased to announce the following.


    Full Access to City of Heroes and City of Villains®

    All players with City of Heroes retail* accounts will now have access to City of Villains, and all City of Villains retail* accounts will now have access to City of Heroes. Players that didn't previously have access to "the other side" will find that they do now. Just log in to check it out!


    Debt Wipe

    After the launch of Issue 11: A Stitch in Time this Fall, we are removing Debt from all characters and giving you a fresh start. Actual date will be announced shortly. Have fun in the mean time.


    20,000 Prestige

    Also after the launch of Issue 11, all Supergroups will receive an additional 20,000 Prestige per Supergroup member, meaning SGs could acquire up to 3 million Prestige based upon their Supergroup membership roster! Actual date will be announced shortly.



    In the near future we will begin to share more information about our development plans. With this major reinvestment and effort ahead of us, we will take City of Heroes to new heights!




    The City of Heroes Team


  6. Re: Superhero Images


    I Downloaded the Corel Painter X 30 day free trial wanted to try it because I'm thinking of getting a Wacom Tablet. to start drawing more agian.


    I colored This drawing which I posted a couple of posts up.

    Would like comments on how it came and any tips if anyone uses the program




  7. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    Hey, is there a way to use characters as "Name Holders"? I made a new character tonight and and my concept changed as I was doing the costume/origin and now I want a different Origin/Powerset, can I simply delete her and use the name right afterwards or is there a waiting period?


    If your quick Yes, you should be able to delete the Character remake him and get the same name. I have had it happen to me were I lingered to long with the costume and lost the name.

  8. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


    1. I left after the level cap was raised to 50. Leveling at that point was a massive experience grind, and the only missions I had available were AV missions requiring a huge group. The fights and zones were simply uninspired and boring. How's the path from the low-mid 40s to level cap looking now? Is the cap still at 50?


    Level Cap is still 50, There are alot more higher level zones and missions now, as well as Radio Missions when your contacts run out


    2. It seems like we now have something besides enhancements to spend our Influence on. Do any of these add anything to the game play? Just plain looking cool counts, here, as that's one of the nice things about CoH


    New Costume Pieces, Wings, Inventions, & Invention salvage Make Invention Enhancements that dont have to be Changed everycouple of levels


    3. At the time I left, Blasters had just taken a huge cut in damage output, specifically AR/Dev blasters. What's the current state of (esp. AR/DEV) blasters? Are we able to solo higher level outdoor content again?


    4. At the time I left, my tank (mid-20s or 30s, I forget; Invuln/Energy) would take about a week and a half to kill anything. Have non-fire tanks gotten any better solo ability? And that leads to...


    Havent played a Blaster or Tanker in awhile so I cant answer these


    5. Has the player base learned how to use a tank/healer/dps setup? I remember the basic atmosphere being of a bunch of soloers running around, and tanks not really being appreciated for their group role, save by a small group of people with experience in other games. While it's nice that you didn't actually have to have a tank in a lot of groups, it did make it a bit annoying to be play one in most groups.


    Just have to get your self in a good Supergroup who plays often and teams well. It's always a crap shoot when you team with just anyone out of the blue


    6. One of the things that I liked was that the GMs were pretty responsive when there was a serious issue. Is the in game support still good?


    Yes It is


    7. I recall an announcement about characters on inactive accounts losing their names. Later on, but not too soon after, there was another announcement retracting the first. Did anyone lose their names? Were they high levels or were they just targeting lower level alts being used to reserve names? What's my risk of having to rename Sureshot to Player5841863?


    Link to recent articale on it http://www.coh.com/news/archives/2007/07/city_of_heroes_30.html


    8. Speaking of lower level alts, I do have a few I was working on. Have any lower or middle level zones been added?


    Faultine has been in a state of repair, & there is the Hollows dont remeber what issue that came in


    9. Is there anything else you can tell me that'll make me want to rush on over to COH right this instant and sign back up?


    "The skies over Paragon City are filled with dark grey thunderheads. It is the same in the Rogue Isles, Europe, and across the globe. Small ships dart through the heavy weather … and there are so very many of them.


    The Rikti™ have returned."




    Hope I Helped

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