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Everything posted by Crusader108

  1. Brondeshem's Barrier Bore --a ranged tunneling spell.
  2. 1.) Captain America (the premier Patriot/Leader) 2.) Hawkeye (In a world of Gods,androids,and mutants, a "normal" man still can stand up and be counted) 3.) Mach 1 (The road to Redemption is rocky) 4.) The Confessor (It doesn't matter the crosses we bear,it's how we bear them) 5.) Nightwing (the protege trying to be his own man) 6.) U.S.Agent (Even an a$$hole can be a hero) 7.) Sgt Caesar Kemlo:The Hyper Dog (Just too much cool) 8.) Nightcrawler (Body of a demon,Heart of an angel,Soul of a swashbuckler) 9.) The Shoveler (the only true Hero of that group) 10.) Silver Agent (poor doomed Silver Agent--a story I hope we get to hear about)
  3. She could be an Energy Projector with an Energy Blast linked with a small CON Drain (Ranged Regurgitation) and Area Effect NND (Extreme Flatulence)
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