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Posts posted by Solomon

  1. Originally posted by McCoy

    No, Convention #16 is "Any sufficently popular villian will reform and bacome a hero." After Avengers #16, where the original members left, and Captain America made a new team from Iron Man's foe Hawkeye, and Brotherhood of Evil Mutants members Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.


    My apologies! :o I edited my post so that now it reads "Convention #18". :)

  2. Hi all,


    Sometimes I write faux newspapers clips as handouts for my group. I'd like to have a fictional discussion board for a change. Would you pleeease help me? :)


    I'll write a few facts about my current group's first public appearance, and I'd like HERO posters to comment on that - from an in-game point of view, of course. Just pretend you're posting on Champions Universe's fictional "Hero_Talk.com". You can even write from your favourite character's point of view, of course.


    They're new to the genre and, as you'll see, caused a bit of a mess. :(


    Here's the facts:


    - Last night residents of Millenium City woke to the sound of gunfire. A fight between a large group of armed normals and an unidentified group of supers was going on inside and near a warehouse.


    - By the time police forces converged, the warehouse was partly on fire and most supers had apparently already fled the scene. Armed normals opened fire from inside the warehouse. Police forces cordooned the place.


    - An unknown group of supers arrived a few minutes later. Police officers tried to identify them, but the apparent team leader replied his team was, as of yet, "nameless".


    - The team included a flyer with fire/cold powers, a ninja-like martial artist with a black costume, a speedster with a Great Britain flag motif on his costume, a huge wolf-like brick and a flyer with telekinetic powers (apparent leader).


    - The black-garbed martial artist caused the roof to collapse, cutting support beams with a katana. Out of the resulting smoking rubble emerged two supers: an unknown guy with a multicolored dotted costume, and Grond. Battle ensued. The huge wolf-hero caused severe collateral damage to nearby buildings and police cars.


    - Ninja-guy quickly dispatched the first opponent, almost killing him, but Grond could not be dealt with. He KOd three opponents with as many punches, leaving only the huge wolf and the speedster.


    - Unable to defeat Grond, the speester goaded him into chasing him, finally leading him to Lake Erie. Grond caused a lot of property damage, but no casualties, before swimming away.


    - The unidentified super team then fled the scene. Later on, various bodies were recovered from the collapsed warehouse and identified as local drug dealers. A few had been clearly killed by the collapsing roof, others were apparently already dead (gunfire being the most promiinent cause of death).


    - PRIMUS is currently looking into this mess.


    Feel free too pick nicknames for the heroes, since they didn't care about providing their names to the authorities. ;)

  3. Re: Fractionary SPD chart


    Originally posted by Zaratustra

    Here is something I've done in a moment of boredom: How to use fractionary SPDs correctly in the time table?


    Way cool. One of my players has been pestering me to buy a SPD drain, a power I really don't want in my game. If this doesn't scare him, he pretty much deserves that power. ;)

  4. European Union is likely to grow in the next 22 years, with more Eastern Europe nations and maybe a few Noth African or Middle East nations joining in. Heck, Britons might even switch to Euro and the Metric System. Aw, naah, this is just too far-fetched! ;)

    A somewhat unified, but still NATO-aligned, Euro defense is likely. An unified central European government is highly unlikely. Unless Fiacho gets his way, that is. :o


    Broadcast media (TV, conventional radios etc) will concede some ground to narrowcast media.

    The informational divide between "rich" and "poor" countries will likely increase.

    Governative organizations will likely concede some ground to Non-Governative ones.

    A growing military tecnological divide might imply less frontal wars and more terrorist attacks against civilians.

  5. Most players with a modicum of gaming experience often shy away from mistery-circumvention powers. They just know they would be missing on a lot of fun. :)


    I had problems, though, with younger or inexperienced players. I often had to disallow telepathy, psichometry and most forms of invisibility.


    The group I'm currently GMing includes a mid-power telepath, and he's showing little or no restraint in using his powers, often at the expense of overall gaming fun. Either he wises up, or he's going to have a radiation accident sooner or later! ;)

  6. Originally posted by Dr Divago

    One moment please...

    i don't want to convert D&D mechanics in HERO or viceversa...


    i want to use hero to create magic items for D&D

    so, starting from an existing item for D&D (for example, a +1 flaming sword), converting in Hero only to create a new D&D magic item (-½):) :) :) then reconverting back in D&D


    my purpose is not to transform a D&D campaign in Hero or viceversa,only use Hero to make D&D item more interesting :)


    (For Solomon:Salve!, posti anche su IHGG??)


    I'll assume you just picked up a copy of HERO. If that's the case, let me please point out a difference:

    Making up a character in D&D looks like going to a fast food...


    Customer: "I'd like a cheeseburger"

    McDungeons Employee: "With what?"

    Customer: "Small fries and a soda"


    Player: "I'd like to play a dwarf"

    DM: "What class"

    Player: "A cleric of Moradin"


    That's it, mostly. Please notice, this is not derogatory. I play D&D a lot and still like it. I'ts quick and fun. But making a character in D&D is still mostly about mixing and matching a finite number of choices.


    HERO looks more like a cooking area. You can whip up wonderful dishes if you just know what to do, but randomly assembling ingredients won't do. HERO just isn't a mix-and-match system like D&D. You need to come up with a clear, well defined concept first.


    Let's try with an exemple, maybe that will make things easier. Is there an original spell or item you've been thinking about inserting in your campaign? Describe it. :)


    PS for Killer Shrike: Of course there is a language barrier... both Dr Divago and I are Italians, in case you didn't notice! :cool:Cue music: Theme from the Godfather


    PS per Dr Divago: Scusa se ho scritto tutta sta roba in inglese... adesso ti mando un messaggio.

  7. Originally posted by D-Man

    Eurostar is a national security threat who put millions in harms way with their schemes (biowarfare, etc). Their escape isn't acceptable under any circumstances. A cook, and even a teammate, are acceptable losses. Its necessary to minimize collateral casualties, but letting Eurostar go to avoid them is, in my book, a decision of dubious morality, which is why I don't read comic books. I find comic book ethics banal.


    I do agree comic book ethics are banal. So what? :P

    I live by real-word, shades-of-gray non-banal ethics seven days a week... I only get to live by plain old simple and FUN comic book ethics four measly hours a week. What's wrong with that? ;)


    Being a hero is fun, so... be a HERO! :cool:

  8. Originally posted by Alcamtar

    A fireball does 1d6 per level in D&D, with no save. If you assume 5 hp per level for typical charaters (HD 1d8), the fireball does 70% of the victim's hit points, or 35% if they save. In HERO, 70% of 10 BODY is 7 points, or 2d6 killing. You could say it's 6d6 NND does BODY, defense is a DEX roll to avoid, or you could say it's 2d6K and let armor DEF stand in place of the saving throw.


    In the fireball example, Alcamtar apparently forgets HERO already has a game mechanic for avoiding AoE attacks (diving for cover), so you don't need to build a "saving throw" mechanic into an HERO AoE attack.


    That's why I don't usually like to convert directly from a game system into another game system. Converting should be a two-step process.

    a) Ask yourself what fictional element do the rules in game A represent.

    B) Find a way to represent the same fictional element in game B.


    So, a D&D fireball easily translates into a RKA with Explosion. Why should it be a NND? It's not like you're having Orcs faint from excessive heat - you're blasting them right out of existence! :D

    Also, I don't really care if in D&D a fireball does the same damage throughout its area - in HERO I'd buy it as an explosion because it's what it does look like.

  9. Hmm, I'm wondering... is the current Euro high tide also part of Steve's fiendish plan? That means I'll be able to get Shades of Black for... let's see... a measly 8.30 Euros! WoW! :D


    * Solomon scurries to the Online Store *


    Thanks from a very happy european HERO fan. :)


    I just wish getting hard copies was just as easy. Distribution here is quite sloppy and HERO books usually hit the shelves no sooner than 40-60 days after release date! :(

    Heck, I might as well swim to California and back, via the Cape of Good Hope, in two months. ;)

  10. Re: Ultimate Gamer's Toolkit for D&D3


    Originally posted by Dr Divago

    Okei, i want to use Hero System as "Ultimate Gamer's Toolkit" for my D&D3 campaign(s)


    i means:

    to build new strange magic items, D&D is "a little" limitated, so i want try to build using Hero System:

    1) converting some existing magic items in Hero System

    2) modifyng or rebuilding magic items with hero

    3) re-converting in D&D3 rules


    Somebody can help me?


    I'm not sure I got this right. Are you asking how HERO power levels (ie Character Points) relate to D&D power levels (ie spell levels and item levels)?

  11. I was GMing in a fantasy game. The PCs were chasing some thieves down a river on a small rowboat, when a PC stops rowing and tries to shoot the villains with his longbow.

    A very badly fumbled attack roll later, the PC lands out of the boat and in deep water. He's wearing full chain armor so he's in a lot of trouble. But.. the player just looks at me blankly and asks:

    "So... what's the modifier for shooting a longbow while swimming?" :rolleyes:

  12. If you're really going to characters SPD 12+, you might as well rework the speed chart. Make it a 30 columns table for instance. That should do the trick, as long as everyone's actions are evenly spaced. So SPD 2 now acts on segments 15 and 30, SPD 3 on 10, 20 end 30 etc.


    Yet... are you sure a ludicrously high SPD is the best way to portray your speedster?

  13. Re: The Government went and took my Power Armor- A villain's lament


    Originally posted by Hermit

    And, well, why doesn't the CU United States (and other nations) Govt have a whole NPC team of Powered Armor Agents, each in different suits that once belonged to villains?


    USSR in DCU had the Rocket Red Brigate... It probably wasn't as effective as, say, a flight of MIGs while costing a lot more on maintenance.

  14. Originally posted by Starlord

    Whew! 12 posts into the debate and nobody has brought up Rainbow Archer yet. Keep up the good work people!


    IHMO that was not nearly as impressive as the Whip, who also had STR and CON to boot. Then again, just about everibody in 4E Eurostar had DEX 30+.



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    Take action now to protect endangered threads! Post a reply NOW!

  16. Really nice concept... looks like she could grow up to a mighty powerful superhero someday. Actually, she packs quite a punch as she stands already. 80 points really is one big VPP!


    Technically, -1 1/2 seems a bit excessive as a limitation for her control pool: she already commands a fair range of powers and she's just going to get better over time.


    On a lesser note, why the "extreme reaction" on her first DF? I really can't see Teleios curling up in a ball and whimpering after gene-testing her.:)

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