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Posts posted by Solomon

  1. Last character from my current campaign.




    Please, help me finding a better name. He's a British speedster with minor time-flow powers. A reformed villain who used to work with GRAB, he's currently on the run from some of his former associates.


    Drawn by Michela DaSacco.



  2. One of my characters, Ombra, is a pulp era PI. Sadly I lost his charsheet in my last computer crash and all I have now is his background (in Italian). Hmm... might as well rewrite him.

  3. Re: More educated heroes...


    Originally posted by bcholmes

    Just a wild thought. One of the things that I always like about the Buffyverse is that the characters were aware of the genre conventions and cliches.


    Wouldn't it be interesting to have a hero who was fluent with the conventions of the genre.


    Grant Morrison pulls this trick quite often. His post-Crisis Psicho-Pirate was actually aware reality had been retconned, for instance.

  4. Genre Convention #48


    Battle survivability is not directly related to armor coverage - a square foot of light kevlar fabric on your chest is all you really need to be virtually bullet-proof.


    Fantasy Convention: Battle survivability is not directly related to armor coverage... but armor coverage is inversely related to COM.

  5. 5th Edition rules are clearer and more consistent. Also, they're slightly more abstract, which might or might not be a good thing. For instance, Talents are now just pre-built small powers.


    Probably it's more of a change in perspective than a change in actual playing rules. Characters are usually deeper and more fleshed-out. Greater attention is paid to skills and "flavour" powers.


    Overall, I really like it.

  6. I was a bit surprised when I found out that FREd actually lists "Only magic powers" as a -1/4 limitation on VPP. For one, I have an hard time figuring out a broader SF than "magic". Then, a limitation such as "Only attack powers" is also listed as -1/4. Obviously each GM should work out a list of "acceptable" magic powers for his campaign to make sure it fits the bill for a Limitation.

  7. Also consider that parchement production was a fairly "high-tech" activity during the middle ages. To start with, you could usually only get a single sheet from a sheep.


    Turning sheep skin to parchment was time-consuming and required a specific set of skills, so I don't think the price listed in FH is a typo.


    Of course, acquiring massive quantities of parchment would entail you to a large discount - this is basic economy and it did work in the middle ages too.


    "Book" also might as well refer to what we would call today an "unbound scroll". Even a scroll, however, usually needs protection of sorts, like a scroll tube. Actually, I think the weight listed for a "reference library" would be in no small part made up by covers (no trade paperbacks! :D ) and tubes.


    Most bound books are custom made. Mass production should not kick in until well after workable presses are available.

  8. A few notes about Mr. Krueger.


    Assuming you're going for the "Dreamscape as a dimension" approach:

    1) His powers apparently only work on humans who already know him. That's why he sticks to Springswood and never affects anyone outside this area.

    2) The degree to which he can exert his powers might be limited by the degree of fear his target feels. This may be why he toys with his victims (prank phone calls, lullabies, etc.) before closing in for the kill.

    3) Also, his powers are usually thematically linked to his target's fears, expecially his biggest/weirdest powers.

    4) I don't think he should have Telepathy. He could simply gather informations about his target via Transdimensional Clarvoyance (he needs a power to spy on Reality anyway) and a high level Psychology skill. This also makes him much more interesting to run as a character, as he plays and toys with his victims to find out their greatest fears (as opposed to just prying open their Ego).


    VPP in the Dreamscape is fine, but I don't think he should have the Transdimensional advantage. Besides being able to pull sleepers in the Dreamscape and a fairly limited number of puny tricks (mostly Mind Illusions I think) he can't really affect Earth. He can't hurt you as long as you're awake. However, he's able to have people walk in their sleep (Transdimensional Mind Control, but even TK will do), and does so quite often.

  9. Unless they're easily detachable, I'd buy cyber enhancements as powers with no focus limitation.


    However, if your campaign features a lot of common ways to disable cybernetics (EMP pulses, for instance), this might be worth a limitation.

  10. Some of my favourites:


    Entangle with the Weapon of Opportunity limitation. You can trap your opponents in a falling chandelier, roll them up in a rug, throw your cloak at them, or pin them to the wall with a dagger through their shirt etc.


    Another classic with the Weapon of Opportunity lim is Flash vs sight. Pull your opponent's hat on his eyes, throw sand (less than heroic though), etc.


    Cutting away armor by aiming at the straps. Can be done in a variety of ways, including Transform and HKA only vs armor foci.


    And while you're at it, Cosmetically Transform his clothes to slash your signature on them, Zorro style! Makes for great Presence attacks. :D


    A small OCV bonus, only on higher ground. Everybody should have that in a swashbuckling campaign. Rest assured, a fight that starts in a basement is going to end on the roof!


    Swinging. 'Nuff said.

  11. Originally posted by Rechan

    Genre Convention #36


    Mooks will never cause any actual harm. The worst an infantry/henchman/faceless member of the villain's legion can do is annoy the hero or knock him down.


    Exception: The Batman rule

    A mook can actually kill a NPC if this causes a new hero to emerge.

  12. Sourcebooks:

    Aaron Allston's Strike Force. 'Nuff said.

    Anything related to MA. Ninja Hero, Ultimate Martial Artist, Watchers of the Dragon.

    The Zodiac Conspiracy. An interesting themed supervillain group with an intriguing leader.



    Day of the Destroyer. Really loved that adventure.

    Anything with Seeker on the cover. I really miss him. :(

    To Serve and Protect. Even though I never got the chance to actually run the adventure, the Protectors are a regular feature of every Champions campaign I run.

    Coriolis Effect. Excellent adventure with great NPCs. Plus, I really love Glenn Johnsonn's art.

    Target Hero and VOICE of Doom.

  13. No way


    There are quite a few things that bug me about this character...


    1) Redundant limitations on a few powers, like IAF and OIHID. Seems he's trying to sqeeze a few extra points.


    2) A 60+ points VPP. Usually I'm not comfrotable with VPP unless they're pretty small, or have severe limitations (like Gadget pools). Plus, how is the special effect "magic" considered a "limited class of powers"??? (-1/4) What is that you can't make with magic?


    3) Clarsentience, precognition, postcognition. Tricky powers, they're ripe for abuse and make running mistery scenarios nearly impossible. Then again, this might just be my personal tastes.


    4) 4" Flight, megascale 10.000 Km. Am I wrong or is this over Mach 60.000? Not including NCM? And the special effect is a flying carpet???


    5) Mid-level PD and ED seems fine for a magician archetype, but... 50% physical and energy reduction? A whopping 14 DCV?? And REC 27???


    If this character had been submitted to me, I'd send him packing back to Munchkin-land and have a chat with his player.

    However, since this is your campaign, it's really up to you of course! :)

  14. Originally posted by Pteryx

    Actually, people went on as though #19 were accounted for, so you may want to use that instead...


    Edited that, again! Continuity has been restored! :cool:


    Genre convention #27

    There are several billion planets in our galaxy, but everyone wants to invade Earth.


    Corollary: Giant monsters will always try to stomp Tokyo before any other city.

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