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Posts posted by red_eagle123

  1. Re: The President wants to talk to you


    Actually after reading this thread I'm seriously considering using this plot seed in my own game. However I plan on combining it with two other plot seeds, from the grand PLOT SEEDS document found under free stuff.


    I'm still mulling over the exact details, but the two seeds I'm going to combine it with are:



    Corrie is holding another concert, something she doesn't get to do as often now that she's a hero. It's political in nature, kind of a "Para-normals are people too" message to it. Encouraging tolerance and understanding. Naturally, not everyone is so fond of this stuff. One Wyoming Senator is there, scowling. He gets up on stage to protest her open display of mutant powers...things get heated, and a there is a sudden dimming of the lights and a blue flash! And the Sentator lays dead, the glowing Sapphire looking around and swearing "I didn't do it"! The IHA , working behind the scenes, is quick to pull strings. A Judge in their pocket puts a restraining order on Corrie's team mates NOT to interfere OR participate in the crimework (Clearly, the Champions would be biased). That's where the PCs come in. Hello Mystery





    Your team of PCs returns to their own base. They might, or might not notice (depending on senses and perception rolls) that some security measures have been bypassed. There is a scent of blood. They find the wounded (And possibly dying if he doesn't get help) Nighthawk. The Champions have been captured, Homestead is compromised... and he's the only one to have escaped.


    (all thanks to Hermit for the ideas).


    What I'm thinking is, what if Nighthawk invades the teams base after they're returning from Sapphire's little presentation? Maybe he's trying to warn them of something. And what happens if shortly thereafter the President contacts the team? Could the Champions be something other than what they seem? What was Nighthawk trying to warn the team about?


    Ideally my goal is to lead to a JLA vs. Avengers situation, where the players and the Champions both want to do the right thing, but how they go about it differs enough to cause problems. And problems lead to friction, and friction leads to conflict.


    In my game world, the players are an east coast branch partially sponsered by the Protectors, residing in New Jersey. They've had contact with the Champions, and are mostly on good terms with the Champions. At least... they used to be. There's one other wrinkle. The PC's (and players) have never met the Champions. Due to time re-adjusting itself around the players, there's a missing gap of history. This missing gap is when the team moved to New Jersey. It all happened, the players (and PC's) just don't know WHAT happened.


    Now to figure out the situation that causes the two teams to come into conflict.

  2. Re: Storn Art from Idea to Full Picture Year 2


    Ladyhawke? I just did a winged devil woman for Death Tribble.


    Well, to be honest what I do picture of the transformed Timecop Ladyhawke is someone who is a cross between Hawkman, Zauriel and any of the various Timecops depicted. Battlescarred (due to her time in hell), some sort of holy redemption theme to the uniform (due to her being rescued by angels) and high tech gear to help move through time (Shoulder pads, maybe her natural wings covered to look like Hawkworld/Archangel wings, helmet with HUD, gauntlets of some sort).


    And You're absolutely right Storn, it is hard to come up with unique ideas these days. That's why I like to blend themes as much as I can, see what comes out from the mix (I mixed Colossus and Wolverine for a character and came up with a nanobot infected brawler with minor strength and steel looking skin).

  3. Re: Storn Art from Idea to Full Picture Year 2


    Here's an idea, dunno how well recieved it'll be:


    I had a player who's character was Ladyhawke. She was simply a woman with wings and some metal claws over her fists. No big deal


    But the player switched characters, and so the PC found herself forced to sacrifice herself to close a portal to hell. She found herself in hell as a result.


    I have plans to bring that PC back in a guest star role as an NPC. The twist is that after her time in Hell, she was rescued by angels (She's got wings) and then tapped with the preservation of the time stream. In assuming her new role, she's become enhanced with technology and/or armor of some sort. Maybe one or both of her wings got replaced with cyber-wings or some sort of high-tech equivilent.


    It's all fairly fuzzy in my head really, but that's the background for the character.

  4. I suck as buying skills for PC's. I usually find myself in a game going "Damn, that skill should have been bought, it fits my character".


    So, since I'm working on a new character, I figured I'd ask for assistance. The character is born and bred wealthy member whose gotten involved with the environmentalist movement. While involved with the Environmentalism Movement, he becomes an ecoterrorist until a close call.


    So the skill sets I need are his growing up in the wealthy background. For that I've got:



    High Society



    For the Environmentalist Ecoterrorist I've got the following skills:


    KS: Environmental Activism

    KS: Environmentalist Activities

    KS: Environmental Science



    So, what else would fit this character?

  5. Re: Champions miniatures


    I prefer to use a Grey Primer myself, unless I'm doing skeletons or very evil characters. If I'm doing skeletons I prime them black, then dry brush bone white and voila, quickly painted miniature.


    I prefer to use Grey because it still causes some vibrantness to the paints over top (Such as White) but also dampens the colors slightly (Like black) but doesn't obscure details like I've found Black does. It's a nice neutral color for the primer, and often after priming I make out more details than I did an unprimed figure.


    When I prime figures black, it's hard to make out some of the smaller details, at least for me it is.

  6. Re: Champions miniatures


    For paints I use primarily old Partha paints. Whenever I buy any new paints I buy the Reaper paints.


    I'm sad that Partha went out of business, or at least stopped making paints. But all well.


    One other thing, I never mix paints. Mainly because I've never come up with a good place to mix them (IE: Something reusable and easy to port around with the rest of my paints).

  7. Re: Champions miniatures


    I really like the white-brushing. It makes him look (alternately) dusty, or illuminated by some light from beneath. Stellar work!


    Reaper puts out some awesome figs, I totally agree. :)





    Actually the white on the legs and hand was a complete mistake. The matte sealer I used came out clouded (Just like on two of my players miniatures, this must have been sealed with that same batch).


    That's the only finished character I have, the rest are ready for the matte sealer, but I want to make sure I get new sealer and for the weather outside to settle down enough that I can go outside and spray them.

  8. Re: Champions miniatures


    Wow. They certainly didn't surgically remove your painting talent.

    If only I had that kind of patience and steadiness of hand. Mostly the patience.


    Thanks Blue, it feels nice to be painting again. I've gone about 6 months since I last picked up the brush. And I had to do something to keep myself busy while laid up on the couch. Today's the first day I've been able to do anything besides lay there with my leg elevated.

  9. Re: Champions miniatures


    These last two are figures that can easily be used in a Super Hero setting, but as of yet I haven't come up with any campaign use for them yet. The strong man is finished, and is painted from a Reaper Flesh Golem. I'm debating whether to add some tatoo's or something to him, since he's kinda bland at the moment.


    The Martial artist isn't complete yet. I still have to do the hair and the gauntlets on his arms. Everything else is done. I'm still debating on a hair color, although I'm leaning towards a sandy brown color (Yellow base, brown drybrush highlights). This is a Reaper Monk figure.

  10. Re: Champions miniatures


    This is a Reaper Troll that I'm going to use as a Mad Scientists genetic abomination. I've got a couple other figures that will also have been created by this same mad scientist, but they're not near enough complete to take pictures of.

  11. Re: Champions miniatures


    This is the last of the Elementals, Air. Still a Reaper figure.


    I like Reaper figures, since they have a lot of detail on them. Problem is they're more suited for a fantasy D&D game than Champions.

  12. Re: Champions miniatures


    Since I haven't yet figured out what I'm going to do for a fourth Acolyte of Apocalypse, I'm also working on some other villains. This is the leader of a team I'm going to call the Elementals.


    One of the subplots I've got going is that someone is attacking companies that are polluting the environment. Since one of the players has a history of eco-terrorism (before becoming a hero), and has been missing, the initial blame is being focussed on her for now.


    The character pictured here is a Summoner, summoning spirits of the elements to serve him. The figure is a Reaper figure, an Earth Wizard. The little hand came with the figure.

  13. Re: Champions miniatures


    This is the last of my Triad of Acolytes. This is Death. His powers come from the upper half of the scythe. One of the players has a Museum Curator secret ID and is currently examining a skull with a spine fused to it. She's determined it's magical but that's it. My idea is that when attacked to a stick, the mouth emits an energy blade in the form of a scythe.


    That's why the blade is red, I was trying to show that it's an energy blade. The rest of the outfit is just a costume, so you can see a peek of skin on his arms behind the gloves.


    The figure is a Reaper Acolyte of Death figure.

  14. Re: Champions miniatures


    This is Famine, the second of my Acolytes of Apocalypse. I haven't come up with a definitive background for him yet, but the bow turns the human host into Famine. I tried to paint the figure as a Native American, not sure how well it came out.


    The figure is Reaper's Acolyte of Famine.

  15. Re: Champions miniatures


    While Laid up due to surgery, here are a few of the miniatures I'm working on:


    First up in one of three villains for a group I'm going to toss at my players soon. They're the Acolytes of Apocalypse. This is War, the axe and shield transform the bearer into a host for the Asgardian Tyr, god of War.


    The figure is from the Reaper Acolyte of War, and one of my best jobs thus far (IMO).

  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Not if it gets you to be able to walk without pain. Hope it goes well. Is it for an ingrown toenail? Or something more?



    It's for an ingrown toenail they've removed twice and has always grown back ingrown and infected.


    So now they're removing the toenail, and the nail growth material behind the nail. For those that don't know, that means removing the top layer of the skin from the tip to just past the first knuckle or so.


    Apparently they're going to give me a spinal injection for anesthesia, use a tournequete on my leg and are taking all sorts of precautionary steps prior to the surgery itself, such as a Chest X-Ray, Bio-Signs check and urinary test.


    Whee I'm soo excited. :no:

  17. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    There are times I don't care about what others think of me. Then there are times I'm greatly concerned about my appearance. Usually the latter happens only with certain people, whereas strangers it's easier for me to blow them off.


    But for some reason I feel silly when asked what my upcoming surgery is. It's only a toenail and some skin being removed. It's not like I'm getting a body part removed, or some sort of life altering surgery.


    Yet I've been told the recovery is at least a week, and the pain is quite bad. So should I feel silly when asked why I'm getting operated on? The surgery needs to be done, as I'm having a hard time walking these days without causing myself pain.


    But I just can't get over the fact that, ultimately, the surgery is silly and superflous.

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