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Posts posted by red_eagle123

  1. Re: Champions miniatures


    This character is Celteen. She's the ancestor of one of the Fae, and has control over the four elements. This includes the ability to alter her own form into that of the four elements.


    The figure it a Superfigs Chakti figure, at the time I painted it her character concept was still a little in flux, so I wasn't sure how to paint it.

  2. Re: Champions miniatures


    Here is the now dragon form of the player mentioned in my previous post.


    This is a reaper figure that I did a little bit of modification to the back. The original figure had a slot where it's wings were supposed to go, so I had to green stuff that. The finish coat for some reason came out with a hazy look, so I had to discard that can.

  3. Re: Champions miniatures


    Okay, let's see if I can get this to work.


    This is a picture of one of my players former shapeshifted form. I painted it from a Togashi Hoshi Clan War figure.


    The player has since discarded this form due to a Radiation Accident and assumed a much more humanoid dragon form.

  4. Re: A Very Champion Christmas


    On the ninth day of Christmas, Dr. Destroyer gave to me....


    Nine villainous plots


    8 global death threats,

    Seven Bombs a blowing

    Six Seeker Sightings


    Four robbing Bluejay's

    Three power DEF drains

    Two turtle armored minions

    And a 20d6 0 END EB

  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    The character has a Hero ID and a Secret ID. The change is from smart nerdy super-brain Fiona with no social skills to blonde bimbo super powered form Ginger (Aka Beauty Queen). When the player wrote the origin story, it was hinted at the end that she needed certain stimuli to initiate the change. Since then the player and the rest of the group has made it a running gag.


    Btw, before anyone assumes the worse, the player is a married 40 year old woman. My fiancee at age 27 is the youngest player in the group.

  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Scene: Team is scattering to various places to follow leads down. Youngest member (Shockwave) heads to his room to play video games, having no other skills to contribute. Fiona has a unique transformation requirement, needing certain... er... 'naughty magazines' to transform herself. So her player is making sure the GM understands that those magazines are available in her lab.


    GM: Right, okay, so Fiona's in her lab with her little love abode off in the corner. Everyone else is in their lab. And Shockwave's playing with his playboy....



    GM: I mean his gameboy, gameboy! *sigh*

  7. Re: Anyone have a writeup for a super archer?Here's a version of my archer character.Red Eagle

    Val Char Cost
    23 STR 13
    23 DEX 39
    14 CON 8
    12 BODY 4
    16 INT 6
    15 EGO 10
    10 PRE 0
    12 COM 1
    11/21 PD 6
    10/20 ED 7
    6 SPD 27
    9 REC 2
    28 END 0
    53 STUN 22
    16" RUN02" SWIM04 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 145
    Cost Power END
    45 Bows and Arrows: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (90 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1)
    2u 1) Blinding Arrow: Sight Group Flash 9d6, Area Of Effect Nonselective Target (One Hex; +1/4) (56 Active Points); OAF (-1), 12 Charges (-1/4) [12]
    3u 2) Taser Arrow: Energy Blast 12d6, STUN Only (+0) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), 15 Charges (-1/4) [15]
    2u 3) Web Arrow (Net): Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), 15 Charges (-1/4) [15]
    1u 4) Smoke Arrow: Darkness to Hearing Group 6" radius (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), 8 Charges (-1/2), Nonselective Target (-1/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) [8]
    2u 5) Gas Arrow: Drain Stun 2d6, No Normal Defense (Equally Common Defense; +1/2), Area Of Effect (3" Radius; +1) (50 Active Points); OAF (-1), 8 Charges (-1/2) [8]
    2u 6) Grenade Arrow: Energy Blast 8d6, Explosion (+1/2), Nonselective Target (-1/4) (50 Active Points); OAF (-1), 12 Charges (-1/4) [12]
    2u 7) Hunting Arrow: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), 9 Charges (-1/2) [9]
    3u 8) Regular Arrow: Energy Blast 8d6, Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1) 0
    2u 9) Swingline Arrow: Swinging 40", 16 Charges (+0) (40 Active Points); OAF (-1) [16]
    1u 10) Sapping Arrow: Dispel Strength 6d6, Continuous (+1) (36 Active Points); OAF (-1), 6 Charges (-3/4) [6]
    10 Knowledge of the Ancestors: Variable Power Pool, 8 base + 2 control cost, (12 Active Points); Extra Time (Extra Segment, -1/2), Incantations (Must ask the right questions; -1/4)
    10 Too Many Minds: Mental Defense (13 points total) 0
    20 Run like the Wind: Running +10" (16" total) 2
    30 Body Suit: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) 0
    Powers Cost: 135
    Cost Skill
    3 Acrobatics 14-
    3 Breakfall 14-
    7 Electronics 14-
    7 Fast Draw 16-
    3 Inventor 12-
    4 Language: Iroquois (idiomatic)
    3 Stealth 14-
    3 SS: Electrical Engineering 12-
    2 WF: Common Missile Weapons
    15 +5 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks
    Skills Cost: 50
    Cost Perk
    2 Reputation (A small to medium sized group) ; 14-, +2/+2d6
    2 Contact (Contact has significant Contacts of his own) 8-
    1 Contact 8-
    1 Contact 8-
    1 Favor
    1 Favor
    Perks Cost: 8
    Cost Talent
    6 Ambidexterity (-1 Off Hand penalty)
    6 Danger Sense (self only, in combat, Function as a Sense) (17 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2) 12-
    Talents Cost: 12
    Val Disadvantages
    15 Secret ID
    10 Mystery Disadvantage
    5 Money: Poor
    10 Psychological Limitation: Short Tempered (Common, Moderate)
    10 Psychological Limitation: Sense of Duty (Common, Moderate)
    10 Psychological Limitation: Impulsive (Common, Moderate)
    15 Social Limitation: Talks to Self (Very Frequently, Minor)
    15 Hunted: Unknown Pursuer 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)
    10 Hunted: Iroquois Council of Elders 11- (As Pow, NCI, Watching)
    10 Distinctive Features: Many Souls, One Body (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
    15 Dependent NPC: Younger Sister (Jessica Skyfather) 11- (Normal)
    15 Psychological Limitation: Frequent Nightmares of Ancestors deaths (Very Common, Moderate)
    10 Psychological Limitation: Resents Own Stereotypical Image (Common, Moderate)
    Disadvantage Points: 150

    Base Points: 200Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 350

    Height: 1.98 m Hair: Brown
    Weight: 99.00 kg Eyes: Brown
    Appearance: Personality: Quote:Background: James Skyfather was born to a mixed relationship. His father, Jimmy Skyfather, was of the Cherokee Tribe from the Qualla Reservation. His mother, Maria Pavlovic, was the daughter of Americanized Immigrants. When they met, Jimmy was working for the FBI as an undercover agent of some sort. Maria and Jimmy settled down, finding a nice house near the Qualla Reservation to raise their family. Jimmy even stopped working for the government, instead finding other work elsewhere.


    Not long after the birth of their second child, a daughter they named Jessica, Jimmy started acting odd. He took to talking to himself, and responding to questions nobody asked. He also started staying out late, and coming home with bruises on his body. Maria feared for her family, and especially her two children. After a particularly nasty argument, Maria took the 5 year old James and 1 year old Jessica and moved to Texas to be near her family.


    James grew up in Texas, knowing he was a half breed. His mother never taught him anything about his heritage, and James never bothered to learn. Growing up in the ‘White Man’s World’, James had a much different upbringing than he would had he stayed on the reservation. Upon going to college, he found he had a strong electrical engineering knack, and so he focused his studies in that field.


    It was during James’ graduation from college, when he was 21, his father died. Halfway across the stage to accept his diploma and he suddenly felt the voices of 10 generations of ancestors talking in his head. He crumpled mid-stride, awaking later in the hospital with 9 voices attempting to calm him down and a 10th voice just as confused as he was. It was the voice of his father. At first James worried that he had gone mad, as his mother told him his father did. It was a week later, when his 17-year-old sister mentioned being able to see the spirits inhabiting James’ body.


    James took the time to question the voices, coming to understand that each of the 10 voices were his ancestors, including his father. It turns out, the Skyfather family has an unusual family legacy. For some generations now, the soul of the father passed onto the body of the son. It started when Napua EyesHigh called upon the gods to grant him the ability to defend his tribe. The gods granted him enhanced speed, strength and agility, which he used as the tribal champion. When he died, his soul passed onto his oldest son, RedEagle. RedEagle had been taken under the care of the tribal shaman, as an understudy as it were. When the spirit of his father passed into him, he found himself blessed with the same enhanced strength, speed and agility as his father. He used what little shaman skills he’d picked up to continue his father’s goal of defending the tribe. Thus began the legacy of the Red Eagle


    Now knowing that he wasn’t insane, James began to formulate a plan. Understanding his heritage, as explained to him the ancestors, James took inspiration from the costumed super-heroes in the world, and fashioned himself a costume, a bow and put his engineering skills to use to formulate a series of trick arrows.


    Emerging onto the Dallas scene, a new super hero calling himself Red Eagle began fighting crime, in the spirit of his ancestors. After a particularly rough battle with a group of powered foes, the retired hero Warhawk saved Red Eagle. Warhawk took the neophyte hero under his belt, augmenting his arsenal with new suggestions for arrows, as well as teaching him some combat techniques. Since then, Red Eagle has been slowly groomed to be Warhawk’s replacement, or at least one of them.


    Quote: "My Ancestors cry out for your justice criminal, what do yours say?"


    Personality:. James is dedicated young man. Prior to taking up the mantle of Red Eagle, James was a straight-A student. Now with his Ancestors around to teach him, he is slowly learning what it means to be a member, and more importantly protector, of the Cherokee peoples.


    Still feeling a bit overwhelmed with his current situation, he finds himself leaning on the knowledge and experience of his forefathers in many situation. Whenever he is faced with a situation he doesn’t feel comfortable with, he always immediately queries his entourage for assistance. This need to ask for help is something some of his Ancestors are trying to correct as best they can, by forcing James to learn on his own.


    The whole spiritual connection is something that James can’t yet easily explain, his background in the technical sciences clouding his perspective. One the one hand he’s got undeniable proof that mysticism and spirits exist, and yet everything he was raised to believe says that such things are false beliefs. It’s something that he’s still having trouble working out.


    James has gotten a bit more irritable since the 10 spirits inhabited his body. Considering he can’t control them, and they are able to talk to him whenever they want (or are ‘awake’), this is understandable to some extent. He also has gotten into the bad habit of responding to his Ancestors at normal speaking tones in public. The Ancestors and James can only communicate verbally, neither side can read the others minds. However nobody else, except his sister, can see the Ancestors so it appears to most that James is talking to himself.


    Appearance: James is a athletic young man of 26, with long flowing black hair he keeps in braids. In the past 5 years since he received his family ‘inheritance’, James has taken to wearing more traditional clothing, including leather vests with beadwork, beads worked into his hair, and twin braids for his hair streaming down his back.


    In costume as Red Eagle, James wears a full body suit of deep crimson red. The Full face mask has ‘warpaint’ stripes going from the bridge of the nose down to the cheeks. Strapped onto either thigh and onto his back are quivers of his specially designed trick arrows. Over the body suit he wears a leather vest with fringes on the pockets, and a stylized eagle on each pocket. He also wears fringed leather boots on his feet. To complete the look, he has an armband on each upper arm made of gold, with twin eagle feathers hanging from the band.


    Powers: The powers of Red Eagle come primarily from his arsenal of trick arrows. In each of the quivers he has a series of arrows each with a specialized arrowhead. James has gotten used to finding the arrows he needs by touch, each arrow having a series of notches or marks on one end to identify them. The arrows are held in place by a simple locking mechanism that doesn’t release the arrow until a certain amount of force is applied. This allows James the ability to hang upside down without fear of losing his arrows, and yet still be able to retrieve them when needed.


    The bow he uses is an specially designed collapsible bow, that can be carried on the outside of his backpack quiver. To most it appears to be made of simple wood, with cleverly designed hinges to facilitate the folding without weakening the pull strength of the bow when in use.


    Other than his equipment, his ‘heritage’ blesses him with an increased level of physical ability. He is stronger, faster and more coordinated than he was prior to the spirits occupying his body. Each bearer of the heritage expressed the powers slightly differently, and it’s been theorized by some of the ancestors that with enough training all the prior abilities of the ancestors could be expressed in the current host.


    The ancestors themselves are disembodied spirits that are somehow tied to the body of James Skyfather. None of the ancestors knows what the source of this connection is, nor whether it can be broken by magic of any sort. What they do know that so long as a male descendent is alive, they will be forever tied to this plane of existence. It is for this reason that many of the ancestors are currently trying to pressure James into finding a wife and having children.


    There are two further concerns the ancestors haven’t expressed to James yet. One is that there is a gap in the ancestors. Nobody knows what happened to this missing generation, or why the generation was skipped. Second is, James’ sister Jessica is the first person to be able to see the ancestors besides the body being inhabited

    Powers/Tactics: Campaign Use: 
  8. Re: Brother Blood (original)


    If you don't mind, could you tell me more about when and how he died? My recollection was that he was still alive but amnesiac up until the birth of his daughter. I stopped following the Titans regularly shortly after that, so I'm not really that up on their later history.


    (Not that dying ever kept a good comic villain from coming back.) ;)



    You know Lord Liaden, you're right. I was going off my own faulty memory but you reminded me of what really happened. So I went and checked up on it at this great Titans news source


    So it's entirely possible that the Brother Blood that appeared in Outsiders could potentially have been the original Brother Blood, having regained his memory. Of course that'd have to raise the question of what happened to Azrael, which DC wants to forget about I'm sure (Since they gave some other dude the name and a title for awhile).

  9. Re: Mechanized Robot Guards?


    Those would be almost exactly what I'd imagine Mechanon would come up with, great links Chuckg.


    How would you write those up tho?

    Movement 6", minimal PD/ED. Maybe a 2-3d6 RKA or 6-9d6 EB for the machine guns. AE explosive effects for the missile launchers?

  10. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


    As for the change in Blood' date=' who knows why Johns did it? Perhaps he felt he couldn't write the original version as well as Wolfman and Perez did or perhaps he felt the original's story was so good that he wanted to let it rest and thus created a new version? Or perhaps he wanted to use Brother Blood and said "oh crud Winnick killed the original in The Outsiders, better try and do something interesting with the new guy." We'll never know really. :)[/quote']


    Actually, the Brother Blood from the Wolfman/Perez era couldn't have been brought back, at all. The one the Titans faced died, and his only direct heir was a daughter, thus ending the legacy aspect of the character.


    The Brother Blood who appeared in Outsiders was, to my recollection, a complete phony, or someone trying to use the Church of Blood for his own diabolical means.


    Same for the Brother Blood that appeared in Titans. Only in there Johns tied the origin of Raven (Mommy being raped by a summoned Trigon) to the Church of Blood, and this new kid claiming to be Brother Blood has no direct link to the Wolfman/Perez Blood, other than name.


    As was mentioned elsewhere, Johns seems to have respect for what's already been written (Unlike some other writers), and didn't want to severely retcon things into order to bring back a Brother Blood from the past. So he made up a new one. /shrug I dunno, frankly the new story is interesting, what'll really be telling is whether the new character is used again, and used in a good storyline.

  11. In the Plot Seed document, there's a plot seed for Mechanon (submitted by Hermit) where Mechanon takes over an automated nuclear power plant and threatens to unleash hell on earth. Part of the description cites having the players fight their way through the power plant to Mechanon's lair fighting against the automated defenses.


    For some reason I'm picturing this as little mobile robotic units created by Mechanon from the existing defenses of the power plant. How would you write these up if you were going to use them?


    I'm curious to see what ideas for mechanized units such as these are out there. I suppose alternatively one could take ideas from Black Harlequin's toys write-up and use those. What other ideas exist for these types of opponants for PC's to face?

  12. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


    I really liked Raven from the Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans. One of my favourite characters in comics. Is she still around? She had very poorly defined powers though' date=' even by comic book standards.[/quote']


    Raven is still currently appearing in comics, yes. She just rejoined the latest incarnation of the Teen Titans, and even had her origin story linked to the Brother Blood 'religion'. She also got slightly de-aged.


    As far as her powers go, they were simple. She had 4 powers. She could teleport, She was an empath, and she could heal (previously by taking on the wounds herself then expunging them). It was her fourth power that's always been a bit hard to define. Her soul-self. It's.. well... her soul, kinda, but it can wrap people up (Darkness, 1 hex AE), hurt people, tie them up (entangle), and be used as a doorway to focus her teleportation with.

  13. Re: Comics from the Good Ol' Days


    Back when I lived in the area I know there used to be at least 4 or 5 comic shops in the greater Bezerkeley area. Of course being that that's at least 10 years out of date who knows if they're still around.


    And yes I realize me not being able to name names helps you not a whit. Sorry, blame it on the poor memory. Best suggestion I can give is to turn to a phone book and look under hobbies or comics. That's what I usually do when in a new city.

  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    A friend signed me up for the World of Warcraft Beta last night--happy birthday to me! I'm downloading the 2.4 gig install right now. I hope my computer can run the thing ok.



    Only 3 hours to go... :rolleyes:


    Hey Madstone, I've been playing WoW for about a week now (I got the open beta through fileplanet option). If you're really curious you can look me up, I'm on Central Time Zone - Server 26 currently, though that changes day to day.

  15. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: I said ENIGMA' date=' not ENEMA![/quote']


    Q: This is Lois Lane, standing here with the self-professed 'Enema of the night'. Mr. Enema, do you have any comments on your acceptance by the people?


    A: Take that, you big poofy stuffed shirt person you!

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