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Posts posted by BoneDaddy

  1. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities



    Here I must agree only in part. These questions are ultimately important, but not particularly relevant at the time. As a DV prosecutor, I had almost no serial abusers, but I had several serial victims. I do not question that they were really and truly being abused in each case, so that leaves the question - what gave the dear lady such a punchable face? No, that's not the question - why did she keep finding partners interested in punching her? We had a predatory theory of abusers, which made prosecuting them feel good but had very little to do with reality 98% of the time - life is thankfully not a John D, MacDonald novel.


    Asking her what's wrong with her while she's in the relationship is not helpful - but damn someone should ask after she's out of there, shouldn't they? That's not "concern trolling" that's just concern - the third time your friend gets hit by a car, you'll surely ask about their relationship with streets, right?


    I don't know the right answer.

  2. Re: The cranky thread


    So' date=' I guess bad things DO come in threes. First the divorce, then the job relocation, and now...my wallet and cell phone were stolen from my gym locker yesterday. Fortunately I had no cash and my cards were nearly maxed out already. Made all the phone calls and reports, mostly just an inconvenience. Have to request phone numbers and stuff from all my contacts now. Hope they catch the guy. The funny thing is, I'm not super-upset about it. Just taking it in stride. "S##t happens". :)[/quote']


    You know, if you take the relocation, she doesn't have to save up to move out. Drop off the key, Lee.

  3. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities


    I love this link

    Enough with the Aspie Bit Already


    AKA just because you are so socially inept and geeky that you might be diagnosed with Aspergers, doesn't give you licence to treat women in that way.


    PS I would rep Cygnia (Again), but I must spread around rep before blah blah... Nice posts keeping this thread alive.

    Ditto on all counts, and got that rep for you.
  4. Re: The cranky thread


    Oh' date=' joy. The hits keep on coming. My department is getting outsourced to a service center in Lexington, KY sometime in the next 7-18 months. Hopefully they will cut me a fat severance check for my 15 years of service, and I'm definitely cashing out the 401k. Looks like I'll be hanging my own shingle sometime next year after all. :P[/quote']


    On the "plus" side the doc review market is still going, and in DC that gets a lot of solos through lean times.

  5. Re: Creepy Pics.


    So like I said, I go running, alone, at ten o'clock every night. About 3.5 miles/night so far, I'm working my up. Listening to IT, unabridged. According to Mike Hanlon, IT comes back every 27 years or so. 1985 in the book. Plus twenty-seven years = I'll jog a little faster. Glad I don't live in Maine.

  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos


    Have a nice day.





    Edit: replaced broken video. (sorry about the advert in this version)


    She's the hottest girl on the web today! ukliam3.gif


    She will be my bride. I know I already have one, but seriously, we'll make room. I love every thing about her, except of course that she can just run the heck away from me and there's not much I do to catch her.


    That video is freaking hypnotic.

  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    That didn't end up going so well, alas.

    I kinda suspected it... she was getting a little too excited about me, and I was a little underwhelmed in response.


    It is interesting talking before the first date and having the topics of gangbangs and erotic knifeplay both come up before you've "formally" met.

    And I didn't bring up either topic...


    Based on your phrasing, it sound like you were underwhelmed BECAUSE she was too excited. I have to admit, that doesn't sound like a bad thing - a girl being too excited about me. I mean, she's in for disappointment, and not just because I think gangbangs and erotic knifeplay are both potentially too messy and I like being the only exciting pointy thing in the room for sexy-times, but still, excited about you sounds like a net positive, no?


    I go stabby?

  8. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


    Today, while I shower...

    4-year-old son: Papa!

    Me: Yes?

    4yo: I gotta go potty!

    Me: Well come on in!

    seconds pass...

    4yo: Oops.

    Me: You didn't make it?

    4yo: Almost.

    Me: Did you wet your pants?

    4yo: No...

    Me: Did you poop in your pants?

    4yo: Not in my pants.

    Me: On the floor?

    4yo: No...

    I finally pull aside the shower curtain and look. My darling son had very nearly made it to the toilet. He was standing right in front of my pants, which I had left on the bathroom floor when I got in the shower. My son pooped in my pants, which let's face it doesn't happen every day.

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