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Posts posted by BoneDaddy

  1. Re: Better Block


    That's a one maneuver CSL, for 2 points. I like the idea a great deal.


    The trouble with missile reflection for hand to hand is that the idea of hitting someone with their own fist, sledgehammer, sword, what have you is extremely silly, especially if you aren't going to disarm them first. As a M-A maneuver it would take a grab, a disarm, and a counter-attack. Multiple triggers? Yikes what a mess. It has a literary basis - people get stabbed with their own knives and swords all the time in movies and books. Their own fists? Not so much. You're turning a roll of five into an eighteen.

  2. Re: The cranky thread


    A rate cut? A goddam RATE CUT!? You morons. Now that everybody on Earth knows bundled debt is an investment for suckers, you do the only thing guaranteed to make T-bills a lame duck, too. Stupid, stupid, stupid, venal, cupiditous, jackasses! A pox on both your houses!

  3. Re: The cranky thread


    quoted the wrong post. son is allergic to peanuts' date=' needs epi-pin, etc.[/quote']

    You sure about that? I did a little research, and from what I found it seemed likely that there was a hell of a lot of potentially fatal peanut allergy hype and no damn peanut fatalities. I did the research as I was screaming at our son's elementary school for trying to ban peanut butter altogether, which let's face it would be a damn disaster for the rest of us.


    I don't doubt your son is allergic to peanuts, and you have my sincere sympathies, but the test seems able to detect a hystamine response but not severity. Am I wrong?

  4. Re: Better Block


    How about a martial block damage shield? It would cost, mind you.


    As for super blockers, reasoning from effect: a desolid can work, a damage shield can work, armor can work, some extra PD can work... Whatever. A block that works just like a block, though, my first suggestion is the best I have.

  5. Re: two (sigh) PRE questions


    I might suggest an alternative house rule, or an alternative method for handling the issue.


    1. House rule: A second, subsequent presence attack is only worth half the dice that it otherwise would be. A third is halved again, etc. After one massive bowell loosening presence attack, a second one loses a little something. If they are spending all those points of PRE, they've earned the right to use them, but if you don't want your game to turn into a bunch of roaring mice you have a right as a GM to set some rational limit on the tactic.


    2. Escalation. A few high PRE villains can be a fine lesson in humility for recalcitrant PRE abusers. The combat, however, rather than looking like heroes duking it out across the city skyline, will look like an episode of Crossfire. High PRE combat should be limited because while it can be effective, it is also silly looking in the long run.

  6. Re: Power advantages to Martial Arts


    There is another way. Buy a NND H-HA, and a weapon proficiency for the martial art form with that H-HA for another point. I think that should get you up as high as twice the DCs of the H-HA, provided the Maneuver & STR can bump it that high. It ain't perfect, but I think it's legal.


    As an example, any of the chain weapons have the Indirect advantage. Any Okinawan Karateka skilled with the Nunchuka gets to use that indirect advatage with all of the appropriate martial maneuvers. Yes?

  7. Re: What costing for noncombat movement without penalty?


    Ah yeah, 1/2 DCV.


    While PSL or CSL can get your DCV back up - you can't get your OCV above 0.


    You sure? Couldn't you just buy some 5 point CSLs with the limitation (Only at non-combat velocity)? Not saying it would be cheap, but it would get you over zero, yes?


    EDIT: This sounds like it should be a standard speedster trick.

  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Josh and I are seriously talking about kids, though. "There's a reason for everything," blah, blah, blah, and something tells me that, if we wait for the right time, it'll never happen. Maybe this is some higher-up's way of giving me a boot and saying, "Quit making excuses and just spawn, dang you!"


    So, we'll sleep on it, at least, and time will tell whether there'll be owl-squirrels in our near future.


    I recommend spawning, as I am happy every day that I have children. I am not happy every minute that I have children, but the aggregate result is happiness. That said, there is no right time to have them. They are an unmitigated financial catastrophe. They make the notion of free time seem like a fond memory of a distant past. You will find yourself taking advantage of absurdly small increments of time for nookie.


    That said, you will feel loved like you never have before, even when they say they hate you. They are worth every minute, to me.


    Good uck.

  9. Re: Accidental Flash


    It occurs to me that if I go with the Area Effect Flash option' date=' I might need to throw a No Range limitation on it too. But I'm not sure how it would work. On the one hand, it's centered on her; she can't have it centered somewhere else. On the other hand, it affects people who aren't standing right next to her. Ideas?[/quote']

    No Range and Area of Effect are not incompatable. That just means the start point for the area has no range. In the case of a radius, she would be in the middle.

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