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Posts posted by MisterD

  1. Hello.


    I have been playing Champions since the boxed set.


    I heard about City of Heroes/Villains SO I got the game.


    How can there NOT be a Champions/Herogames Super group on the CHAMPION server?


    Well. I fixed that. Anyone who enjoys champions is Welcome to the group. You do not have to play champions to join but If you have a Champions Homage character or managed to create your character on the server. you are welcome to join.


    Look for Marc Ducorsky


    PS: If this is in the wrong thread, I am sorry.

  2. Re: Online game:Who wants to buckle some swash?


    I have a character idea


    A young man called The Doctor (THe cook on a gelley ship)


    I am thinking he is the master in the kitchen (able to make deliciouse edible foods out of just about anything available.

    Able to list ingredients and procedures in preperation of any food he tastes


    Pus one of the bellow


    1) VPP of Knowledge and background skills (drawback is someone other than himself has to ask a question)




    2) Real good with knives.

  3. Re: Rationalize this....


    [Only read half the posts before me...]


    Since the designers of the suit didn't know actual MAs, but just video game moves, I'd call it HA, DEX, etc.


    For one thing, there shouldn't be any defensive moves, since study of video games wouldn't give you a true understanding of defense. The offense is probably a bit better, but still no good, since video games focus on flashy moves that certainly wouldn't give an OCV bonus.


    Then probably tactical subsystem will be based on MA. Movies and Combat anaysis sot when CN sees an opening he can take it and if he sees an attack he can determine where it will land and block it.

  4. Re: Rationalize this....


    I can't see any problem with it. Geeks have access to high systems capable of rendering the movies in 3d' date=' program in correct responses, etc. I would do one of two things as part of the system, though. Either make it so your limbs are not in the battle suits limbs when it throws a super fast punch, or have the suit interface with YOUR nerveous system so your actions are in coordination with the suit's. Even the later is pushing it in a lot of ways. Having your limbs jerked in directions your not expecting could result in some serious muscle strain, even if it doesn't go outside normal range of motion.[/quote']


    Thinking the armor guides attacks instead of make them for him.

  5. Re: Rationalize this....


    How does the operator select targets for the suit to fight?


    I thought there are multi-Targeting.

    1 Targeting = where he is looking

    1 Targeting = Where hisr fist is pointed at

    1 targeting = Path of possible attack

    When all three lock he makes an attack and the system guides it.

  6. Re: The Cyber Ninja


    *snip* Pertinent bit only...

    The only prblem I'd have with it is that by the book, you can ony limit 5 point or higher CSL's. If you want to incrporate a "The computer can't repond properly because this is wierd" element then you might add a focused Analyze or KS:Fighting Styles skill and RSR on the levels.

    Or redo it as a computer. For 15 points you can build a pretty nifty one.


    How would I do this as a computer?

  7. The Cyber Ninja


    Cyber Ninja

    Val Char Cost Roll Notes

    20 STR 10 13- / 15- 4d6/6d6 HTH damage [2/3]

    20 DEX 30 13- / 15- OCV: 7/9/DCV: 7/9

    16 CON 12 12-

    10 BODY 0 11-

    13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

    13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4

    15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

    14 COM 2 12-

    5 PD 1 Total: 5/17 PD (0/12 rPD)

    5 ED 2 Total: 5/17 ED (0/12 rED)

    4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12/2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

    10 REC 6

    32 END 0

    28 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 87



    Running: 6"/12"/[Noncombat]"

    Leaping: 4"/12"/[Noncombat]"

    Swimming: 2"/[Noncombat]"


    Cost Powers END

    30 Armor: Armor (12 PD/12 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (45 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 0

    3 Compensation System: Power Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 0

    3 Compensating System: Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Mental Defense (5 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 0


    6 Helmet (Flash Bang protection): (Total: 10 Active Cost, 6 Real Cost) Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) (Real Cost: 3) plus Hearing Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) (Real Cost: 3) 0

    7 Helmet (Communication System): Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 0

    3 Helmet (Internal air Supply): Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) [1]

    17 Visor (Video imaging): Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) with all Sense Groups (25 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 0

    3 Visor (Light Amplifications): Nightvision (5 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 0

    3 Visor (Heat Diferenciation): Infrared Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 0

    4 Visor (Optical Zoom): +4 versus Range Modifier for Hearing Group (6 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 0

    3 Encrypted connection to base: Mind Link , One Specific Mind (5 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 0


    22 Armor Power Supply: Endurance Reserve (150 END, 10 REC) Reserve: (25 Active Points); IIF (Battle Armor; Hidden power Source; -1/4) 0


    Bio-Kinetic Enhancements, all slots OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2)

    6 1) Servos and Artificial Musculature: +12 STR (12 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 1

    12 2) Bio-Kinetic Reflex Augmentation: +8 DEX (24 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2)

    13 3) Bio-Kinetic Reaction Augmentation: +2 SPD (20 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2)


    43 Technology aided Ninja attacks / abilities: Multipower, 65-point reserve, (65 Active Points); all slots OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2)

    1u 1) Ninja Climb: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 0

    2u 2) Ninja Vanish: (Total: 30 Active Cost, 18 Real Cost) Sight Group Flash 1d6, Penetrating (+1/2) (7 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) (Real Cost: 5) plus Invisibility to Sight Group and Normal Hearing (23 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2), Linked (Flair; -1/4) (Real Cost: 13) 3

    1u 3) Ninja calling shadows: Darkness to Sight Group 1" radius, Personal Immunity (+1/4) (12 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 1

    3u 4) Chi' Strike: Energy Blast 8d6 (40 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 4

    1u 5) Ninjutsu: (Total: 30 Active Cost, 14 Real Cost) Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) (Real Cost: 10) plus +10 STR (10 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only for Martial art effects (Grab, Escape, ect.); -1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) (Real Cost: 4) 3

    2u 6) Ninja Sword: HKA 2d6 (3d6+1 / 4d6 w/STR) (30 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 3

    1u 7) Ninja throwing stars: RKA 2d6 (30 Active Points); 8 Charges (-1/2), OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) [8]

    1u 8) Ninja Leap: Leaping +6" (4"/12" forward, 2"/6" upward) (Accurate) (11 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 1

    1u 9) Ninja Dash: Running +6" (6"/12" total) (12 Active Points); Only On Appropriate Terrain (-1/2), OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2) 1



    20 Bases(100 point base (Training area, labs and communication center)



    Every Man Skills

    0 1) Acting 8-

    0 2) AK 8-

    0 3) Climbing 8-

    0 4) Concealment 8-

    0 5) Conversation 8-

    0 6) Deduction 8-

    0 7) Language: English (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)

    0 8) Paramedics 8-

    0 9) PS: Online Sales 8-

    0 10) Shadowing 8-

    0 11) Stealth 8-

    0 12) TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles


    8 Tactical Subsytem (Library of Bio-Kinetic formulas for martial art and videogame fighting maneuvers) +4 Combat Skill Levels with Ninjutsu (12 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2)

    7 Tactical Subsystem (Link Library to Visor) Defense Maneuver I-IV (10 Active Points); OIF (Battle Armor; -1/2)


    3 Acrobatics 13- (15-)

    3 Breakfall 13- (15-)

    3 Climbing 13- (15-)

    3 Disguise 12-

    3 Systems Operation 12-

    3 Tactics 12-

    7 Weaponsmith 14-

    3 KS: Anime 12-

    3 KS: Action and Martial Arts movies 12-

    3 KS: Fighting video games 12-

    3 KS: Hero World 12-


    Total Powers & Skills Cost: 263

    Total Cost: 350


    200+ Disadvantages

    20 Normal Characteristic Maxima


    Total Disadvantage Points: 350

  8. Purpose of this thread:

    To help me (and others) in making sure a power fits the SFX or source of a power (No 6 degrees on how a power is related to a Kevin Bacon movie).


    I do not want discussions on how Spiderman developed web shooters in the comics or how the movie has his shooting webs from his wrists when normally spiders shoot webs from their .... (Can I say that on this board?)


    My current problem:

    I a working a character. A normal person who loves MA movies and Anime. He and some friends develop a suit of armor. Since these people are nerds a geeks and not jocks they have no real fighting experience but by combining what they know about Video games and Bio-Mechanics (how the human body moves) they developed a tactical computer that can either take care of the Martial Arts fighting or propt the wearer of the armor on how to fight.


    Does this fit the character?

    Do you need more information?

  9. Re: Vampires in Supers Setting


    Here is my attempt at a 350 Vampire.

    I am using the template from DH #6

    How is this? Good vs Street level or able to go 4-color?




    Val Char Cost Roll Notes

    20 STR 10 13- Lift 400.0kg; 4d6; [2]

    20 DEX 30 13- OCV 7 DCV 7

    15 CON 10 12-

    10 BODY 0 11-

    13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

    11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4

    20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

    14 COM 2 12-


    15 PD 11 Total: 15 PD (10 rPD)

    8 ED 5 Total: 8 ED (5 rED)

    4/6 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12/2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

    8 REC 2

    30 END 0

    28 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 95



    Movement: Running: 6"/18" / 12"/36"

    Swimming: 2" / 4"

    Leaping: 4"

    Flight: 10" / 40"

    Teleportation: 10" / 20"


    Cost Powers END

    15 Blood Pool: Endurance Reserve (70 END, 10 REC) Reserve: (17 Active Points); REC: (10 Active Points); (Only replenishe when drinking blood; -1/4) Note: Drinking a glass of Blood or using Drink Blood will replenish Blood Pool 0

    30 Blood Powers: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2) Note: All blood powers use Blood Pool for endurance costs.

    1u 1) Claws : HKA 1d6+1 (2 1/2d6 w/STR) (20 Active Points); Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2) Note: Nails lengthen, darken, and toughen till they can act like small daggers. 2

    1u 2) Bite: HKA 1 point (1/2d6 w/STR), Penetrating (+1/2) (7 Active Points); Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2) Note: Canines elongate 1

    2u 3) Vampiric Strength: Aid STR 6d6 (60 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2) Note: Using the blood pool, Vivian can enhance her strength. 6

    2u 4) Vampiric Reflexes: Aid DEX 6d6 (60 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2) Note: Using the blood pool, Vivian can enhance her reflexesand hand-eye coordination 6

    1u 5) Vampiric Speed: +2 SPD (20 Active Points); Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) Note: Using the blood pool, Vivian can increase her reaction time acting more often than normal. 2

    2u 6) Self Healing: Healing BODY 5d6, Can Heal Limbs (55 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2), Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2) Note: Using the Blood Pool, Vivian can speed up her vampiric recuperative owers. 5

    2u 7) Mesmerize: Mind Control 12d6 (60 Active Points); Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2) Note: Using Blood Pool and vampiric presence, Vivian can place a person into a hypnotic trance 6

    2u 8) Entrance: Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Works agains EGO not STR (+1/4), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (50 Active Points); Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2) Note: Using Blood Pool and vampiric presence, Vivian can put someone into an entranced state where they can do nothing but look at her 5

    2u 9) Looking into ones soul: Telepathy 12d6 (60 Active Points); Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2) Note: Using Blood Pool and her vampiric presence, Vivian can look into the soul of a person and read their inner most thoughts and feelings 6

    1u 10) Vampiric Flight: Flight 10", x4 Noncombat (25 Active Points); Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2) Note: Using Blood Pool and force of will, Vivian can take to the air. Turning into a bat is for other clans or hollywood movies. 2

    1u 11) Swiftness: Running +12" (6"/18" total) (24 Active Points); Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2) Note: Using Blood Pool, Vivian can increase her stamina and push herself to move faster than normal 2

    1u 12) Vampiric Swiftness: Teleportation 10" (20 Active Points); Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2), Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4), Limited Power (Only when nobody is looking at her; -1/4) Note: Using Blood pool, Vivian is able to move fast enough that if nobody is looking at her she can appear to vanish from one location and appear at another. 2

    2u 13) Passing the legacy: Major Transform 4d6 (Human to Vampire, Rituals) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Limited Power (3x END in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Power (Activation roll of 11- in sunlight; -1/2), Limited Target Sentient beings (Humans and Animals) (-1/4) Note: Using blood pool, Vivian is able to pass the vampiric gene (Nat's term, not hers) to a person or animal that she nearly drains of all their blood 6


    24 Drink Blood: RKA 1d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), No Normal Defense (No Blood or rPD +1; +1), Continuous (+1), Does BODY (+1) (67 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), No Range (-1/2) 0

    13 Imortality: Healing 1 BODY, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Day (1 Body per day; -2 3/4), Self Only (-1/2), Limited Power (Blood pool is 0; -1/2) 0

    35 Imortality: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: Immortal; Self-Contained Breathing) 0

    7 Vampiric Grip: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Linked (Claws ; -1/2) 0

    7 Vampiric Toughness: Damage Resistance (10 PD/5 ED) 0

    20 Vampiric Toughness: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Limited Power (Not vs Wood; -1/2) 0

    20 Vampiric Toughness: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Limited Power (Not vs fire; -1/2) 0

    5 See in the dark: Nightvision 0




    5 Money: Well Off

    3 Contact: Sebastian (Very Good relationship with Contact) 8-

    2 Contact: Natalie Lambert (Contact has access to major institutions) 8-

    2 Contact: Nicholas Knight (Contact has access to major institutions) 8-

    2 Contact: Janete DuCharm (Contact has useful Skills or resources) 8-




    5 Lightning Reflexes: +3 DEX to act first with All Actions




    3 Acting 13-

    3 Acrobatics 13-

    3 Breakfall 13-

    3 Climbing 13-

    3 Disguise 12-

    3 Shadowing 12-

    3 Stealth 13-

    3 Streetwise 13-

    2 AK: Campaign City 11-

    2 KS: Super Natural World 11-

    2 KS: Vampire World 11-

    10 +2 with HTH Combat



    Total Powers & Skill Cost: 255

    Total Cost: 350


    200+ Disadvantages

    10 Dependence: Blood Weakness: -3 To Characteristic Rolls and related rolls per time increment (Uncommon, 6 Hours)

    10 Distinctive Features: Vampire (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

    20 Enraged: Sight/Smell of blood when blood reserve is 20 or less (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 11-

    10 Physical Limitation: REC does not heal back body (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)

    15 Physical Limitation: Stake through heart Paralyzes character and regeneration can not work while staked (Infrequently, Fully Impairing)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Over Confident (Common, Strong) Note: Vivian needs to learn she is Imortal and heals quickly. She is not Invulnerable.

    20 Psychological Limitation: Victim preference (Very Common, Strong) Note: Vivian will only use lethal force / feed from thoes who would attack her with force that would severly hurt / kill a normal person. To her if someone was willing to use lethal force on a person they had better be prepaired to have the same force used against them.

    15 Social Limitation: Secret: Vampire (Frequently, Major)

    10 Susceptibility: Waking from sleep/unconsciousness 2d6 Blood Reserve drain Instant (Uncommon) Note: It takes an effort (Blood Pool) to 'wake up' an undead corpse.

    10 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN Fire (Common)

    15 Watched: 'The Community' 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Mildly Punish)

    0 Experience Points


    Total Disadvantage Points: 350


    Background/History: Vivian returned home from college for the summer. There, she met up with her best friend Julia. They decided to reinact all thier old habits that vacation. One of them was to cut through the Junkyard.


    Julia was looking for interesting pices of metal for her brother Max to use. Max sculpted metal and had two pieces up for sale in the local art store.


    Vivian was talking about her class work and how she is still looking for a major. Maybe education.


    Halfway through the junk yard they found something that they have never seen before. A Maniquine stakes to the ground with a shovel handle.


    When they reached the maniquin they discovered that they were wrong. It was a man. And by his moving eyes, was still alive. Vivian was going through her purse for her celphone when she sees her friend trying to remove the wooden stake. By the time she asked her friend why, the man who looked like he would pass away at any moment Leaped up and attacked her friend. She screemed and ran.


    Running between tow rows of stacked cars, Vivian thought she lost him when she did not see him behind her. That was because he was infront of her as her running into his chest has shown.


    The last thing she rememberd was red eyes and a gentle voice saying sorry.




    Vivian woke up on a beautyful four post bed wearing an elegant sleeping gown.


    In a chair next to the bed sat the same man she remebered from the junk yard. But instead of a long duster and leather pants with shoulder length hair, He was in jeans and a T-Shirt with short hair parted at the left.


    "I am very sorry my dear. You and your friend were found killed by a pack of Junk yard dogs. You had a beautyful funeral, the dogs found in the junk yard were put to sleep and your life in Ohio has come to an end. I could not control myself when your friend removed the stake, but I did regain ir when I fed from you. I gave you the oportunity to join your friend and past loved ones. You chose to return. You are now a vampire and have much to learn."


    What followed was shock, fear, refusal, anger and slowly acceptence. She spent the next 5 years traveling form state to state with Sebastian, her Sire, to learn what was needed to survive as a vampire in the 20th century, how to hunt without killing, how to blend in with mortals and how to recreate oneself for staying in one place without aging can lead to problems. But Vivian had an advantage in this tat other vampire bloodlines did not. She could walk around in the sun.


    When Sebastian felt Vivian has learned all that she needed to, he helped set her up in a new identity as owner of a book store while he set up nearby to keep an eye on his childe and to develope his hobby of botany some more.


    Vivian was introduced to the local vampire comunity (Or supernatural community if games has other types of beings). One stop was The Raven, a night club run by an 'old' friend, Jannette DuCharme. Having a another female vampire to talk to and since she will be staying in the city. made friends with her. Hanging out with Jannette, Vivian eventually met Nick, a homicide detective. Nick was 'family' with Jannette and also, as she loathed to put it, an informer.


    One evening, Nick stopped by to infor Jannette that Nat found a body yesterday it showed signs of being a fresh kill. someone was hunting, and leaving evidence. Nat found and hid the proof but the vampire was still oit there. Was there any new arivals or fledglings that might have done this?


    Vivian over heard this and decided to help. Her sire was something called an Enforcer and the situation got to the point where he had to step in there would be trouble. So she lent a hand. This got her into closer contact with Nick and Natalie, the city coronor.


    Being able to move around during the day helped and with the information Nick and Nat had, she was able to find the new arrival who wanted the old days and ways back were Vampires were lords of all they surveyed and humans were nothing but servants or food. They guy was a fanatic and there was only one way to handel him before he gathered a following. Twenty minutes later he was a pile of ash.


    Viviann helps the community and the police. With her abilities and her gift of daywalking, (and being seen flying and doing some super natural stuff) like thoes costumed heroes do Vivian managed to get the witnesses and press to belive she is a new heroine in town

  10. Re: Skills? How many points are normal?


    I have an incomplete character.

    For skills I have Everyman skills +


    12 points for MA or Multi-power

    02 points for Work Related KS

    02 points for Work related KS

    02 points of Hobby KS

    03 points for a background related Skill

    03 points for a background related Skill

    03 points for a background related Skill

    03 points for a background related Skill


    30 Points for skills (plus the everyman skills


    Character has 100 more points to play with to be a 350 point character. When I find a focus for the character I can specify the skills


    Anyone have ideas for generic skills to be specified later.

    Like a frame work for characters.

  11. Re: HA versus MA




    Buy a naked advantage thing for STR (0 End, +1/2 Var Advantage) - Limit only for advantaged MA Maneuver.


    THen buy the Martial Art amneuvers with Advantages. x2 KB Offensive strike, AF basic Strike


    How will this work?

  12. Re: WWYCD?: Slight language warning at end....


    C.A.T If she is target: would accept it as long as it stayed at flirting level. Beyound that Will take legal messures. If that did not work. use force.


    C.A.T. If teammate is target: would be supportive and if villian is sane and non-lethal, See above.


    CANVAS If she is target: Make the villian aquainted with all her tattoos.


    CANVAS If teammate is target: Be suportive and give any help she will take.


    DITTO If he is target: If she is sane and non lethal will accept her advances and flirtations. Learning all her powers and the powers of her firends and teammates.


    DITTO If teammate is target: See if teammates wants him to try and reason with him.


    DOVE If she is target: Run to teammates for help.


    DOVE If teammate is target: Talk with her and go over all the after school specials she has seen that might help.


    FELION If she is target: Would not mind if her is submisive and likes pain.


    FELION If teammate is target: Ask if she wants her to take care of the problem or direct her to another teammate (She does not do support girl well)




    HARDBODY Either way: Walk up to villian and explain why her nickname was Peanut Butter. Not cause of a favorite food or anything like that. If a guy anoyed her she would turn his nuts to creamy smooth peanut butter.



  13. Re: Char: The Justicator


    After reading the origin. I get more of an impression of self preservation instead of doing good.


    They hurt me so they are evil...


    If a benevelent organization was doing this and used painful methods to get thier 'hero' to manifest his powers because time and patients was not 'tramatic' enough to active his powers. Would the Hero leave and decide to oppose good?


    Sorry for spelling.

  14. Re: New Spin on Help with Character


    HARDBODY: Metallic Amazon


    Rebecca Rhyder was born into an extremely poor family that lasted till Rebecca was 10. (Strike 1). Her dyslexia was never diagnosed and she has been labeled a problem child all through grade school (Strike 2). By age 13 her paranormal ability emerged leaving her a metallic monstrosity (Strike 3)



    Rebecca ran away from home soon after. After living on the streets for a while she was taken in by a gang DIABLO. For a few years she was 'JUNKYARD' She was treated almost like a pet but the gang members where kinder and warmer to her than her mother was.



    By age 16 DIABLO was glad they treated 'JUNKYARD' well. for all the metal spikes quills plates and other protrusions stopped growing and were absorbed into her body and she turned into a metallic Amazon. Rebecca went from loved pet the loved girl. It was also discovered the Rebecca was extremely strong and nigh invulnerable to anything the streets threw against DIABLO. with the newly christened HARDBODY. Diablo became a powerful gang.


    In one gang activity that went bad a few members of Diablo and Hardbody was cornered by the police. After the police were out of ammo from the altercation, the still armed members were hyped and willing to 'off' the cops.


    Taking out a threat or self defense was OK with her but killing a cop. That was bad no matter what. She stood between the pals and the unarmed and injured cops and tried to talk them out of killing the cops. The gang was still hyped and if you were not with them you were against them. They tried to have Rebecca move. she refused so they shot her. The bullets did not do any physical damage but having her 'family' shoot at her shocked her. Diablo got away but Hardbody was arrested.


    Hardbody's actions and the testimony of the cops she saved earned her a special probation. Hardbody is now a heroine

  15. Re: New Spin on Help with Character


    DOVE: Wingged Teen & Light Manipulator

    RAVEN: Wingged Warrior & Darkness Manipulator


    As all young children, Mindy had a normal childhood. Going to school, playing with friends and doing all the things a child does. She was your normal little kid till the age of 12.


    At age 12 her back and upper shoulders grew malformations. Mindy was able to hide it for a few weeks under baggy and lose shirts. When her parents found out about the growths they took her to a doctor and discovered that the grows these the forming stages of wings.


    Mindy went through a short period of jokes from her peers as her wings were forming. After they finished and she had actual wings she was a target of awe from her peers


    Mindy's parents managed to contact REDHAWK, A winged hero from a neighboring city, they hoped would be able to mentor their daughter.. After many letters, Redhawk and the hero team he belonged to had Mindy and her family come visit.


    After meeting with the Corman's, Redhawk decided to take Mindy as a student to learn to cope with being a winged teen and the team took Mindy on as an unofficial team mascot.


    The Corman's moved to the new city and Mindy almost moved into the heroes base.


    Redhawk taught Mindy how to cope and how to fly, It was also discovered that Mind could Generate and manipulate light and photonic energy manipulating powers.


    By the age of 17 Mindy went with Redhawk when he continued his hero career after the team dissolved. (One member lost interest in the hero business and one lost her powers) and became his sidekick DOVE.


    Mindy had an active life and Redhawk's sidekick and also became a media darling. This lasted till Redhawk and Dove fought with Shade. A dark force based villain. Shade was about to hit a dazed Redhawk with one of his bolts when Dove pushed him out of the way. The result was Redhawk recovered but Dove was gone.


    NOTE: She was sucked into a dark dimension.


    Result was Shade in the hospital, Redhawk retired, and Mindy/Dove had a very public and media intense memorial.


    After pushing Redhawk out of the way of Shade’s bolt, everything literally went black. Mindy lost all senses except the sense that she was falling.


    There was nothing she could do to help her plight. No breeze to catch so she could glide, nothing for her to grab on to. Nothing until she landed on solid ground with a painful crash and the knowledge that her wing was damaged.


    She found herself in some woods. The sun seemed to be out but everything was a shade of dark gray.


    A man, if you can call it a man, came riding something that looked like a black unicorn with red glowing eyes and flames coming from its hooves rode up to her. The creature and its companions were circling around Mindy talking in some language that she has never heard before.


    As Mindy was trying to make her way away from these being she had a net thrown around her and was being dragged out of the woods. Out of the woods and to a castle. Not one of those Camelot type castles but those horror movie ones.


    Mindy was dragged into a great hall where an even larger creature was sitting on a throne. As the creature on the throne was talking to the things that captured her in that weird language, a thin mockery of these creatures came up to her and poked and prodded her. He was examining her like some lab rat.


    The thin thing then bent down, reaching through the net he grabbed and handful of feathers from her damaged wing and pulled. Mindy did not want to give these things the satisfaction of knowing they hurt her but pulling out those feathers hurt. She gave a sharp loud cry.


    The little creature sitting on the steps to the throne made a disturbing giggling sound and clapped. She then tuned in a pleading voice talked to the seated creature.


    The seated creature gave the little thing a disturbing looking smile and nodded. Mindy did not understand one word of this but she knew this was not good. She also discovered that she was unable to use her light powers here. She was in trouble.


    Mindy was dragged up stairs into and through a bedroom of some sort. Into some hellish looking play room. A pitiful looking animal that was chained to the wall was dragged out and she took its place chained to the wall.


    Mindy has spent an unknown length of time chained to the wall as this thing took pleasure in hurting her in every way imaginable and then some. Time, Hope, even her own identity lost meaning. All she was some toy for this little creature.


    By the time Mindy accepted the tortures and no longer made those pain filled sounds that this ‘child’ seemed to crave, the ‘child’ came back but this time with the thin looking creature she met a long time ago.


    He, Mindy assumed it was a he, showed the child a crystal. He walked over to the only window in the cell. As the dark sun shone into the cell and through the crystal a black ray emanated from it. He twisted the crystal till the beam bathed her and its light. And she again made those pain filled sounds the child liked.


    When the light no longer bather her, Mindy found some of her feathers have turned black.


    Over time more and more bathing in black light has ended with all her platinum blond hair and feathers turning black.


    When the child lost interest Mindy was thrown into the arena so her last moments would be to entertain these sick creatures.


    It seems that She retained the muscle memory of all the training she had and the not caring if she lived or died as long as she took as many of the creatures with her, she survived.


    In fact she became a constant contender in the arena.


    During one fight a nimbus formed in the arena, peering into the nimbus a memory sparked in Mindy. And she dove into it.


    On the other side of the nimbus she was in a bright world, A group of colorfully dressed people that looked a lot more like her that the creatures she spent her life with were fighting some black clad person who seemed to be moving the nimbus around.


    Mindy surprised everybody with her sudden appearance through the nimbus and even more surprised when she threw the black clad person through the nimbus.


    She then did the only thing she could do. She collapsed. She was home.

  16. Re: New Spin on Help with Character


    JOHNNY BLAZE: Fire/Heat amnipulator


    Jason found out at a very early age he has a special gift. He could mold fire. When his grand father would light a cigarette, He would hold the match or lighter up to Jason so he can see the flame dance a bit. Some times Jason was able to see objects in the flames and when he concentrated, he could have the flame take on the shape he imagined.


    The first time he did this it surprised his family, but instead of being afraid or angry at their child's ability, they were impressed and encouraging.


    Over time as Jason grew, so did his ability to mold fires. This skill was so high that he was able to make a very comfortable living doing it. (He was the only artist that worked in flame)


    Jason's work has is in museums, office buildings, and hero head quarters, (There is no real danger of fire hazards near his art work. Any strong wind or even touching an art piece will cause it to wink out of existence.)


    One day during a showing in a museum there was a break in and attempted theft. Seems there was some artifact in the museum some villain thought would increase his power so he had a squad go and steal it for him.


    Jason soon discovered that he did not need a fire source to use his powers. He could generate fire at will. He hit a few goons with blasts of fire and quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher to put them out (Spray the fire and hit the crooks with it)


    When the police finally got there they found some creeks trapped in a cage of fire with museum security keeping an eye on them.


    The press are not just toting Jason as a special artist but also as a hero (There goes a chance for a Secret ID)

  17. Re: New Spin on Help with Character


    JACK FROST: Ice/Cold Manipulator


    Jack had what most children had growing up, A normal childhood.


    Jack is the younger of two siblings. He has an older brother.


    One winter, around his 14th birthday, Jack was having a free for all snowball fight with his brother. He was having a ball. The ice and cold did not seem to hamper him in any way. Too bad his brother could not say the same.


    When their parents came out the game were children against the parents. Jack?s father was making a fort him and his wife. Jack and his brother Brian were making their fort. But when Jack reached out to start making the fort and wall of ice sprang into existence.


    That winter Jack worked with Brian and his father to see what he could do. There was no known school to teach Jack how to use his powers.


    It was soon learned (after the winter) that ice, snow and cold was not needed for Jack to use his powers.


    Jack and his father decided it was best to wait till winter to work on using his powers as to not draw attention to it. This went on for a few years.


    As time went on Jack had better control of his powers, he also managed to get a part time job at a local garage working as a mechanic. His brother followed their father into the police force.


    One year tragedy stuck the family. Jack and Brian's father was killed in the line of work. Jack and Brian went after the people responsible for the killing.


    Brian and the police went full force into the investigation. Jack took what ever information the police had and went after them. By the time the police were able to enter and search the suspect's base of operations, Jack had entered, got a confession on tape and had the suspects bound in ice.

  18. Re: New Spin on Help with Character


    DITTO: Power Mimic


    Joshua's parents were unable to have children. They tried many methods and went to a few doctors. One was able to bless the Crane's with a child. It was just that this doctor also worked for (Enter villainous organization here). His project was a long one. the 'natural' creation of super powered beings. Other projects had Grafting, Chemo/radiation, Retro-Virus and other methods.

    The doctor was successful and Joshua was born. He had a normal and happy child hood. Monthly visits to the doctor showed Joshua to be a healthy child.


    When Joshua was 13. the age most commonly associated wit developing abilities, A mild poison was administered to Josh so the doctor could have an extended time to test and study Joshua. After the poison ran its course and the tests were finished, Joshua was diagnosed as a healthy, to the doctor's agitation.


    The same procedure was tried on Joshua again at ages 14 and 15. Again he was diagnosed as a health and NORMAL kid.


    This did not please the doctor or the organization. The only good thing to come out of Joshua's birth as far the the doctor was concerned was that the EGG that was to become Joshua was a foreign object on the mother's body and the doctor was able to trick the mother's immune system to accept the EGG.


    It wasn't until about three months later when two hero teams from neighboring cities did a charity basketball game at Joshua's high school. One player was Metallica, a very attractive and attention getting member of one of the teams. She obviously became the focus of this particular healthy normal teenager.


    While focusing on Metallica, Joshua experienced a slight buzz. he thought this was hormones till his skin started to itch and hurt a bit. He made his way to the bathroom to see if he was getting a rash or if cold water would help. When he was almost at the restroom, his hands developed a silvery shine.


    Joshua was lucky when he entered the bathroom that everyone was at the game cause when he looked in the mirror, His skin was a shiny silver color and when he tapped the faucet, a metallic clink sounded.


    After an immediate panic attack and saying this can not be happening to me over and over again to himself, the Silver faded and he was himself again. Joshua thought of going home to bed or back to the game. When thinking of the game he thought of Metallica, when he thought of Metallica he thought of his body turning to metal. And it started to turn to metal again so he went through his mantra again and decided going home was the best thing.


    The game was on Saturday night so he had Sunday to hide from his friends and family. And he played with turning on and off the Silver Skin. Since he had Metallica's Silver Skin he tried to see if he had her strength. He almost hurt himself trying to lift his dresser.


    So. He took a pair of scissors and pressed it into his hand. Nothing. He went on to pressing it harder and harder and then stabbing his hand harder and harder. The result was a pair of broken scissors and just a light tapping sensation on his hand.


    So I got protective Silver Skin, Joshua thought to himself. I guess super hero is in my future. So without any super strength, Joshua got his parents to let hit take karate lessons from a Dojo in town.


    So Joshua had school, time with his friends, karate lessons and time he went to abandoned locations to see what he can do. So far just have protective skin and his karate, no matter how much he worked out he did not get any super strength.


    Five months later, when Joshua and a bunch of his friends were walking though town they passed town hall where DASH was being given some award for his help in rescuing a few families from a burning apartment. Joshua was focusing on Dash and he started to get that feeling again.


    Joshua slowly baked up, leaving room for his friends to fill in the space wanting to see a hero getting his award.


    Joshua ran to the nearest bathroom. REALLY RAN. He ran a few blocks in the time it took to cross the street.


    Now I am a Speedster? Joshua thought.


    After school, Joshua went to his favorite abandoned location and tried his speeding. He also tried to Silver Up. He soon discovered he can either Run fast or Silver up. But not both. He is not a Silver Skinned hero like Metallica (OK so she is a heroine but you get the idea) or a speedster like Dash. He mimicked their power. He was a mimic.


    After that realization he went to all super hero appearances he could and also got into reading up on the whole super power phenomena.

  19. I know many people used this message board for help with their characters.


    I am also asking for help. BUT.


    Not with character sheet, not with how to model a desired power.


    I need help with background.


    Please enjoy the backgrounds on my characters BUT I need help. I want to flesh them out and fill them in more. I need help so readers know where they came from, what they are doing and why they chose to be on the path they chose.


    So be free to pose any questions, comments or suggestions.

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