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Gaming Tonic

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Posts posted by Gaming Tonic

  1. I am going to be kicking off a new game and changed the one part of the Hero System that has always irked me as a GM, the complications. I am switching the complications so that the player gets one CP everytime they come up, and perhaps two if the player brings it up to perhaps put them self at a disadvantage. I am also allowing only one complication per category unless I approve another one. This will hopefully make the players have to choose larger point complications instead of a bunch of weak 5 and 10 point psychological complications. The game is a supers, city based, 400 pt levels. Have any of you tried something like this? I am hoping the players will embrace their character complications and it will enrich the game, the way it does in the comics. Am I being naive or is there a pitfall I might not be aware of?

  2. Re: So, all the super-prisons broke ...


    Perhaps in a mystical holding cell temporarily until the situation can be rectified in a more permanent manner. A moon base or asteroid containment facility would do really well also. If your characters have the sort of power to pull those things off. I love the idea of offering leniency to some of the lesser villains for help rounding up their fellow inmates. Real chance for a player to switch out character to a reformed villain.

  3. Re: Would a spell of Growth cause your equipment to grow too?


    I would say fine that equipment grows with the character under the influence of the spell but is no more effective except for reach. You could use the +5 Adder that was suggested by Kraven Kor but that is really a personal choice. Linking damage is also an option but I think that the extra strength over the strength minimum would do the trick. Why complicate things unnecessarily?

  4. Re: Lost cities countdown


    10 Lost Cities Of The World Not many suprises here but if you're looking for a quick list' date=' you could do worse.[/quote']


    Thank you for providing this. It is very useful and I appreciate it. I hope the few who were kind of "so nothing new here" realize you didn't have to take time out of your day to post this. Gamers helping Gamers, who would have thunk it.

  5. I played in a Dark Champions style mutant game last night where the GM used Obsidian Portal to organize it and clue all the players in on pertinent information for the game. When used with a computer and projector it was like we were in Hudson City. Check it out here. http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/boxtown If you use Obsidian Portal for organizing your hero game leave a link. I would love to see a bunch more of these.




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