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Posts posted by rebeccared50

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Any weekend I get to watch you dance is good.


    Alas, that's never happened yet. :(


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary points out that we have belly dancers in Indianapolis, and I point out that they're not HER.



    I promise, when I get my computer upgrade I will give everyone the opprotunity to see me shimmy :D

  2. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: Hmm, what does this note saying "Valentine's Day" mean?


    A: He's the Saint of Looking Like You're Doing Something When You're Not.


    Q: We're nominating Beatle Bailey for sainthood?


    A: If those were the last shoes on earth, I'd cut off my feet.

  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    "Hey, Scott, Jean's alive? Wait, she is? No, never mind, she's dead. Wait, she's alive! No, never mind, dead again. Alive! Scott, she's . . . uh, never mind. Yeah, alive again. Wait, gone . . . listen, you wanna go get some Chinese or something? Yeah, kind of pointless to wait. Anyways, I hear Peking Gourmet has some killer Sa Cha Beef, . . . yeah, you're alive again . . . and gone. Quick, just run to the car . . . RUN TO THE DAMN CAR BEFORE SHE COMES BACK AGAIN . . . OK, so do you want to get some crabmeat Rangoons?"


    NT: What to buy as a resurrection present for Jean Grey, knowing she's going to be dead again in five minutes anyways.


    A shroud?


    NT: Places you don't want to find incriminating evidence.

  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    I presume you are using something other than IE, because I never saw a way to do that before. If you are, where did you see the option to D/L the video?




    Great idea! I found this one:


    type "google l33t" (without the quotes) and hit I'm Feeling Lucky.




    you people are such geeks

  5. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: Come on! What did Snoopy ever do to you?


    A: Unfortunately, he evolved that way.


    Q: Two heads, a prehensile ummm.... yeah, one of those... four arms and all this because the women are hiding in the trees?


    A: No seriously... $2000 for the weekend.

  6. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: So it's just you and a room full of hypoglycemic supermodels?


    A: It's sort of like a milkshake, only not really.


    Q: So you survived the Atomic Shimmy by jumping into the jello pit at Wrestling World! How did it feel?


    A: I'm of the opinion that overgrown balloons should be shot with rocket launchers. Immediately.

  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    Host a "Only 723 Pages Until We Surpass The Old Testament" party.


    New Topic: Uh oh, Foxbat has tickets to the Super Bowl. What's he up to?


    completing one more step to his plan of world domination by breaking the Patriots winning streak and driving the nation into civil unrest?


    NEW TOPIC: Signs that you favorite super-hero is about to be killed off.

  8. Re: Complicate the Person Above


    I blame RebeccaRed50 for the fact that Amused has to wear a bra. Couldn't have a flat chest could she ? Oh no ! Had to go and have a teenager with boobs.



    Not my fault... she gets it from her fathers side of the family...


    I blame Death Tribble for the amount of attention Amused it getting around here... Mama is keeping an eye on you...

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