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Posts posted by rebeccared50

  1. Re: The cranky thread


    Intercontinental moves sorta suck too.


    Been to Germany and back twice... each time we would get "household goods" (the stuff you wanted them to deliver to you right away) and "hold storage" (the stuff you felt you could live 6-12 weeks without)... such fun...

  2. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: Why did you choose the portal to Hell rather than the one to Limbo?


    A: It's a somewhat indescribable experience.


    Q: you were there for the Sword Trio and the troupe sword choreography? and the Atomic Shimmy finale?


    A:Your so vain!

  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    You choose names via the rhythm method?


    well yes and so do most parents, even if only unconsciencly... when you picking a name for a child, you say it out loud to see how it sounds, don't you? Part of what makes a name sound good (or bad) is how it rolls off the tongue...

  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings




    That's very Christian for a Wicked Wiccan isn't it? No wonder she is Amused. :D


    it is... I was looking for something that went well with Joyce... she almost wound up being Margaret, but I like the flow of Christina Joyce better... all about the rhythm...

  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    Looking for that invisible elephant in the sky who will save us all.


    NT: Subtle signs you haven't struck it rich after all.


    My entourage consists of 3 cats, a teenage daughter and a loving husband... but no crowds of yes men...


    NT: Promises you wish the president would keep.

  6. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: You terraformed Mars into one big grassy meadow? What the heck for?


    A: Where I'm going I don't know, when I'll get there I ain't certain. All I know is I am on my way!


    Q: You know the batteries in your GPS died, yes?


    A: I am not a quitter!

  7. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: My new PC's Secret ID name is Clive. He works at a Staples store in Lewiston, Idaho. What do you think?


    A: It's like dog years, but in reverse.


    Q: So you've owned this cat for 7 years and it's still a kitten?


    A: I don't think fire is supposed to come out of THERE!

  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    My bad. It was a rough day.

    they call themselves Advocates, but basically they bring three or four of the Group Home members in to do their banking and herd them around the bank. It's better when it's one on one, but some of them are more interested in their client than others.

    This particular woman doesn't do any prep work. She hits the check writing stand for 15/20 minutes to fill every thing out, do the math, and basically the client either wanders the lobby or stands in line waiting for her to finish. Some of the people who work for the group home get on my nerves, she's one of them. She's very needy and constantly twitters at her clients. She's not as bad as the one who was so disinterested that she'd just leave while the client was standing in line to go do her own shopping. They'd be standing there in front of the teller not knowing what to do after a transaction was done. Or even what the transaction was. This particular client has been with the bank since at least 1996 when I started. He's had a couple of surgeries and doesn't move as well as he once did. (He still asks me if I walk to work since I used to walk by his apartment on my way to work when the Ex and I lived closer).


    But I'm rambling.


    ah, ok... it was just an interesting term I'd never heard before.. yeah, I can see how that might drive up the stress level a bit...

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