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Haven Walkur

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Posts posted by Haven Walkur

  1. Re: in the spirit of christmas!


    Dr. Dee:


    Yes, I'm still chasing another of your wonderful wobbly pics!


    I thought I'd present this request a little differently, by letting the PC speak for herself.... I've included an excerpt from her application for a superhero reality show -- "Capes!"* -- that hopefully captures her personality and perspective.


    * "Capes!" was someone else's idea -- not mine -- for a Champions game where PCs would take part in a superhero reality show of the same name. This was several years ago; I wrote up an application but didn't get it submitted in time.






    Hair Color: Blond

    Eye Color: Blue-gray

    Height: 1.78m (5'10")

    Weight: 86kg (190lbs)

    Description: Tasmin is a tall, leggy blond, built like a professional tennis player but rather busty. She has short curly hair and her fair skin is usually tanned. Her pointed chin and slightly slanted eyes combine with a humorous demeanor to give her an air of mischief.


    Excerpts from Incirrina’s application for Capes! the Superhero Reality Show


    Super Hero Name:


    Incirrina (pronounced "een-ki-REEN-ah")

    Sorry to hit you with a name that needs a pronunciation guide, but it fit so WELL. It's Latin for "of the flowing locks" – or in my case, tentacles. ;-)


    (Optional)Secret Identity/Alternate Name:


    Um, excuse me, secret identity here -- as in SECRET identity.


    Ethnic Group/Species:


    Half-human (Caucasian), half- something nasty from the sub-basement of Reality


    Place of Birth:


    Baltimore, Maryland


    Date of Birth:


    February 29th, 1980


    Question 1. How did you hear about Capes! Project?



    There were voices in the night (go do it!), voices out of sight (go to it!),

    Telling me to give your show a try...and whatever you do,

    Don't fudge the questionnaire

    Don't say you're Number One

    Don't fudge the questionnaire

    Unless it gets you an au-dit-ion.

    (with apologies for a shameless ripoff of "Don't Pay the Ferryman")


    Question 2. What do you feel you can offer (Both in Super heroic powers/gifts and your knowledges) to the Capes! team?


    I'm smart, good-looking and as foreign as it's possible to be and still be an American. (No, the alien parts don't show unless I flash them.) I have a sense of humor that never deserts me (note I didn't say it was a GOOD sense of humor), a broad esoteric AND practical knowledge of sociology and psychology...and a nodding acquaintance with the occult.


    I can handle myself in a fight, and based on my powers...well, let's just say I'm a very "handy" person to have around.


    Question 3. Why do you wish to participate in our show?


    Even though my mom was apparently some form of crawling abomination from the depths of the Shadow Realm, I'm more of the girl-next-door type. I really AM the kind of girl you could bring home to mother, though most people don't realize it; they take one look at the costume and the powers and FREAK.


    By participating in your show, I'm hoping to show your viewers -- while they're sitting safely on the other side of the TV screen -- that I'm just a person, and even though my powers look pretty unsettling, I'm one of the good guys.


    And I only wear the form-fitting studded leather because it's PRACTICAL for street-work, honest.


    Question 4. Have you ever been on a super hero team before? If so, which one(s) and why are you no longer a member?


    No, I've never managed to join a team. Not that I wouldn't have liked some company in and out of the field, but having to explain that whole "Mother-was-some-kind-of-nightmare-succubus-from-the-Shadows-and-I-inherited-my-powers-from-her" situation got old very fast...as did the other heroes' reactions.


    One too many cracks about calamari....


    Question 5. Are you a supervillain, govt agent, law enforcement official, media person, or anyone else who is attempting to infiltrate Capes?


    Do you really think I'd tell you if I was?


    Question 6: Do you have some disability, ailment, or other situation (Occasional Demonic possession, intense allergy to space rocks, etc) that our scientists, doctors, and mystics should take into account?


    I'm mildly allergic to cat hair; it gives me asthma and makes my eyes puff up.


    Oh, and I have an assortment of traditional Shadow Realm susceptibilities and vulnerabilities that I inherited from Mom, but they don't always affect me. For example, I'm a regular church-goer -- and I'm talking the Episcopalian Church, not the First Church of Satan Incarnate.


    Question 7. What are your feelings on death and property damage?


    Whose death and whose property?


    Since I think that crimes against a person are always worse than crimes against property -- which is replaceable, while a person is NOT -- then it follows that property damage is permissible if it happens while saving someone from being killed, folded, spindled or mutilated. And by the same token, the only good reason for deliberately trying to kill someone is to STOP them from killing, folding, spindling or mutilating someone else. (And for the record, I count as "someone else" as well, in terms of not letting someone kill, fold, etc. ME.)


    But responders of all sorts need to use sense with the property damage thing; no-one's going to kick if firemen trash a burning building while saving the family, but going up in a skyscraper to pull a jumper off a ledge does NOT mean you need to break all the windows in the building on the way up.


    And if any responder -- including a costumed hero -- has to kill or ends up accidentally killing an attacker while stopping them from killing, folding, etc. another person, then that's regrettable, but it's a sort of rough justice. Under the law, it's called Self-Defense or Defense of Another, and it's a homicide, not murder.


    Question 8. How may we contact you should we be interested in having you join? (Phone, mystic mirror, large signal, etc)


    Mystic mirror? Don't I just wish! No, I bought a disposable cell phone for this. My number is 858-XXX-XXXX


    Question 9. What are your superhuman abilities?


    I've got tentacles. Lots of tentacles. More tentacles than the ordinary octopus can handle. Two or three of them are usually visible – unless I’m concentrating -- but most of 'em ain't, and they're all very long and VERY strong.


    Oh, and the visible ones have some truly photogenic color combos and patterns -- brilliant black, glowing purple, electric blue and luminous scarlet, all in rings and rosettes like the ones on an octopus, if that octopus had been dropping acid down there under the sea.


    I can make more of my tentacles visible – or invisible -- if I concentrate, but you really wouldn’t want to see me with more than a dozen or so hanging out; all that writhing gets just a little...gross. And the colors can be pretty extreme, sometimes, like ultra-violent and infra-dead extreme. Or barf-bags and rubber rooms extreme. (Have I mentioned my mom being of netherworldly extraction yet...?)


    That’s why my costume’s scarlet and indigo; it’s one of the more sedate color schemes on my tentacles.


    Physically, I'm also more durable than the average bear...um, hero. I can squeeze through very small openings, I see in the dark and I don't breathe very often.


    (And for the record, "Incirrina" is a suborder of the order Octopoda, which includes most of the varieties of octopi -- octopuses? -- that people have heard of. It goes along nicely with the tentacles and other odd abilities.)


    Question 10 How did you acquire them? Are you a natural mutant or gifted in some other fashion?


    My dad always enjoyed an occasional walk on the wild side, but one night -- about 27 years ago -- the wild side came up and hit him with a paternity suit. I'm a half-breed Human/Shadow Realmer, conceived and born the old-fashioned way...though I don't know if you could call that "natural", given that my mother was apparently something unspeakable and unnameable –- unpronounceable? -- just like in an H.P. Lovecraft story.


    My powers and abilities all seem to come from the secret toy surprises hidden in my mixed blood.


    Question 11 What are your interests outside of crime fighting?


    Hey, is this an application for Capes! or a dating service?


    Anyway, I dance; some ballet and other classical dance forms, but mostly modern. NOT jazz! I can't stand the jazz forms, they look like someone having a series of bad spasms.


    When I get the chance, I like to travel; I've been around the country on my bike -- a 1998 Harley Road Glide FL painted up to match my tentacles -- and around the world flying stand-by. And I enjoy collecting oral traditions and urban legends -- sometimes even fairytales or nursery rhymes -- from all over the place. I do a lot of reading on the occult, both the serious scholarly material and the trashy "National Enquirer" stuff, which is usually a lot more fun!


    Question 12 Tell us about yourself: your likes, dislikes, general personality and style.


    Life's been weird all my life long, but I'm not world-weary; I like the fact that usually the weirdest thing I get with my breakfast cereal is ME!


    Seriously, "normal" life just seems as if it would be terribly...flat, with nothing but the routine and mundane -- especially since I don't like routine and I don't like to be bored. Oh, I like there to BE rules, but I only want to use them as a jumping-off point.

  2. Re: in the spirit of christmas!


    Dr. Dee-


    You're back you're back you're back wheee you're BACK!

    Good to see you again...and I'll try to come up with a character concept to tickle your artistic fancy this weekend. Admittedly, I'm finding it hard to choose between your two styles, the "painty" and the "vector"; you've produced some wonderful pieces in both.


    Oh, and for the record, I think your updated Captain Marvel is phenomenal! It's a wealth of textures and images in one picture.


    The textures and creases/folds of Cap's costume are satisfyingly realistic and the colours are inspired. It's amazing how substantial the grey cloth looks, almost velvety by contrast with the white trim. There's something compelling about the background, too, the visual sense of half-seen shapes and intermittent illumination; it conveys a hint of restless motion...to me, anyway. ;-)


    And Captain Marvel himself - wow. Resolve and weariness in his expression and posture, and the ambiguity of the grey costume and the half-lit background. He looks as if he's carrying a weight of experience; you've managed to depict his face as both strong and worn...and his hair is a kind of tarnished gold, rather than the classic 4-colour sunlight-yellow.


    He's obviously got something on his mind, something that's going to require a major decision from him, and may or may not have a "neat & tidy" or "happy" resolution. The line of his mouth - not quite pursed, not disgusted, but perhaps a bit resigned? It's a very sophisticated expression, especially for one of the oldest and most simplistic comicbook characters around!


    Yes, your Captain Marvel looks...real. Not just realistic, but like a real person thinking real thoughts, and every line in his body confirms it.


    It's a stunning piece, Dr. Dee. One of my favourites of yours.

  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    what a coincidence that this week's Bad Costumes in Comic History on the Heromachine blog featured this guy: :)



    ...Haven Walkur, this is for you too.


    Thank-you, Legatus! I'd recognise Cos in his "bustier o' doom" outfit anywhere...and I have to admit, I always thought he looked pretty hot (depending on who was drawing him that issue).

  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    Gaati and Grail


    Old friends and partners.


    Gaati -- the blade of truth -- is a superb martial artist, so practiced in the 18 Disciplines of Ninjutsu that she has gained access to the 9 Levels of Power, and can perform many of this discipline's legendary feats.


    Of the 9 Levels of Power, Gaati has attained the Level of Jin, with some elements of Retsu.



    Strength of mind and body



    Direction of energy



    Harmony with the universe



    Healing, self and others



    Premonition of danger



    Knowing the thoughts of others



    Mastery of time and space



    Controlling the elements of nature





    Grail -- one-handed occultist bound to an aspect of the Sangreal and to the element of water. Though very knowledgeable in folklore, religion and the varied ways of the occult, she's more a scholar of magic than a practitioner; more John Constantine than Dr. Strange.


    With her link to elemental Water, she can summon water forth from the grail and shape it as she wishes. She can project this water out as any of a variety of attacks, defenses or movement powers, including a watery "portal" to other locations, or as a "reflecting pool" in which to catch glimpses of the future, the past or distant places.

  5. Re: Sweet new characters


    I really liked your "recasting" of the characters of the Nibelungenlied, especially the new names. And I'm also thrilled to see someone using non-English, non-American themes in their character suite. We do have an international membership here on the HERO Board, after all.


    Hellraiser.png and StarchaserII.png


    Oh, I love the effects on these two characters...absolutely fantastic! And the names, very suggestive.


    Legatus, you really are a font of creativity. Have some Rep.



    Blast! Have some Rep -- when the Board next allows me to rep you.

  6. Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...


    People walking around wearing FAA or NTSB beacons on a belt or chain.


    People walking around talking on cell phones -- without a cell phone.


    An apparently blind man guarding the door of a federal building, checking people through with a touch. And once inside, most go on to their destinations, while some get intercepted by alarming-looking figures in security uniforms.


    A professional-looking young man with suit, tie and briefcase wearing a dog license/rabies tag around his neck.


    Through downtown in any big city, a lane next to the bike lane marked VEHICULAR SPEED NON-VEHICLES ONLY




    Love this topic, SSgtBaloo. Have some Rep.

  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    Have to agree with DusterBoy about the apparent Teutonic taste for tragedy ;-) This story reminds me of Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen, and the legends on which it was based.


    Your work with the character-maker is detailed and painstaking, Legatus, and your character concepts are great! But I still can't get past the visual absurdity of the HeroMachine figures having enormous ski-feet. :-P


    Those "ski-feet" really do spoil the pics for me -- but that's not your doing, of course; it's the program. I did notice, though, that SOMEHOW you managed to produce normal-looking booted feet in your picture of Graf Felsenstein. Well done, there!

  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    For those who think the weight of history can't hurt them -- may I present Touchstone, an Israeli psychometrist with a military background.


    Touchstone can psychically "read" the past from objects. Generally this requires her to touch the object in question, but not always. Her chronological "range" gives reliable information on object impressions from present day to 100 BCE, and progressively less reliable information beyond that.


    How can psychometry be used as an attack? Touchstone found a way. Her infamous Tumult of History attack allows her to overwhelm her targets with a flood of information drawn from objects in the area. This will at least daze or stun targets, and usually render them unconscious.


    In the past, Touchstone has driven targets into catatonia or coma with the sudden storm of impressions.



    This image was created using the Marvel Creator, and a fair amount of Paintshop Pro 6 postwork.

  9. Re: Some Help for WWII Icons


    Some of these, especially the Americans and the British, were lifted from a Champions WWII gaming supplement.


    The Allies referred to their superheroes as "Hypermen" and -"women", because the term "Super" was felt to be too German-sounding. Axis metanormals were called Supermen (and -women).


    Allied Hypermen



    Ned Kelly

    Waltzing Matilda

    Tasmanian Devil



    Tervuren (Belgian sheepdog)










    Bothvar Bjarki (the Battle Bear)



    Esprit de Corp

    Loup Garou - shapeshifter; classic wolfman

    Gammadion (radioactive hero and grandson of Marie and Pierre Curie) - energy blaster

    Déjà Vu - low-power precognitive



    Windjammer - weather control, especially wind

    Floodgate - water powers

    Saint Nicholas (tall and thin, bishop’s long red cloak and high cap) - Presence and Ego attacks (guilt, shame)



    Kaa - Stretching, limbs only

    Savitri - Mental Defense, high Ego, Aid to Ego



    El Diablo Rojo (The Red Devil) - Zorro-type hero


    New Zealand

    Rimu - tough, durable, some Growth

    Triple Star




    Midnight Sun




    Jadwiga (with her rose-embroidered apron) - HTH fighter who uses her apron like a bullfighter’s cape

    Szybko (“fast”)

    Hejnal (from “Hejnal Mariacki”, the warning bugle call) - brick with sonic powers

    Rusalka - water-powers or mind control, illusions

    Skarbnik (“Treasurer”- ghostly guardian of miners)


    South Africa

    Adamantine -armoured skin

    Adamastor (monstrous giant who was turned into a mountain) - growth


    Springbok - speedster

    Jock of the Bushveld (heroic dog in classic South African children’s book) - scruffy HTH brawler with extra running and keen senses

    Oom Lokomotief (“Uncle Locomotive”) - brick with extra running, skill levels in move-through

    King Protea - (South Africa’s national flower. Fire-resistant. Enormous flowerheads vary in colour from pale greenish cream to a soft pink) - HTH fighter with colorful costume and extra armor versus fire

    Koekoekwesp (Cuckoo Wasp) - very tough armored skin, bright metallic hue, rolls up into a ball for extra armor

    Kaapse Spookpadda (Ghost Frog) - leaping, clinging, stealth/invisibility


    Soviet Union

    Ursa Major

    General Mayhem

    Battlesuit Potempkin

    Comrade Winter

    Captain Comintern and the Bolshevik Boys (Hammer, Sickle, Red Streak)

    Tovarisch (“friend”) - illusionist who appears as other people

    Grandmother Russia (originally “Baba Yaga”) - magical powers



    Vist (the giant who created the island of Visingo) - growth

    Gruvrå (Lord of the Mine) - tunneling

    Sølvmora (Silver Mother) - animates/transforms silver

    Grim (graveyard-walker) - classic Batman-type, possibly unpowered


    United Kingdom

    Union Jack - British flagsuit

    Big Ben - growth

    Dr. Goldwing - "Doc Savage"-type

    Silver Shadow - becomes a figure of living quicksilver; flight, gobs of damage reduction

    Sea Change

    Blazon, the Knight Unconquerable


    Mole - tunneling, darkness generating


    Imperial Lion



    Screaming Lord Such - sonic projector

    Bow Street Runner - speedster


    United States of America (home front heroes)




    Saladin the Great

    Leaping Lizard

    Knight Owl

    Captain Future


    Madame Moonlight

    The Boogieman


    United States of America (home front villains)



    Second-Hand Rose

    Long John Silver

    Blond Beard the Pirate


    King Bee

    Mud Pie

    The Postmaster



    Little Arson Annie


    United States of America American (European front)

    American Eagle

    Blond Bombshell


    Old Glory

    Captain Atlas




    Major Victory

    Minute Man


    Vanguard Jr.


  10. Re: Some Help for WWII Icons


    From a WWII Champions game that ultimately never went anywhere, despite extensive planning and prep.


    Axis Supermen (Übermenschen)



    Witwemacher (Widow Maker)

    Schiffbrucher (Ship Breaker)

    Feindjäeger (Enemy Hunter)

    Kriegsfalke (Warhawk)

    Blitzkrieger (Lightning Warrior)

    Jagdgauner (Hunting Shark) - menace of the English Channel, huge shark with a man's brain

    Totenseemann (Death Sailor)

    Augenblick (Eyeblink) - speedster

    Blut Hexe (Bloodwitch)

    Panzer Grenadier (Armored Infantryman)

    Der Mauer (The Wall)

    Turm (Tower)

    Unheilvoll Drache (Unholy/Unnatural Dragon)

    Frau Fledermaus (Mrs. Bat)

    Verteidigerin (Defender)

    Donnerteufel (Thunder Devil)

    Feuersturm (Firestorm)

    Sturmführer (Stormlord)

    Der Geist (The Ghost)

    Schwarzeis (Black Ice)

    Dunkelschrek (Dark Terror)

    Kriegsmariner (Sea Warrior)

    Condor Legionnaires - living buzz bombs, all quite insane


    Lohengrin, the Knight of the Swan


    Herr Doktor Ungleheuermeister (Dr. Monster-Master)



    Väinämöinen [VI-na-MER-nen] (magician and sage)

    Ilmarinen [EEL-ma-RIN-en] (inventor and gadgeteer)

    Kaleva (giant)

    Louhi [LO-hee] (magician and shapechanger)









    Veltro (Greyhound) - speedster

    Il Sole (The Sun) - energy projector

    Innominato (invisibility and general stealth)



    Kamakaze (Divine Wind)

    Shinyu (Magnificent Dragon)

    Shinryu (Radiant Dragon)

    Mr. Bonsai - plant controller

    Origami Girl - flattens herself into 2D

    Bishamon (war god; armor and spear)

    Kintaro (immense strength, animal communication)

    Raiden/Raijin (storm god)

    Issun-Boshi ['One-Inch Boy'] - shrinking

    Yuki-Onna ['The Lady of the Snow'] - cold powers

    Tanuki [trickster badger-dog] - illusionist

    Kitsune [shapeshifting fox] - werefox mentalist, clairvoyance, clairaudience

    Tsuru Hime [Princess Tsuru] - female martial artist skilled with naginata

    Konaki Jiji ['old man crying like a baby'] - manipulates personal weight

    Kamaitachi ['sickle-weasel'] - martial artist/speedster skilled with tonfa

    Nurikabe ['invisible wall'] - brick with Invisibility

    Ittan-momen ['length of cotton cloth'] - flier with HTH attacks and Entangle

    Shachihoko (sea monster; tiger’s head, fish body, stingers) - water powers and poisons

    Oni-san ['noble ogre'] - strong, very tough, instant regeneration (limbs reattach), uses a huge spiked iron bar (kanabo) and wears a costume of red, blue or black

  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    Splendid pic, very appealing details. Well done! It's always good to see more of your work.


    Would this character's name translate into English as "The Executioner?"


    You've produced some impressive pics with this HM3 program...and it's especially good to see characters that don't have visible elbow-joints or BIGFOOT syndrome!

  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    One more quick one :)...


    The Sgt closes the door and looks at Harry. Harry winces, expected to be pummeled as the other PCs wisely move away from him. But, the Sgt walks over with a grim face and puts a hand on Harry's shoulder.


    "Get help son. Just... Just get help."


    He walks out the door.


    Red (extra snarky): Now that's both dissatisfying... and disturbing.


    Sgt. Superior is your NPC, isn't he, SimmComm? Bravo! Beautifully done. REPPED! And please pass some "virtual Rep" on to Red, for that lovely last comment.

  13. Re: Name this PC - please?


    Savoir Faire ("sav-WAH fair")

    This French term means literally "to know to do". It's usually applied to someone with a good grasp of the social graces, but it could equally well apply to someone who's just all-around competent, resourceful or never at a loss...and given this character's wide range of powers, skills and equipment, the name seemed like a good one for him.


    Pro Bono

    Well, he was a lawyer AND a volunteer, yes? The Latin phrase means, "For the good," and usually refers to the legal work in the public interest that attorneys do for free...only now his public interest work is a little more hands on.

  14. Re: Qi




    For an idea of how the "creation" powers might look in action, you could find some old issues of the Legion of Super-Heroes comic (from DC) which feature the Heroes of Lallor, another team of teenaged superheroes from the 30th/31st Century. One of their members is heroine called Life Lass, whose powers are very similar to Qi's.

  15. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


    I've been unhappy with my drawing style as of late. So I decided to try drawing in my old style, prior to teaching myself how to line draw...


    I am hoping I can create a whole new style, maybe a hybrid... Anyways, let me know what you think....


    Poison, your shading is, as usual, masterful. However, with this style, you seem to have lost that sharp clarity of line that I like so much -- what I referred to as your "elegant" line-work.


    Also, the character's bodily proportions are noticeably "off". Especially in comparison to his shoulders and cap, he seems to have a disproportionately small head and an enormous neck.

  16. Re: TV to rpg


    Another request / suggestion from Haven, Blake's 7.

    Very much a work in progress. Layout's not set and there's some very shoddy work on the Liberator, but not bad for an afternoon.






    Um...er...well..."shoddy" isn't precisely the word that occurred to me -- but I'll take your word for it. ;-)

  17. Re: TV to rpg


    Suggested by Haven (an excellent idea!)' date=' I present The (Original) Champions....[/quote']




    Dr. Dee, that's fantastic! Thanks so VERY much!


    I love the lurking face of (questionable) authority in the background, brooding over them, all in shades of grey...and the brightly sepia-tinted images in the foreground. The Champions themselves look so luminous and clear, so capable and untouched by the increasingly murky issues and ugly politics to come.


    The trio look very much like a group united, singled out -- almost spotlighted -- amid the grey all around them. I love that look, like 1960s angels or paladins, heroes of a bygone era.


    And the ominous face in the background reminds me very much of the episode called...was it Interrogation?


    (And by the bye, was The Champions ever broadcast in colour? Back then, my family only had a black and white television, so I don't know.)

  18. Re: TV to rpg


    Hello, I'm Korvar, and I'm an Internet pedant...


    Anyway, Jenna was in Season 2 (although she sadly had less and less to do), and did appear briefly in Season 3 for a cameo....


    Bless you, Korvar, my son, and may you be forgiven your pedantic ways...heh, no, pedantry's actually not a bug, it's a feature -- as I should know .


    Anyway, how are you numbering your seasons of Blake's 7? When B7 aired in New Zealand, "Season One" was Episodes 1-26, and Jenna (as played by Sally Knyvette) appeared in all of them.


    And never thereafter.


    As a matter of fact, I think the character's brief appearance on the organ-legging medical ship later in the series featured someone else playing Jenna; in any case, Knyvette wasn't credited.


    (By the bye, Season Two in NZ was Episodes 27-39, and Season Three - the last season - Episodes 40-52)









  19. Re: TV to rpg


    ...What about The Professionals? Those guys kicked major butt....


    Yes, Bodie (William Bodine) and Doyle (Ray Doyle) were like a slightly later, more realistic and English version of Starsky and Hutch. Wonderful, wonderful programme! And Crowley, Bodie and Doyle's boss at CI5, brought in all the gravitas of that actor's many dramatic roles.


    But much as I loved the programme, I don't think The Professionals would make an effective rpg. It's too real-world realistic...and that 'real world' is very dated.


    On the other hand, if you wanted to play a police procedural rpg set in the 1980s, The Professionals would be your setting.


    And if you wanted a police procedural set in the 1970s, you'd want The Sweeney

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