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Posts posted by Drakkenkin

  1. Re: Call for Replacements


    What is a character hook?


    I would like for the players who have submitted characters to post their character's hook.


    What I mean by that is what is the hook, the thing, that makes you want to play your character? What aspects of the character really attract you to him/her? What's the hook that makes the character important to you?


    I normally use the term character hook to mean ways the character can get.


    I think they want to make sure you're joining the group because you want to play your character appose to playing a character because you want to play in a game.


    For instance, I like the fact that Zacherias comes from the family history he has. It's interesting. Nether Jessica Jones nor Luke Cage had it easy in the beginning and I think that would affect their parenting and advice on going and becoming a “tights wearing hero”. I'm looking forward to a character that see what there parents were able to do and then trying to improve on it with the high ideals that younger heroes some times seem to have. I see Zacherias being "fresh off the streets" going at the big times for the first time and that intrigues me.


    Hope this is what you were looking for.

  2. Re: Call for Replacements


    Back Ground




    I was raided my mother, Jessica Jones, in Canada. My dad, Luke Cage, couldn't come around much because the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were always watching us trying to find him. When my Sister and I did get to see him it was always in some strange location and never for as long as I would have liked.


    I didn't understand what was going on back then. I must have been to sheltered from what was going on in the would. Yea, se would tell me plenty of stories of what she knew of dads past and what they had done together. She would even try to explain what dad was trying to do for mutants everywhere. Didn't help much. They were just stories to me then, and I just wanted him with us.


    Seconded year during high school it started to him me. I was starting to change. I was always stronger then the kids my age, but the difference was becoming freakish. It was fun at first, but one day I smashed in to the ball carrier. I didn’t think it was that hard but he went flying off the field and onto the track. He lived but had to be in traction for a long time. Kids avoided me after that; even most of my friends. I would see them whispering and all, but I didn’t have to put up with it long. The school ended up kicking me out. Mom said it as crap. She tried to fight it, but lost in the end. After all that, she decided to home school me. I think it was for the best. I was able to spend more time with her and I learned a little about being a detective.


    So, as time went on, I learned more about what made mom and dad tick. It took me ages get a grip on it. In fact it wasn't till the last time I saw my dad that I truly started to see the big picture. He told me of the past crimes that had been done against weaker people or people that were just different. He didn't want that to happen again, and with the help of the Avenger, they would put and end to it.


    A long time past without word form him. I was learning more and more about being a detective, but I keep thing about dad. I wanted to know if he was okay. I wanted to know how the fight was going. Most of all I just wanted to know my dad. Sitting around wasn’t getting me any were, and they say you learn by doing, so I told my mom I was going to move to New York


    There were many long nights of talks and some of fights. She really didn’t want me to go. In the end she said that as long as I keep in contact with her she would be okay with it.


    Man, things were tough down there. I tried to spend more time in the ghetto then any were else. I wanted to see some neighborhoods where dad started his Hero for Hire business. I saw crimes going on every day. None of them all that big during the day, but at night I could hear it was a different story. Gun shoots, sirens, something always going on.


    I keep to my self as I walked along. I didn’t want to get anybody hurt and most of all I just wanted to stay out of trouble. Not one of my most noble of times, but it’s the truth. I started that all of the people down here were all the same, nothing good about the lot of them. I was planning on moving back up with my mom, but fortunately I didn’t. I had the chance to help some people out.


    You see, I was going into a pawnshop one evening looking for some DVDs. Everything seemed to be just another day until some gang tugs came in. They started to harass the girl working the counter.


    The boss came over, tried to smooth things over

    Tugs wouldn’t let her alone

    Boss man told’em to leave

    They would not

    He threatened to call the cops

    They didn’t like the threat so, to teach him a lesson, they stabbed him. One started for the money the other was trying to drag the girl out.


    I wouldn’t take it any more

    They told me to mind my own business.

    I didn’t

    I took them down

    Shop keeper and girl thankfully

    Get a job at pawn store

    Word got around

    I started to do more jobs for people, mostly free

    Take on the name avenger

    Some lawyer got up set, said the name was already taken

    Changed name to Arbiter, but most people still call me ____(original name)___

    Got in the news a few times

    Offered spot on the team

    Took the offer because___________

    Still take time out to help the small guy on the street


    And that’s were I am now







    wanted to submit a projectionist too, but I'll have to save that for another day.

  3. Re: Call for Replacements


    On a suggestion from one of my players' date=' I have decided that they will pick the replacement characters.[/quote']


    I'm taking way to long to get this done. By the time I get done writing it the slots will be filled. So here is what I have. The character is done, but the back ground is in a VERY unfinished state. If I had more time I would make it flow a little better and flush out what would really be said. Anyway, I think it will have to do for now.


    FYI - Yes I know I'm over on disads. Hope you don't mind Corven_Ren




    Zechariahs Jones

    Player: Drakkenkin


    Val Char Cost

    80 STR 70

    25 DEX 45

    35 CON 50

    20 BODY 20

    15 INT 5

    13 EGO 6

    35 PRE 25

    16 COM 3


    35 PD 19

    28 ED 21

    6 SPD 25

    23 REC 0

    70 END 0

    78 STUN 0


    9" RUN 6

    5" SWIM 3

    20" LEAP 4

    Characteristics Cost: 302


    Cost Power END

    Skin Like Titanium

    31 1) Damage Resistance (30 PD/20 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (31 Active Points) 0

    10 2) Hardened (+1/4) for up to 40 Active Points of Normal Characteristics PD and ED (10 Active Points) 1

    8 3) LoW (-8) for Resistant Defenses 0

    8 4) LoW (-8) for Normal Defense 0


    16 Quick Healer: Healing 3 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (3 Body per Hour; -2 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 0

    15 Just give me a sec': +15 REC (30 Active Points); Only when Charater takes a Full Phase recovery (-1)

    20 Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) for up to 80 Active Points of STR (20 Active Points) 0

    1 LS (Safe in High Pressure) 0


    47 Multipower, 70-point reserve, (70 Active Points); all slots Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2)

    4u 1) Out of the Park: Double Knockback (+3/4) for up to 80 Active Points of Up to 80 strength (60 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2) 6

    3u 2) AOE (up to 6" Radius; +1) for up to 56 Active Points of up to 56 strength, No knockback, only knock down (+0), Hole In The Middle (+1/4) (70 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Only Affects Targets on the Ground (-1/4) 7

    2u 3) Wrapem up: Entangle 5d6, 9 DEF (70 Active Points); IAF (Appropriate Material of Opportunity; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Maybe longer depending on material used; -1/2), DEF depends on Material used (-1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2) 7

    3u 4) Sweeping Strike: AOE (up to One Hex; +1/2) for up to 80 Active Points of Up to 80 Str (40 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2) 4


    Justice Squadron Package

    6 1) Justice Squadron Radio: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OAF (-1) 0


    Powers Cost: 174


    Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

    3 Tackle: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, +v/5; You Fall, Target Falls

    5 Joint Break: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 1d6 +1 , Disable


    Jailhouse Rock

    4 1) Elbow Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 18d6 Strike

    4 2) Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 95 STR vs. Grabs

    5 3) Knee Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 20d6 Strike

    3 4) Takedown: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 16d6 Strike; Target Falls

    Martial Arts Cost: 24


    Cost Skill

    10 +1 Overall

    3 Sport 14-

    15 +3 with HTH Combat

    3 Analyze: Combat -Approprate level of force to use on a target 12- [Notes: I just want to knockem' out, not killem'.]

    2 Breakfall 14- (3 Active Points); Only to reduce/avoid damage from falls and knock back (-1/2)

    3 Concealment 12-

    3 Deduction 12-

    3 KS: Crime Activity (INT-based) 12-

    3 KS: Jailhouse Rock fighting style (INT-based) 12-

    5 Power: To be filled in later :: for STR tricks (DEX-based) 15-

    3 Shadowing 12-

    3 Stealth 14-

    3 Streetwise 16-

    2 Survival (Urban) 12-

    3 Hoist 12-

    3 Teamwork 14-


    Justice Squadron Member

    3 1) Paramedics 12-

    3 2) KS: International Law (INT-based) 12-

    3 3) Systems Operation 12-

    1 4) TF: HoverJet


    Everyman Skills

    0 1) Acting 8-

    0 2) CK: New York (INT-based) 8-

    0 3) Climbing 8-

    0 4) Concealment 8-

    0 5) Conversation 8-

    0 6) Deduction 8-

    0 7) Language: English (idiomatic; literate)

    0 8) Paramedics 8-

    0 9) Persuasion 8-

    0 10) PS: Private Eye (INT-based) 8-

    0 11) Shadowing 8-

    0 12) Stealth 8-

    0 13) TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

    Skills Cost: 77


    Cost Perk

    6 Contact: Charles "Smarty" Pickering (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 8- [Notes: He’s my eyes and ears on the street. Smarty is hard to get hold of, but always worth the time to find him. Typically he finds me more then I find him.]

    4 Contact: Yasunori Kishiro (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Good relationship with Contact) 8- [Notes: Contact in Asia, He is an inside contact to the Yakuza.]


    Justice Squadron Package

    1 1) Vehicles & Bases

    3 2) Reputation: Justice Squadron Member (A large group) 14-, +1/+1d6

    5 3) Fringe Benefit: International Police Powers


    Perks Cost: 19


    Cost Talent

    5 Resistance (5 points), Not verse lie-detector tests (+0)

    Talents Cost: 5


    Total Character Cost: 601


    Val Disadvantages

    15 Pawn shop keeper and girl: 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)

    10 Distinctive Features: Scans as a mutant (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)

    20 Hunted: Enemies of the Justice Squadron 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

    20 Hunted: Syndicate 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

    5 Money: Poor

    15 Phys. Lim.: Heavy :: 400lb (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)

    10 Phys. Lim.: Medical-Resistant Skin (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)

    10 Psych. Lim.: Code vs Killing (Common, Moderate)

    15 Psych. Lim.: Friends are woth the effort: Will risk Life and lim to save friends (Common, Strong)

    15 Psych. Lim.: Works off Instinct - dose not always work out a plan (Common, Strong)

    10 Psych. Lim.: Will protect innocent bystanders (Common, Moderate)

    5 Reputation: Will not kill, 8-

    10 Reputation: Son of Cage - In the work for the money / Loose cannon, 11-

    10 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x Effect Mental Powers, generally (Common)

    10 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN Ego Attacks (Common)


    Justice Squadron Package

    5 1) Social Limitation: Must Follow Justice Squadron Rules (Occasionally, Minor)


    Disadvantage Points: 185

    Base Points: 450

    Experience Required: 0

    Total Experience Available: 0

    Experience Unspent: 0

  4. Re: Call for Replacements


    Well, if you think we need a brick...

    I'm not stuck on the being the son of Cpt Atom, ...


    I have been working on making a brick to submit during last night. I wasn't planing on posting anything till I was done, but I thought I should say something now since people are thinking about changing there plans.


    It would be the child of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.


    Nevertheless, if you would prefer to make the brick, I'll whip up something else to submit.

  5. Re: Help Defining two powers


    I didn't get back to the forums for a while to reply, sorry. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you for the help.


    Again, I can see your points Killer Shrike, and the baggage my original plan would have came with. I've went with the ABLATIVE FF.

  6. Re: Help Defining two powers


    No, Entangle is an ATTACK power.


    You've got two basic options here, with various variations upon them.


    Basic Idea 1: a personal FORCE WALL. There are some complicating factors with such an approach, but it models your general effect well. Here is a sample character built around such a power.


    Basic Idea 2: Either Armor or Force Field with the ABLATIVE limitation applied to it. This is the easiest approach.


    FORCE WALL :: This is the first power I tried to use. It looked similar to what you have, but ideally there would be more body so the defense would not break once it was breached every time.


    ABLATIVE :: Using the optional rule where 5AP are removed may give a similay feel that would work.


    -I was thinking ENTANGLE at first for 2 primayry reasons. In the description of FORCE WALL it gives the instruction to use ENTANGLE when you want a wall with body. Combined it with the FORCE WALL lim. Self Only and became, almost, exactly what was ordered.


    ENTANGLE is defined as an attack power, but as far as I know that definition has no Game Mechanic based effect. Attack Powers are defined as being primarily use for attacks, but they don't need to be. Perhaps I'm to liberal with that definition, but I have seen ENTANGLE used to help the heros and FORCE WALL used to hinder villans.


    The "KNOW IT ALL" ability can be done many different ways; here are three (one of which also uses Retrocog)


    I looked up the Retrocognition know-it-all abilities you have. They gave me a better idea of what I could do to give it a better feel. Thanks for your help.

  7. Re: Help Defining two powers


    Basil :: As I thought about it I should be thankful that you pointed out that T**n may not be the best word for this situation. I wasn't getting many posts until you did so.


    For your first idea: Armor, Ablative, with the special effect it goes "bang" when it gets down to 0 defense.


    Your second: do you want to "tap into" any database, or only police databases?


    I was thinking of just into the police database.

  8. Re: Help Defining two powers


    Apparently. This isn't the first time someone from the MMORPG [sic] community has used the term on these boards, that I have seen.


    I wish I could hope it's the last. I fear it won't be. But I"ll be d****d if I'll put up with it.


    "Toon" = cartoon or cartoon-like PC.


    Outside of the RPG "TOON: The Cartoon Roleplaying Game" players have Player Characters (or PCs), NOT "toons".


    :rofl: I have been using that term since I played COH and you're the first one to make a big deal about it. Granted, I don't post alot, but still...


    For your personal reading enjoyment, I have removed that taboo from my original post.


    Personally, I see any fictional character as cartoon like. Some are just anchored in reality more then others. Then again I see graphic novels and manga as large, bound comic books, and anime as Japanese cartoons, but what are you going to do with us ignorant masses?


    Nevertheless, in hopes of keeping future discussion threads from being hijacked, I will heed Killer Shrike's advice.

  9. Re: Help Defining two powers


    Bloodstone :: thanks for the ideas. I'll take a look into those options.


    Braincraft :: Toons ,hmmm, I picked up the term when I started playing COH. I liked it, so I keep using it. Never did make a differentiation between v-games and RPGs.

  10. I'm trying to make some powers for a friend. One of them I think I have set up well but the other I'm not sure what I should really do.


    The power setting will be lowish with character made from 125 to 150 points. (the max points for a character have not been set in stone yet.)


    First :: A body armor made out of harden super natural-esk plasma that shatters if it is hit to hard and to often, and will move with the character.


    I was thinking


    Entangle 2d6, 4def [only to form barriers: -1, self only: -1/4, no range: -1/2] :: cost 30 a / 11 r



    Second :: The ability of Chuck, form the TV show Chuck, to tap into a , for lack of a better word, database of knowledge. Character can use it on command but it takes more time.


    Here is my latest stab at it


    Clairsentience (retrocognition) [Extra time(only to activate): 5min: -1, RSR (-1 per 5) : -1, concentration (0DCV, Must maintain concentration throughout, not aware or surroundings): -1 1/2,, Only to look into past police records: -1/2 ] :: cost 40 a / 7 r



    Please let me know how you would build them.

  11. Re: Working Up The Spell Create Food & Water


    :think: Well, you could change it to be 'until it is dispelled' but, given your take on it I would pitty the fool that was only eating magically summoned food and water for the last month. All the cells that were made up of the nurishment of the food would cease to exist. Heck, your body would all but shrivel up from all it's water being gone.


    Could you put 'untill it decays naturally'?

  12. Been looking on the site for the last two days trying to find an old thread that had low cost spells that could have been used by people for every day needs. Something like Hearth spells / magic.


    One spell helped people march farther, another one helped with birth, and so on.


    I could come up with some of them again, but many of them I had not thought of before and have since forgotten. They would all be helpful for a project I'm working on.


    I know this isn't much to go on, but I have high hopes.

  13. Re: Working Up The Spell Create Food & Water


    Transform: Nothing into Food and Water


    Here is an option using Transformation:


    4 :: Create Food and Water : 1d6 Transform (out of nothingness, returns back to nothingness after 6 hours ), Concentration (1/2 DCV), No Range, Gestures (both hands, pantomime the creation of the meal), Extra time - 1min



    -I would say a good size meal for one person per two body roll. Three body rolled I might let strech to two people, but the meals would be small.

  14. Re: Werewolf for a PC


    Thanks for the suggestions. I believe I’ll be using the multiform power.


    I've talked it over with the player and he seems okay with the concept we have worked out. There will be both Lycanthropic werewolves and the sifter that the player is going to be (still needs a name.) Both have similar traits but the sifter will not be as much of a killing machine (no regen, not as much RPD, ETC.) Also he will not be subject to multiform amnesia nor will he be subject to going Berserk (only a -8 enraged). On the Down side he will have to work with all the stereotypes that people have of Lycanthropic werewolves as most people can not tell them apart... or care to.


    I could write up the whole idea if anyone wants.


    I like the idea of the "speech impediment" and I'm going to use it thanks.


    I’ll also try out the limitation for the multiform suggested by Hugh Neilson. It should help with both the player and I staying on the same page and relieve some of the frustration that could come up.


    Also, thanks for the link. It gave me some ideas.

  15. I'm working on getting a game up and running in my area. One of the players would like to play a werewolf type character. After talking with him it seems like it will fit in, but I’m not sure how to work it out on paper


    I have seen the two major ways to do this (Multiform and Shape Shift) but I'm looking for a mix of the two.


    The player would like to keep their skill and combat related abilities while in all the forms (Man, Wolf and Wolfman), but wants each form to have a different feel (change in stats and powers.)


    What would a good way to do this?


    I was thinking of having him get Shape Shift with stats and physical changes, like bite and claws, with the limitation 'only in X form.'


    Then again I could have him get all the skills in his other forms with the multiform. I think this would be cleaner, but I’m not sure how this would play out as the character advances form experience.


    What are all of your thoughts on this?

  16. Bemith Militant BmV2


    [b]Vehicle Name:  Bemith Militant BmV2
    Owners Name:  
    Additional Info:  [/b]
    [b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
    2     SIZE    10   2                 Length 1.59",  Width 0.79",   Area 1.26"   Mass 400 kg   KB -2      
    40    STR     20   40      17-       HTH Damage 8d6  END [4]
    15    DEX     15   15      12-       OCV 5 DCV 4
    16    BODY    4    16      12-
    8     DEF     18   8                   
    2     SPD     0    2                 Phases:  6, 12
    18    RUN     24   18"               END [0]
    0     SWIM    -2   0"                END [0]
    0     LEAP    0    0"                0" forward, 0" upward
    [b]CHA Cost: 89[/b]
    [b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
        Basic Model
    2     1)  [b][i]Heavy Construction (+100kg)[/i][/b]: Knockback Resistance -1" - END=0
    10    2)  Ground Movement 0" (30" total), x8 Noncombat
    5     3)  [b][i]Solar visor[/i][/b]: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) - END=0
    4     4)  [b][i]Regulated Cockpit volume[/i][/b]: Hearing Group Flash Defense (4 points) - END=0
    10    5)  [b][i]Environmental Control [/i][/b]: LS  (Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) - END=0
    10    6)  LS  (Self-Contained Breathing), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 6 Hours (Recovers Charge only when 'oxygen' Suit is in a clean 'oxygen' environment; +0) - END=[1 cc]
    13    7)  [b][i]Fule Cell[/i][/b]: Endurance Reserve  (60 END, 15 REC) Reserve:  (21 Active Points); REC:  (15 Active Points); Fuel Dependent (fuel is Common; must refuel Once per 6 Hours; Fuel is  difficult to obtain; -1 1/4) - END=0
    10    8)  [b][i]Communication Unit[/i][/b]: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) - END=0
    5     9)  [b][i]RAD Scope[/i][/b]: Detect: Radiation A Single Thing 11- (Sight Group) [Notes: This senser unit is used to pick up moderate levels of radiation and convert it into images for the pilot to navigate and work buy.] - END=0
        Option PR2 [Notes: The Left arm unit it taken off and replaced with a PPR2U. Originally the Arm was fixed in a strictly forward facing firing arc under the logic that it would minimize industrial accidents. The mechanics that were
        impeding the unit’s movement were removed allowing the weapon to cover a full 180-degree arc in front of the miner.
    The power output was worked with during the redesign. At the cost of the end output power the engineers were able to
        get the unit to fire nearly instantaneously compared to the old firing time of one minute. 
    The engineers are currently trying to increase the accuracy of the weapon by way of various recoil dampening and gyrostabilizers, but they 
        have not had much success.
    Nevertheless, the work that had been done so far combined with the removal of the range dampeners has made this item a useful tool on the battlefield in trained hands.]
    16     1)  [b][i]Plasma Pulse Rail (PPR) Mt2[/i][/b]: RKA 3 1/2d6 (vs. ED), AP (+1/2) (82 Active Points); Minimum STR (STR min does't add/subtract damage) (25; -1 1/4), OIF Bulky (-1), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), 
              Extra Time (Extra Segment, -1/2), Reduced By Range (-1/4), Inaccurate (Plasma Kick Back) 1/2 OCV (-1/4), Limited Arc Of Fire (180 degrees; -1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) (uses END Reserve) 
             [Notes: Max Range: ~16"
    Damage by range: 0-4" : 4d6, 4-8" : 3d6, 9-12" : 3.5d6, 13-16" : 2d6, 17-22" : 2.5d6, 23-31" : 1d6] - END=16
        Option RE2 [Notes: Like their predecessors, these units bath an area in radiation. Unlike their predecessors they have been modified for combat. The low level radiation that the unit used to emit has been replaced with a high 
        intensity short life radiation. This weapons primary use is for anti-infantry and personnel.]
    18     1)  EB 2d6 (vs. ED), Damage Shield (+1/2), NND ([standard]; Protection from intense radiation; +1), AOE Nonselective (6" Radius; +1), Two-Dimensional (-1/4), Conforming (+1/2) (37 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) (uses END Reserve) - END=4
        Option FP
    17     [b][i]Force Pick[/i][/b]: Multipower, 67-point reserve,  (67 Active Points); all slots OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Minimum STR (20; -1), Two-Handed item (-1/2)
    1u     1)  [b][i]Spike[/i][/b]: HKA 3d6 (4 1/2d6 w/STR) (vs. PD), AP (+1/2) (67 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Minimum STR (20; -1), Two-Handed item (-1/2) (uses END Reserve) - END=7
    1u     2)  [b][i]Hammer[/i][/b]: HKA 3d6 (4 1/2d6 w/STR) (vs. ED), Penetrating (+1/2) (67 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Minimum STR (20; -1), Two-Handed item (-1/2) (uses END Reserve) - END=7
        Option Zero-G Mod - Griping feet
    6      1)  Clinging (45 STR) (12 Active Points); Cling STR reduction by 2/3 (-1) [Notes: Modified feet platforms, they are used to aid movement in zero-g environments and can be used to resist KB as one might experiance on a world with high winds.] - END=0
    -15    2)  Ground Movement -5", - x2 Noncombat (42" total) (-15 Active Points) - END=0
    [b]POWERS Cost: 113[/b]
    [b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
    10     Phys. Lim.:  Limited mobility (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
    15     Soc. Lim.:  Immediately attacked by RACE X as an enemy (Occasionally, Severe)
    [b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 25[/b]
    Total Character Cost: 202

  17. Bemith BmV1


    [b]Vehicle Name:  Bemith BmV1
    Owners Name:  
    Additional Info:  [/b]
    [b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
    2     SIZE    10   2                 Length 1.59",  Width 0.79",   Area 1.26"   Mass 400 kg   KB -2      
    35    STR     15   35      16-       HTH Damage 7d6  END [3]
    10    DEX     0    10      11-       OCV 3 DCV 2
    10    BODY    -2   10      11-
    4     DEF     6    4                   
    2     SPD     0    2                 Phases:  6, 12
    21    RUN     30   21"                END [0]
    0     SWIM    -2   0"                END [0]
    0     LEAP    0    0"                0" forward, 0" upward
    [b]CHA Cost: 57[/b]
    [b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
        Basic Model
    2     1)  [b][i]Heavy Construction (+100kg)[/i][/b]: Knockback Resistance -1" - END=0
    5     2)  Ground Movement 0" (36" total), x3 Noncombat
    3     3)  [b][i]Solar visor[/i][/b]: Sight Group Flash Defense (3 points) - END=0
    2     4)  [b][i]Regulated Cockpit volume[/i][/b]: Hearing Group Flash Defense (2 points) - END=0
    10    5)  [b][i]Environmental Control [/i][/b]: LS  (Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) - END=0
    8     6)  [b][i]O2 RBT[/i][/b]: LS  (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points); 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 5.5 Hours (Recovers Charge only a 'oxygen' refueling station; -1/4) [Notes: RBT = Recirculate breathing tank] - END=[1 cc]
    10    7)  [b][i]Fuel Cell[/i][/b]: Endurance Reserve  (50 END, 12 REC) Reserve:  (17 Active Points); REC:  (12 Active Points); Fuel Dependent (fuel is Common; must refuel Once per 6 Hours; Fuel is  difficult to obtain; -1 1/4) - END=0
    10    8)  [b][i]Communication Unit[/i][/b]: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) - END=0
    3     9)  [b][i]RAD Scope[/i][/b]: Detect: Radiation A Single Thing 9- (Sight Group) [Notes: This senser unit is used to pick up moderate levels of radiation and convert it into images for the pilot to navigate and work buy.] - END=0
        Option: PR [Notes: The Left arm unit it taken off and replaced with a PPRU. The arm unit that holds the PPRU is fixed for forward firing to limit industrial accidents. It's main use is for drilling holes.]
    16     1)  [b][i]Plasma Pulse Rail (PPR) MtV3[/i][/b]: RKA 4d6 (vs. ED), AP (+1/2) (90 Active Points); Minimum STR (STR min does't add/subtract damage) (25; -1 1/4), OIF Bulky (-1), Limited Arc Of Fire (60 degrees; -1/2), Very Limited Range (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Inaccurate (Plasma Kick Back) 1/2 OCV (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), Beam (-1/4) (uses END Reserve) [Notes: Max Range: ~16"
    Damage by range: 0-3" : 3d6, 4-6" : 2.5, 7-9" : 2d6, 10-12" : 1.5d6, 13-16" : 1d6] - END=9
        Option:  RE [Notes: Created to be mobile light creators for the mineworkers, these units bath areas in radiation that are to dark to see and have insufficient ambient. Allowing the worker units to see better in these areas.
    These units are often placed on Bemith taking cargo up and down in the mines. This way they will keep the area iluminated as they get other work done.]
    20     [b][i]RE Device[/i][/b]: Multipower, 40-point reserve,  (40 Active Points); all slots OIF Bulky (-1) - END=
    1u     1)  Sight Group Images Increased Size (16" radius; +1) (20 Active Points); Only To Create Light (-1), OIF Bulky (-1) (uses END Reserve) - END=2
    2u     2)  [b][i]Radiation Emitter[/i][/b]: CE 16" radius, +1 Points of Damage, Long-Lasting 6 Hours (40 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) (uses END Reserve) [Notes: Dammage is NND Vs protection from or immunity from radiation] - END=4
        Option: FP  
    17     [b][i]Force Pick[/i][/b]: Multipower, 67-point reserve,  (67 Active Points); all slots OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Minimum STR (20; -1), Two-Handed item (-1/2) - END=
    1u     1)  [b][i]Hammer[/i][/b]: HKA 3d6 (4d6+1 w/STR) (vs. ED), Penetrating (+1/2) (67 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Minimum STR (20; -1), Two-Handed item (-1/2) (uses END Reserve) - END=7
    1u     2)  [b][i]Spike[/i][/b]: HKA 3d6 (4d6+1 w/STR) (vs. PD), AP (+1/2) (67 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Minimum STR (20; -1), Two-Handed item (-1/2) (uses END Reserve) - END=7
        Option: Zero-G Mod  
    6      1)  Clinging (40 STR) (12 Active Points); Cling STR reduction by 2/3 (-1) [Notes: Modified feet platforms, they are used to aid movement in zero-g environments and can be used to resist KB as one might experiance on a world with high winds.] - END=0
    -17    2)  Ground Movement -6", - x2 Noncombat (42" total) (-17 Active Points) - END=0
    [b]POWERS Cost: 100[/b]
    [b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
    10     Phys. Lim.:  Limited mobility (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
    15     Soc. Lim.:  Immediately attacked by RACE X as an enemy (Occasionally, Severe)
    [b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 25[/b]
    Total Character Cost: 157

  18. Re: OIF vs Mec (Vehicle)


    Thanks for the input!


    This will be the first game I'll be running. I want to make sure I don't make a decision I'll regret later, and I'm a little worried about making things balanced. Anyway, I thought I would post the two versions of the Mining Mec (militant and non Militant) for anyone that would like to use them or for tweaking.


    I'm thinking I'll go with a 150 to 200 pt campaign where each person gets some impressive equipment, or vehicle. The more the perk will be useful (could be used more often) the fewer points I will spend on it.


    As for the feel of the game, I'm hoping to give a grittier feel to the campaign. I will be using to hit locations, bleeding, damaged parts, and the like. I plan to keep combat down, but when it does crop up I'm hoping the players will see it as a means to an ends not because they can/have to.

  19. I was working on making two PC for some people that are new to the Hero System and I came to the following question.


    Should a power suit for a hero level game be made as an OIF or as a Vehicle? Dose it matter?


    The first PC will spend most of his time in the Suit. It will supply life support and a few other things. The suit will respond right away (be more of an extension of the PC) and be closely connected to the PC I thought the suit would be best modeled as an OIF/Durable/very difficult to replace.


    The second PC was going to have a power suit as well but it was going to be more of a combat suit mec about 1.5 x the height and twice the width of the PC. The concept of the suit is it was once a personal asteroid mining mec converted for wartime. The suit will not respond as readily and the PC will not need to spend as much time in it. Besauce of this, I was thinking of making it as a vehicle.


    Do these sound right, or should they be handled in another way (for instance the suit is just a FX)?


    What foundation do you think these suits should be built on?

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